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This is a transcript for dialogue with Hank Madigan (holotapes).


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000B3618 000B35FE This is Hank Madigan. Message to any Fire Breathers running through here after me. recording a holotape
2 Had to dodge more robots and turrets than I can count, but I found what we were looking for.
3 Atomic Mining Services were the barons of Ultracite. Had a lab right here in this office. I think they might have found a way to help us out. Even if they didn't know it.
4 0016B645 0016B43F Twenty-five years on the force, and they're saying I won't be getting my retirement package. Say they can't afford it, anymore. Lucky them, they get to decide that. recording a holotape
5 I asked if maybe if I could be transferred to Watoga, take some kind of desk job, but they're not hiring. The robots are handling all the security, they told me.
6 0016B654 0016B60B Dad, I know you wanted me to stay, but I'm leaving. I... I have my daughter to think about now. This whole town is dying, and you don't even see it. recording a holotape
7 The government, the mining companies, Vault-Tec... they want West Virginia to run by the machines.
8 Don't you get it? There won't be any work once Watoga is finished. They won't... they won't need people anymore.
9 I'm sorry. I really hope one day you'll understand.
10 0016B66A 0016B616 Condemned. That's what they told me. Five generations lived under this roof, and now the government, my government, is taking it from us. recording a holotape
11 I asked the agent what they're going to do with it, and you know what he told me?
12 "Just buy an apartment up in Watoga. Ain't that supposed to be the city of the future?" Then he sneered at me and laughed.
13 We'll see who's laughing when they try to drag me out of here.
14 001A1C22 001A1C23 This is the third time this week I've seen protestors marching outside of Watoga. recording a holotape
15 For the amount of money we're paying, I expect a certain level of security. How is anyone here safe with those mobs screaming at us all day?
16 001A1C66 001A1B4B I can't believe some of the riff-raff that's made it through the application process.
17 I was told Watoga would be an exclusive neighborhood, but the caliber of some of the people they've allowed in. Hmph.
18 They would never have been accepted if I was in charge, that's for sure.
19 001A1C67 001A1B4A Scouting report. Brotherhood Squire Schultz.
20 Everything in this entire shopping plaza is a load of junk. I thought this place was meant for rich people. Why were they buying all this crap?
21 At least the storefronts give you plenty of places to hide. The bots are everywhere. Might be the only things worth salvaging if I could get the drop on one.
22 00320784 00320471 Scouting report. Brotherhood Squire Schultz.
23 Kerwood Mine is almost completely flooded. Going down into that brine without Power Armor or a stronger set of lungs seems suicidal.
24 It's too bad. My recon instincts are telling me there could be something good down there. Maybe a way into that locked room.
25 00348DBF 00348BFF Scouting report. Brotherhood Squire Schultz.
26 This whole trainyard is half-sunk in the ground. Anyone in the middle of that mess is just begging for a sniper to pick them off.
27 These two warehouses seem to be the only good defensible position. There's a nice walkway between them and plenty of places to get the drop on someone.
28 Heh. I might actually be getting the hang of this.
29 00348DC0 00348C00 Scouting report. Brotherhood Squire Schultz.
30 This old antique store has been a good source of supplies. I've stashed some weapons and ammo in the shed out back.
31 Scavenging runs into Watoga have been... mixed. The robots are everywhere and you never know when a turret is going to pop out of its hiding place and start filling the area with lead or laser fire.
32 I really should've paid more attention to during training.
33 00359772 00359773 Turns out once all the fuel is spent, there's a hunk of material left behind. This depleted Ultracite doesn't play nice with the normal stuff. Turns corrosive. recording a holotape
34 AMS was thinking disposal and containment. I'm thinking weapon.
35 Scorched walk around with chunks of Ultracite stuck in them. We modify some guns to fire depleted Ultracite. See if that makes those assholes melt.
36 00511798 0051179F Another nurse and I chased her down the hallway, while the rest of the staff tried to contain the patients in the dining room, who were obviously agitated by what just happened.
37 We were finally able to hold her and administer a sedative, and the unfortunate nurse whose hand had been torn open received treatment.
38 All the other patients have returned to their routines, but Patient 3E2 and 7C1 will need to be monitored in case this is the start of habitual violent behavior.
39 The prognosis for either of them being released has slipped even further into statistical irrelevancy.
40 00511799 005117A1 Hospital Incident Report. Resident Psychiatrist Doctor Kessle. recording a holotape; pronunciation KEH SAHL
41 We had a fight breakout today. All the patients in the dining area for the morning meal and all the attending staff were present. Calm but clinical. Deep down, he finds his job heartbreaking.
