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This is a transcript for dialogue with Maria Chavez (holotapes).


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00006FA3 0001575D I wrote the formulas down while I was at Arktos Pharma, but some ghouls chased me out. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
2 I need to get back there so I can do some trials. I'm confident it'll work, but I'd like to be completely sure. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
3 After that, I'll head to AVR medical and start work on the next chapter. Hopefully there won't be ghouls there, too. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts. Wry humor at the end.
4 00006FA4 00015772 Our rations of Rad-X and RadAway are too limited to treat everyone, but I've been working on a way to extend those supplies. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
5 I've found a way to create diluted variations of both Rad-X and RadAway, cutting the base chems with purified water. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
6 0000E8D3 00015B05 We've lost too many good men and women to the terrible effects of radiation. Most didn't know they'd been exposed until it was too late. Sad, but professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
7 000156BD 00015B04 I've been thinking about where to start. What's the first thing, the most important thing, we can teach our members? Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
8 It has to be radiation, that silent killer, omnipresent in the world around us. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
9 0001575C 000219B9 Responders field manual project, entry one. Maria Chavez speaking. Professional, formal
10 001615CF 001615D4 It's all falling apart. Sick from radiation poisoning, on the verge of death. Despair, sadness, hopelessness.
11 Kamara signed up with the Responders. Brian's fallen in with the anarchists up in the mountains. And Eric... why did he have to complicate things? Sick from radiation poisoning, on the verge of death. Despair, sadness, hopelessness.
12 He didn't take it too well when I told him I don't feel the same way about us. He just walked away. I'll probably never see him again. NOTE: Sick from radiation poisoning, on the verge of death. Despair, sadness, hopelessness.
13 I used to think it was up to me to make sure our plan didn't fall into the wrong hands. But now... Hell, what difference does it really make? NOTE: Sick from radiation poisoning, on the verge of death. Despair, sadness, hopelessness.
14 I don't have much time left. I feel so sick. My hair's falling out. Maybe if someone finds this... maybe you can finish what we started. NOTE: Sick from radiation poisoning, on the verge of death. Despair, sadness, hopelessness.
15 The school... hiding a secret. A secret that might help you survive. Find the training room terminal. Learn about... the plan. NOTE: Sick from radiation poisoning, on the verge of death. Despair, sadness, hopelessness.
16 So sick, can barely... barely... *gurgling sounds* Dying from radiation poisoning
17 001D5A6D 001D5A72 Shit... they're here. I'm out of time. Read the terminal. Learn about the Scorched. Remember us. Sad, desperate, hurried. Background audio of gunfire, Scorched attacking, people shouting and screaming, barriers being destroyed.
18 And... good luck. Sad, desperate, hurried. Background audio of gunfire, Scorched attacking, people shouting and screaming, barriers being destroyed.
19 001D5A6E 001D5A77 We were called the Responders. After the bombs fell, we tried to help people. Maybe I can still help you. Sad, desperate, hurried. Background audio of gunfire, Scorched attacking, people shouting and screaming, barriers being destroyed.
20 The terminal nearby... if it's still there, use it. Learn about the inoculation project. It might just save your life. Sad, desperate, hurried. Background audio of gunfire, Scorched attacking, people shouting and screaming, barriers being destroyed.
21 001D5A6F 001D5A76 My name is Maria Chavez, and I am about to die. Sad, desperate, hurried. Background audio of gunfire, Scorched attacking, people shouting and screaming, barriers being destroyed.
22 The Scorched have overrun our defenses. They're coming for us all. If you find this, please listen carefully. Sad, desperate, hurried. Background audio of gunfire, Scorched attacking, people shouting and screaming, barriers being destroyed.
23 002B8E0B 002B8E25 Pull yourself together, man! I swear, you're the most timid security volunteer I've ever met. Annoyed again. The "man" here is not like a hippie/cool man, it's more of a upper crust British guy snapping at his butler/suboordinate.
24 Where was I? Ah. I recommend we return with a mechanical team to investigate the possibility of restoring this facility to full operational status.
25 This concludes my report. Panicked yelling from the nearby combat, it's not going well for Strauss. Ends with the sound of a pump shotgun being cocked.
26 002B8E0C 002B8E20 Where are all these robots coming from, anyway? What are they doing here? Maybe we should just get out of here. Quiet, scared, almost a whisper
27 002B8E0D 002B8E1D If the robots are a concern, go and deal with them. You're supposed to be my security escort, aren't you? Annoyed
28 As I was saying, recon mission wrapping up now. What I've found here is very promising. There's a good chance I can get these machines operational. Returning to your report, still a little annoyed, but settling back down into your groove.
