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Fallout Wiki

This is a real game changer, Raleigh... if what you say is true.

Hank Madigan was a member of the Responders, a lieutenant of the Fire Breathers, and a former member of the Brotherhood of Steel.


After the Great War, Madigan initially enrolled with Taggerdy's Thunder and became a member of the Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel. He remained with the organization for years, afterward joining the Responders.

Together with Melody, Madigan formed the Fire Breathers, an elite fighting unit of the Responders dedicated to fighting in the Ash Heap and preventing the Scorched from taking over. As a member of the Fire Breathers, Madigan continued to run independent operations over the mountains, which involved making a run at the AMS corporate headquarters in Watoga. He was responsible for the discovery that depleted ultracite laced munitions could inflict heavy damage against the Scorched, after he recovered research from Atomic Mining Services.[1] During this mission to AMS, Madigan also found leads for the Excavator power armor developed by the Garrahan Mining Company.[2][3]

After the fall of the Brotherhood, Madigan ventured beyond the mountains into the Mire and made contact with the Free States, after being caught at Raleigh Clay's bunker attempting to "figure out" one of the scorchbeast lures which had been set up there. When he learned that the device was one that could lure and disorient a scorchbeast long enough for a team of militants to eliminate it, he asked for proof, but Raleigh Clay told him that they were not willing to just share their discoveries with an ex-Brotherhood member and that he had some serious trust to earn.[4] He was also told that the device would already be completed if not for the raiders of the Savage Divide.

In late 2096, determined to earn the trust of Clay and to save Appalachia from the Scorched Plague, Madigan attempted to broker peace between the Responders and the raiders at the Top of the World in order to install the scorchbeast lure but was instead imprisoned in a cage by the Cutthroats leader David Thorpe. Thorpe hoped to extort the Responders and Free States in exchange for the Scorched Detection System uplink that Madigan was carrying. Although Madigan gave them information, the Cutthroats left Madigan to starve to death in the cage, although it is ambiguous if it was intentional as there are many indicators that the Cutthroats had been taken out by the Scorched Plague. The Cutthroats also destroyed Madigan's uplink and kept it in a cache in the basement of the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort.

His corpse remains in the steel cage near Rose who mentions she was not present when Madigan died.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Fire Breather uniform

Related holotapes[]


The name internally used by the game for this corpse incorrectly duplicates the name of Darion Jones.


Hank Madigan appears only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

In an unused holotape, Hank Madigan is mentioned as part of Marine Recon.[5]


  1. Message from Hank Madigan
  2. Charleston Fire Department terminal entries; Fire Breathers master terminal, Excavator Armor
  3. Madigan scouting report - Garrahan
  4. Madigan encounter
  5. Fallout 76 unused content Maria Chavez: "Sergeant Madigan, is it?"
    Hank Madigan: "Was. Not sure that really applies anymore."
    Melody Larkin: "Cause you quit the Brotherhood."
    Hank Madigan: "Our interests no longer aligned."
    Maria Chavez: "And why is that, exactly? Brotherhood's been a good ally to us. Taking you on could be seen as an act of bad faith. "
    Hank Madigan: "Taggerdy's Brotherhood was a fine organization. Maxson's Brotherhood's only cares about locking away every bit of technology they can get their hands on. I was a fire fighter before the war. It's my opinion that looking after the people of Appalachia should be top priority. From what I've heard, Responders do too."
    Maria Chavez: "I'm guessing Paladin Taggerdy didn't recruit a fire fighter because she liked how you looked in fatigues. What were you before your civilian life?"
    Hank Madigan: "Marine Recon."
    Melody Larkin: "No shit."
    Maria Chavez: " And why would the Responders need a Marine-turned-Brotherhood defector in their midst?"
    Hank Madigan: "Because I guarantee you don't have someone like me. I find things. People. Supplies. Solutions. And I'm good at it. You guys have a lot of mouths to feed and a lot of people to keep safe. I can help you do both. All I ask is regular rations and my own bunk."
    Melody Larkin: "And how do we know you ain't just sellin' us a bill of goods?"
    Hank Madigan: "I'm willing to prove it. Gimme a job. I'll show you what I can do."
    Melody Larkin: "How would you feel about getting back into a fire suit?"
    (Maria Chavez, Hank Madigan and Melody Larkin's dialogue)
    Note: These lines are from unused HolotapeQuest_LVC.