Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Scott Darcy was the sheriff of Marion County, West Virginia, before the Great War. He was assigned to work with Curtis Wilson from the BADTFL during his investigation into the Free States.


A local sheriff in what would eventually become the Savage Divide, Scott Darcy was assigned to assist federal agent Curtis Wilson with investigating the Appalachian Free States movement. However, in the course of their investigation they uncovered several vast government conspiracies, culminating in Wilson quitting the BADTFL to further investigate these conspiracies with Darcy. When the bombs dropped, both men initially survived and continued their investigations, with the confusion and breakdown of federal authority opening many doors previously locked to them.[1]

Flavia Stabo held Darcy in high regard, and under the guise of the Vigilant Citizen wrote a letter to be delivered to him in the event of her death while investigating the Appalachian Treasure.

However, Darcy later turned up dead in suspicious circumstances, leading Wilson to lock down the terminal with their findings and go further into hiding.

Related holotapes[]


Scott Darcy is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

Darcy has a voice type associated with the aforementioned holotapes. Although a folder exists for the voice type in the game's files, it is empty.