42 Patient 3E2 has never had any problems with violence but can be verbally abusive to whoever happens to be in the area.
43 The staff intervened, but Patient 3E2 broke free from restraint by biting into one of the nurse's hands.
44 0051179A 0051179D During our exit interview, he broke into tears. He wanted to know if something was wrong with him. If he would end up here as a patient.
45 I explained that nervous exhaustion was a common ailment, especially for hospital workers.
46 Maybe after some months of rest, he could re-apply for his job. That didn't seem to console him.
47 0051179B 0051179E That, and the constant attention and sanitary cleanup required throughout the day for all of his charges, was too much for the young nurse.
48 We found him standing outside the door to one of the patient rooms, carrying a tray of food but not moving anywhere.
49 One of the other nurses noticed he had been standing in place for over an hour.
50 When he finally responded to our attempts to get his attention, he seemed surprise that any time had passed.
51 0051179C 005117A0 Hospital Incident Report. Resident Psychiatrist Doctor Kessle. recording a holotape; pronunciation KEH SAHL
52 One of the junior nurses has suffered a nervous breakdown. Calm but clinical. Deep down, he finds his job heartbreaking.
53 His assignments included Patient 5A3, whose afflictions manifest in habitual self-harm.
54 Patient 5A4, who - while not violent - does aggressively grab and paw at whoever is trying to administer care.
55 And also Patient 5B7, who breaks down into loud, un-consolable fits of crying with no apparent cause or trigger.
56 005119B9 005119C1 But yeah, just to put any rumors to bed, we're also trying some new ways of getting at those precious rocks.
57 And yes, it involves melting the Uranium while it's still underground and siphoning it up. Sure beats hauling it by hand, if it works.
58 Now don't think that means any of you are getting extra time-off. Stop listening to this and get back to work.
59 005119BA 005119C3 This is Foreman Hibbs. United States Department of Energy. recording a holotape
60 Blackwater Mine has changed a lot over the years. Plenty of you already know what happens when a mine tunnel hits groundwater, so the pumps shouldn't be too surprising.
61 005119BB 005119C0 Department of Energy isn't messing around. I'm not messing around.
62 So stop listening to this and get back to work. Let's dig up some shiny rocks and hope they don't make us sterile.
63 005119BC 005119C2 Blackwater Mine is a government Uranium site. That means you're a federal employee, now.
64 And all those background checks and security interviews you went through wasn't just for fun.
65 Every yield we fail to bring up is a national security problem. One less missile gets made. One less power plant gets fuel.
66 005119BE 005119BF This is Foreman Hibbs. United States Department of Energy. recording a holotape
67 If you're hearing this, then, welcome aboard and all that.
68 I'm sure the Human Resources folks have gotten you situated, but there's one thing I need to make sure we've drilled into ya, so you're gonna get it again.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00137E8C 00137942 Is it on?
2 00137F53 001373A2 Yeah, the red light is on, so it's recording.
3 001380BD 00137599 This Maxine Ballard, squad leader of The Scorchslayers. Official sounding, like recording for posterity
4 We're making this recording to document our descent into the Belching Betty Mine for the final exam. Official sounding, like recording for posterity
5 001380D7 00137307 Well, say which exam... Scolding
6 001380FD 00137472 Oh, right. Suddenly remembering.
7 For the Fire Breathers final exam. We're supposed to head inside, find the emergency beacon and watch out for Scorched. Official sounding, like recording for posterity
8 00138102 001378A0 Piece of cake.
9 0013812A 0013739B I don't know. If it's so easy, why hasn't anyone else completed the exam?
10 00138142 00137579 Because they weren't us.
11 We've been hunting Scorched at the farms for days. How much harder could the ones in the mines be? Grow a little backbone.
12 00138158 001372F2 Come on, guys. Let's stick together on this. Scolding the others for a petty argument
13 0013817D 00137412 All of you, shut up! Annoyed from folks interrupting your recording
14 Okay, Scorchslayers. Time to lock and load. Let's get the job done. back to "in command" mode
15 001381CC 0013783D Okay, "squad leader." Tim and Andrew are both dead. Now what the hell are we supposed to do!? Angry and sarcasm at beginning
16 001381F0 0013738F Shut up, Sy... she's recording. "Sy" is like "sigh" - short for Sylvester
17 001381F4 0013753B Entry two. Official sounding, like recording for posterity
18 We've lost Timothy Wolfe and Andrew Rhodes to a swarm of Scorched, and the rest of us barely made it past them alive. Official sounding, like recording for posterity
19 I'm beginning to think Melody Larkin may have underestimated the difficulty of this exam. Official sounding, like recording for posterity
20 001381F7 001372CF You're damn right she did! This is suicide! Well, the hell with this, I'm going back! Previous was "I'm beginning to think Melody Larkin may have underestimated the difficulty of this exam"
21 001381FA 0013740F No you're not. You're sticking with us.
