Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Flavia Stabo, codename FS and Vigilant Citizen, was the owner of the Grafton Pawn Shop and responsible for various packages and messages regarding the Appalachian Treasure.


An investigator who sought to find the answers to the "Treasure of Appalachia," Flavia Stabo was determined to discover the secrets of Vault 79.[3] She sent out mysterious map fragments and various packages to like-minded individuals who might be inclined to seek the truth. Sometime during the summer of 2077, she was caught trespassing outside the facility by United States government agents and was executed.[4] Her exposed body would be discarded in a shallow grave outside of the Vault 79 entrance.

Her pawn shop would remain closed for months, with an eviction notice being given out in October 2077.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

When examining her remains, a message appears: "The skeletal structure looks to be that of a female. There also appears to be a large fracture at the base of the skull, which is surrounded by gunpowder residue."


Flavia Stabo's skeleton appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