29 002B8E0E 002B8E21 Shh! Not so loud, Mister Sanjay! I can hear more of those little robots with the red stars walking around nearby. Feeling nervous, danger is close
30 002B8E0F 002B8E23 Responders field report, Sanjay Kumar speaking. Recon mission to Mama Dolce's Food Processing plant nearly complete. Matter of fact, business as usual
31 002B8E10 002B8E19 Okay. I promise. Tender, sincere
32 002B8E11 002B8E24 I know, but part of rebuilding the world is... well, having families again, and I think that's an important responsibility, too. A placation, but a sincere one
33 Besides, why even bother trying to survive if there aren't things worth living for?
34 Look... if this is too soon for you, then I'll wait until you're ready. Just promise you'll tell me if you change your mind. Gentle, a sincere offer made out of love
35 002B8E12 002B8E22 Jeff, don't. I know what you want to say, but... now isn't the time. I don't know if it ever will be. I just can't think about that right now. Firm, but sad. You are being honest but breaking someone's heart. This is difficult and very emotional
36 It's not that I don't care about you, but I have my work on the environmental monitoring program, and you've got your duties to the Responders. Trying to let him down gently
37 People are counting on us to be selfless. To put their needs ahead of ours. Determined, this is important
38 002B8E13 002B8E1B Because I never want to forget how lucky I am to be alive. Focused, back in the present, clear-eyed, firm
39 I volunteered for the mission to Pleasant Valley because I was bored and wanted some excitement in my life. I know, I was young and stupid. Telling an important story
40 We weren't even an hour outside the city when we heard the blast from the dam. We looked on as the river washed half of Charleston away. Gloomy, a painful memory
41 I lost every friend I had on that day, and for a long time, I felt like it was unfair that I survived. Like I should have died with them. Melancholy, baring your soul
42 But that all changed on the day I met you, Amy. You gave me a reason to want to be alive. Baring your soul, getting ready to propose marriage
43 That's why I wanted to ask you... About to propose marriage
44 002B8E14 002B8E26 The mud flats? Why? There's nothing to see there. It's a ruin. Perplexed
45 002B8E15 002B8E1E The view, actually. You can see the floodlands perfectly from here. Distant, lost in thought a little, looking into the past
46 002B8E16 002B8E1A When I was a student at VTU, I always thought Summersville was one of the prettiest towns I'd ever seen. It was... quaint, you know? Old-fashioned. A fond reminiscence
47 Now it's lost all of its charm for me. I just see a sad, decaying place filled with the ghosts of a forgotten world. Melancholy
48 What draws you here? Is it the silence? Curious
49 002B8E17 002B8E1C Oh, um... yeah. There's something I wanted to document. Don't worry, it's nothing weird, I promise. Sheepish
50 Anyway, you asked where I like to go to be alone and think, and here we are. Confiding something personal in a woman you love. Early in a budding relationship.
51 002B8E18 002B8E1F Wait, is that... you brought a holotape recorder? Surprised, a little uneasy
52 00324E13 00324E15 Today, disease is rampant. There are countless viruses and bacterial infections out there, and we need a way to deal with them. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
53 I was hoping I might find something here to help treat all the sick and injured refugees we've got back at the airport.
54 Unfortunately, the place has been picked pretty clean by now, and there isn't much left. With a sigh, heavy-hearted
55 00324E14 00324E16 Responders field report. Maria Chavez speaking. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
56 Being here at AVR Medical really brings back memories. My mother worked at this place for years as a nurse. Reminiscing fondly
57 When I was a child, back before the war, I got sick for days. Supply shortages had driven the price of medicine beyond what we could afford. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
58 Lucky for us, my mom wasn't just a nurse, but also a natural green thumb. We had a garden with all kinds of herbs and flowers. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
59 She treated me with home-made herbal remedies. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
60 0033F7C8 0033F7C9 Jeff, I really hope you got my message and my hint was clear enough to help you find this holotape. Urgent, frightened, preparing to go into hiding. Also a note of tenderness, leaving a message for your boyfriend.
61 I'm leaving the cabin. These Brotherhood of Steel guys haven't found out where I live yet, but they might. Urgent, frightened, preparing to go into hiding. Also a note of tenderness, leaving a message for your boyfriend.
62 I'm going to hide out in the place we had our first date. Come and meet me there when you can. Urgent, frightened, preparing to go into hiding. Also a note of tenderness, leaving a message for your boyfriend.
63 I locked out my environmental monitoring program with a password and I'd like you to have it. Urgent, frightened, preparing to go into hiding. Also a note of tenderness, leaving a message for your boyfriend.
64 After everything the Brotherhood has put us through, there's no way in hell they're getting my research. Urgent, frightened, preparing to go into hiding. Also a note of tenderness, leaving a message for your boyfriend.
