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Fallout Wiki

The Blacksite holotape is a holotape that was cut from Fallout 76.



Joyce West: This is Project Somnus Director CAPT Joyce West Interviewing Agent DWS746. Agent. Please state your name for the record.

Douglas Martin Schultz: Douglas Martin Schultz

Joyce West: Good. Your ID is PS59683. Please repeat your name, followed by your ID number for our voice identification system.

Douglas Martin Schultz: Douglas Martin Schultz. ID Number PS59683.

Joyce West: Okay. Next, as a test, I'm going to slap you across the face. You are not to react under any circumstances. You will not remember the physical contact nor the pain response at all. Now, tell me, how are you feeling?

Douglas Martin Schultz: I'm feeling pretty good. How are you?.

Joyce West: Excellent. We're done here. Agent DWS746 seems ready for field work. He may be, scheduled, tasked, and released along with his field supplies.