22 00138218 001377E9 Why? So we can get picked off one by one until we're all dead!? No way, not me!
23 0013824A 00137367 You know what, Sy? Sy = sigh - You're beginning to have enough of him, ramping up to anger.
24 You've been acting like a coward ever since we started tackling the Scorched at the farms. And now Tim and Andrew are dead because of you! Really reading Sy the riot act here.
25 00138252 00137521 What the hell are you talking about!? Angry and Surprised
26 00138254 001371DF I saw him, Max. You're accusing someone else on team, angry
27 When those Scorched pushed through the tunnels, they came at us from all sides.
28 Tim and Andrew were holding and they told Sy to watch the back. But he didn't. He ran away and left their rear flank wide open. Sy = sigh
29 That's what took them down! furious
30 00138257 00137405 Bullshit! She's lying Max! Angry but also panicking you've been found out.
31 00138260 00137776 Both of you, knock it off! Trying to shut two people who are arguing up
32 Sylvester, if you want to go, go. But you're going back alone. And I guarantee we didn't clear everything behind us. Cold, very direct - in Sylvester's face
33 But even if you make it, mark my words, you'll never be a part of this squad again.
34 00138268 00137359 Fine, to hell with both of you. I'm out of here! You know you've lost.
35 001382CE 00137514 You're seriously letting him go?
36 001382DE 00136F5D Yeah, Rita. We're better off without him. With some contempt
37 0013834C 0013733D Entry three. Official sounding, like recording for posterity, but things haven't gone well overall (some concern)
38 Sylvester left the team some time ago. We heard his screams echoing through the mines only minutes after he left. Official sounding, like recording for posterity, but things haven't gone well overall (some concern)
39 Rita and I are all that's left. Despite the odds, we've somehow made it to the beacon. We've done it. Official sounding, like recording for posterity, but things haven't gone well overall (some concern)
40 001386D7 001373EF What's supposed to happen when we activate that beacon?
41 001386F0 00137E1A I don't know, I suppose we'll get Melody Larkin's next instruction about how to get out of here.
42 00138738 001376EC Well, there's no reason for us to stand here and wait. Push the damn thing.
43 00138745 001373CC <Beacon Noise> This is where the beacon noise will sound (match to MTR06's sound for MTR06_EmergencyBeacon)
44 00138760 0013747F Oh my god... A horde of zombies coming at you unexpectedly... you against many
45 001387C9 0013748E They're everywhere. I... I don't know if we're going to make it, but we didn't come this far just to give up. A horde of zombies coming at you unexpectedly... you against many
46 00138831 00137DCF <Gun bolt sliding into place sound>
47 0013883B 00137B71 <Gun bolt sliding into place sound>
48 00138883 001373BF I'm with you, Max. Getting brave
49 001388A6 00137339 If we don't make it out of here, I just wanted you to know it's been a real honor, Rita. Getting braver
50 001388AE 0013759B Likewise. Now let's go show those Scorched what it means to be a Fire Breather.
51 002B711F 002B712A You never resigned as Senator. Is that something you're planning to do? You're conducting an interview. You just crossed a line and got yelled at. You're keeping cool.
52 002B7120 002B7126 If it means you'll get the word out, go ahead. Being interviewed by a member of the press.
53 002B7121 002B7125 Would you mind if I asked you one last question? You're conducting an interview. You just crossed a line and got yelled at.
54 002B7122 002B7124 I, I understand. It's just a ... sensitive topic. Being interviewed by a member of the press. You're calming yourself down after just screaming at the interviewer. Back in control.
55 002B8E9D 002B8EC4 How would you feel about getting back into a fire suit? Give a beat. You know exactly the assignment you think this guy'd be good for. Add some smirk. You think this is a good acquisition.
56 002B8E9E 002B8EBE I'm willing to prove it. Gimme a job. I'll show you what I can do. You've been told to put your money where your mouth is. You're game.
57 002B8E9F 002B8EB9 And how do we know you ain't just sellin' us a bill of goods? Quietly impressed. This guy just said he was an elite soldier.
58 002B8EA0 002B8EC0 You guys have a lot of mouths to feed and a lot of people to keep safe. I can help you do both. All I ask is regular rations and my own bunk. With just a hint of pride.
59 002B8EA1 002B8EBD Because I guarantee you don't have someone like me. I find things. People. Supplies. Solutions. And I'm good at it. With just a hint of pride.