65 I hope you can find me soon. Until then, be safe and... I love you. I should have told you much sooner, in person. Urgent, frightened, preparing to go into hiding. Also a note of tenderness, leaving a message for your boyfriend.
66 0034F2F2 0034F2F3 My name is Hayley Porter. I'm making this holotape because I don't have much time left.
67 I hope... I pray someone finds this. That someone... that you... can finish what we started.
68 There were four of us once, but now it's just me. The others... Brian, Kamara, Eric... all left for reasons of their own.
69 We were so close to learning the secret... to finding what Vault-Tec was hiding in the school.
70 If you're listening to this, find my terminal in the training room. The password is... "Inevitability".
71 Learn about the plan. Learn about what Vault-Tec was hiding. Maybe it can help you. Maybe it can help everyone.
72 Maybe you can do what we failed to do. Survive...
73 00366F9A 00366F9D Today, disease is rampant. There are countless viruses and bacterial infections out there, and we need a way to deal with them. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
74 I've put together some herbal tea recipes that should mitigate the symptoms of the more common sicknesses. It's not a cure, but it's something.
75 Well, I think I'll wrap this up.
76 I better get back to the airport and see if Sanjay got that questionnaire set up. He said it would be done by now. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
77 00366F9B 00366F9C Responders field manual project, entry two. Maria Chavez speaking. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
78 When I was a child, back before the war, I got sick for days. Supply shortages had driven the price of medicine beyond what we could afford. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
79 Lucky for us, my mom wasn't just a nurse, but also a natural green thumb. We had a garden with all kinds of herbs and flowers. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
80 She nursed me back to health not with prescription drugs, but with home-made herbal remedies. Professional, thinking aloud to yourself. A journal, documenting your efforts.
81 004ECC5C 004ECC66 We lost almost everything; our homes, our supplies and most of our friends and family. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
82 The days and weeks that followed were the hardest of my life, but somehow, we held together. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
83 We kept the idea of the Responders alive, even though there were only a handful of us left. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
84 That's the story of the Christmas Flood. Tell your children, tell everyone you meet. Let's keep the memory alive for as long as we can. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
85 004ECC5D 004ECC65 By then, the Responders were more or less running things in the city, and we were doing pretty well for ourselves. A fond memory
86 We felt confident we could confront the raiders on their home turf, so we sent a group up into the mountains to see if we could make a deal. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
87 We hoped we could get them to leave us alone if we agreed to release some of the prisoners. We were wrong. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
88 Thorpe had somehow got his hands on a mini-nuke, and he used it to blow the Summersville Dam on Christmas morning. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
89 004ECC5E 004ECC62 Years later, Thorpe's girlfriend Rosalynn led a raid on Charleston. They were spotted early, and a fight broke out. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
90 A few of them escaped, but Rosalynn was injured and taken prisoner along with some of the other raiders. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
91 004ECC5F 004ECC63 The failure to secure help led to a change in leadership for the survivors at the ski resort. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
92 A cold and brutal man named David Thorpe took charge, and he shaped those people into something terrible. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
93 They took what they wanted by force and killed anyone that stood in their way. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
94 004ECC60 004ECC67 I suppose the story really begins in November of 2077, the month after the war. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
95 Survivors from the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort sent a group to Charleston to ask for help and supplies. The city leaders turned them away. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
96 There was so much chaos and so much need back then, I suppose it was an impossible request to grant.
97 004ECC61 004ECC64 This is Maria Chavez speaking, and today is December 25th, 2092. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
98 Once, in the world before the war, this would have been a joyous time to celebrate with loved ones. Now it's a time to reflect and to mourn. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart
99 It was on this day ten years ago that we lost so much in the tragic event we call the Christmas Flood. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart
100 I'm making this recording in the hopes of ensuring the flood and its victims are never forgotten. Telling a tragic story from the past, a reminiscence spoken with a heavy heart.
101 00511A5D 00511A71 Yes ma'am. Grim. A long pause up front, maybe a deep breath to fill it. You're likely going on a suicide mission.
