Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Advanced mutations lab recording is a holotape that was cut from Fallout 76.



Sheriff Scott Darcy: My god, this place stinks to high heaven!

BADTFL Agent Curtis Wilson: We've got another terminal over here. I'm going to try that password. Hmm. Looks like it's taking an audio recording.

Sheriff Scott Darcy: Who cares? Not like anyone's around to check it.

BADTFL Agent Curtis Wilson: Looks like they were experimenting on some advanced mutations. Some really messed-up stuff.

Sheriff Scott Darcy: Hey looks like the power to this other room's been cut. Looks like I can reconnect the wires. Mother of mercy...

BADTFL Agent Curtis Wilson: Scott... What did you do. What the fuck is that thing? Fuck! Get inside and close the door. We'll stay in there until it goes away!