102 00511A5E 00511A6E We are out of time, Leo. Firm, a little cold, giving a very difficult order, likely signing death warrants
103 Melody's going to lead the mission. She's got experience in this kind of thing, and I'd trust her with my life. With all our lives. Firm, commanding
104 Now turn off that damn recorder and do your duty, Fire Breather. Firm, commanding
105 00511A5F 00511A79 We just need more time! He's coming back. I'm telling you, he'll be here! We just... need time. Angry, frustrated, but starting to cave in
106 00511A60 00511A76 That's enough! Both of you, stop it! Breaking up a shouting match between friends
107 Look... Leo... the reports, they're talking about a horde of Scorched on the other side of those mountains. Desperate, pleading
108 You know as well as I do that sealing the tunnel's our best chance to stop them. Maybe our only chance. Pleading, trying to make someone see reason
109 If the Fire Breathers don't move now, everyone dies. It's just a matter of when. Pleading, desperate, but forceful
110 00511A61 00511A73 I'm out of line?! I ain't the one agreeing to send the Fire Breathers on a suicide mission without our best man! ANgry, shouting
111 00511A62 00511A6D You are way the hell out of line, Chase! Very angry, shouting
112 00511A63 00511A7A You're damn right I am! I want Madigan to hear about this when he gets back. I want him to know what you're trying to pull here! Angry, indignant
113 00511A64 00511A78 Really? You're going to record this? Annoyed, frustrated
114 00511A66 00511A74 Oh lord, please forgive me if any of these things is a cousin. Trepidation. Also, we hear Melody start banging on a hubcap with a stick in the background
115 00511A67 00511A70 Hey! Get your head in the game, rook! Quit makin' these things out to be more than they are. Snapping, authoritative
116 Well all come from around here, an' we all had families an' homes that we lost when the bombs fell. Sutton's just a place. The airport's home now. Firm
117 Get ready. I'm going to make some noise an' draw them out. Just remember your trainin' an' you'll do fine. Firm, commanding
118 00511A68 00511A72 Ferals?! Those things give me the willies! All that hissin' and raspin' and jumpin' around... but then you remember they used to be folks like us. Frightened, looking around for danger
119 Oh no! What if some of them are my relations? Or, I mean, they used to be. Worried, frightened
120 00511A69 00511A77 Well it ain't as lonely as you think. This place crawls with ferals, an' ferals is why we're here, rook. It's time for some live-fire training. Bossy like a drill sergeant, but not as loud
121 00511A6A 00511A6C Sutton... I grew up here. Seems kind of quiet and lonely now. A little spooked
122 00511A6B 00511A6F So, having had basically no luck in this creepy abandoned hospital, I've decided to turn instead to my mother's wisdom. A little frustrated, but also appreciating your mother
123 I've put together some herbal tea recipes that should mitigate the symptoms of the more common sicknesses. It's not a cure, but it's something.
124 Well, I think I'll wrap this up.
125 Guess I'm off to pick some flowers. A little exasperated, disappointed you didn't find any medicine at the hospital
126 0051C7E9 0051C7EA Hey everyone, this is Derek, making my final report on the events at Harpers Ferry. Hopefully this reaches you all safely. A little shaken, reporting from the scene of a recent attack that left devastation and death in its wake
127 Whatever happened here, it was big. The whole area is... it's devastated. If any of our people survived, I can't find a trace of them. A little shaken, reporting from the scene of a recent attack that left devastation and death in its wake
128 I talked to some of the locals. They say creatures came from the sky and laid waste to the town. A little shaken, reporting from the scene of a recent attack that left devastation and death in its wake.
129 Some of the ones who got hurt in the attack were transformed or something. They apparently turned into monsters and attacked anyone they could reach. A little shaken, reporting from the scene of a recent attack that left devastation and death in its wake.
130 Raleigh says he and his people are going to seal themselves up in their bunkers and try to figure out a way to fight these creatures. A note of disappointment and anger as old friends are turning their backs on you in a time of need
131 In other words, we won't be getting any more help from these Free States guys. A note of disappointment and anger as old friends are turning their backs on you in a time of need.
132 Maria, I was hoping you could get in touch with Ella, see if maybe she can lean on Raleigh a little, get him to see that this isn't the way. Annoyed at Raleigh for turning his back on you, but hopeful your friend can change his mind
133 If you ask me, I think it's damn selfish of them to turn their backs on the rest of us, on people who need their help to survive. A note of disappointment and anger as old friends are turning their backs on you in a time of need
134 There's nothing else l can do here. Guess we can scratch Harpers Ferry off the map. Somber, sad
135 I'll be heading back soon, but I want to check in on the some of the farms along the way. Should be about a week. Somber, a note of finality, closing a chapter


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 003E1947 003E1948 Automated Warning to all Responders. The Mr. Farmhands are out of control. A message Maria recorded ahead of time, so there's no emergency right now - but she's compassionate to future peeps. Also, exasperated on "again"
2 Evacuate civilians and take down those Supervisors. Subtext - "be careful, they're dangerous"
3 Once they're dealt with you'll have to reboot the server. Again. Grim exasperation here, this keeps happening - and some day someone's going to die
4 003E54CD 003E54CE Automated message. The Forest Watch detects all Supervisors down. Good job. Pleased, proud
5 Responder team proceed to the Ag Center and get to the Mainframe. You need to reset the Farmhand targetting parameters. Trying to be really clear here
6 That should keep our people safe in the area. Be careful. A little ensure this will actually help, but it's important