60 002B8EA2 002B8EB8 And why would the Responders need a Marine-turned-Brotherhood defector in their midst? Pushing back on this recruit. They have a great resume. Almost too great.
61 002B8EA3 002B8EB4 No shit. Quietly impressed. This guy just said he was an elite soldier.
62 002B8EA4 002B8EB1 Marine Recon. With just a hint of pride.
63 002B8EA5 002B8EC6 I'm guessing Paladin Taggerdy didn't recruit a fire fighter because she liked how you looked in fatigues. What were you before your civilian life? Curious. Recruit said something that doesn't quite add up.
64 002B8EA6 002B8EB5 From what I've heard, Responders do too. Being honest about your goals in life.
65 002B8EA7 002B8EC5 I was a fire fighter before the war. It's my opinion that looking after the people of Appalachia should be top priority. Being honest about your goals in life.
66 002B8EA8 002B8EB6 Taggerdy's Brotherhood was a fine organization. Maxson's Brotherhood's only cares about locking away every bit of technology they can get their hands on. Contrasting the two Brotherhoods. One was to your liking. The other wasn't.
67 002B8EA9 002B8EB3 And why is that, exactly? Brotherhood's been a good ally to us. Taking you on could be seen as an act of bad faith. Curious. This guy's suggesting the Brotherhood aren't the good guys you thought they were.
68 002B8EAA 002B8EBF Our interests no longer aligned. Trying to be polite about why you left the Brotherhood.
69 002B8EAB 002B8EB2 Cause you quit the Brotherhood. Being intentionally stern. You're trying to throw a possible recruit off his game.
70 002B8EAC 002B8EC2 Was. Not sure that really applies anymore. Being questioned about your military background.
71 002B8EAD 002B8EC3 Sergeant Madigan, is it? Interrogating a new recruit.
72 002B8EAE 002B8EC1 Sorry, papa. Apologizing to your father. You did something wrong and now you leave.
73 002B8EAF 002B8EB7 James? James! There you are! You can't keep coming back here! It's not-- shit. Put your mask back on. Lets go! Your son is singing to himself about his trains outside, when there are a bunch of nasty baddies nearby.
74 002B915A 002B916D Who needs money when you've got stubbornness? Said with a wink and a tear at the same time
75 002B915B 002B916F If we're going to pull through this, it's going to take nothing less than bullheaded determination to put us back on the right path. Half joke, light-hearted
76 002B915C 002B9168 But I'll stick it out. I'll try to make things better. Someone has to. Sighing. Accepting.
77 002B915D 002B9169 If I didn't care about this place so much, I'd be on the first bus to Watoga. Joking. a bit of a laugh while saying it. She hates Watoga.
78 002B915E 002B916A Earthquakes every other day, lawless thugs walking right down main street, and we're practically swimming in every kind of drug known to man! Disappointed more than upset
79 002B915F 002B9170 What do I think about how things are going in Welch? Well, it can't get much worse. Frustrated
80 002B9160 002B9171 The lawman bails, I pay the boys a little distraction fee, and everyone's happy. The people understand me. The people need me! And I'm pleased to provide. Prideful, but trying to convince himself as much as his mother.
81 002B9161 002B9166 I'm just about to pull my weapon and make things "interesting", when a group of old coal men show up. They start hollering about how those Auto-Miners have gone topsy-turvy, and are causing all kinds of mayhem back in Mine Shaft Elaine! Excited, and embellishing a bit
82 002B9162 002B9167 Picked up the goods, and had the usual uneventful trip most of the way back. Hit the outskirts of Welch, and whad'ya know - the local sheriff is waiting for me. Calm and direct
83 002B9163 002B916B While back I was doing a little run for the Duchess, and found out just how much this city loves me. Proud and forceful
84 002B9164 002B916E I'm a businessman. People demand things, and I supply them. Capitalism at its finest, right? Convincing, but with a tinge of understanding that it's stretching the truth
85 002B9165 002B916C I hate it when you talk like I'm a criminal, Ma. Annoyed, but loving
86 00331BDB 00331BE9 You find me some candidates with the wherewithal to survive here or else I'll find someone who will. Stern. You're addressing a subordinate who's disappointed you. And you're mad.
87 00331BDD 00331BE6 I presume you've seen to it that the Technology Support group has updated the Senior Executive exam with my clarified answers. Stern. You're addressing a subordinate who's disappointed you. And you're mad. But some real venom on "clarified."
88 I'm growing... weary of the spineless ... "executives" you've been sending me. Stern. You're addressing a subordinate who's disappointed you. And you're mad.
89 00331BDE 00331BE8 Hanover. This is Daniel Hornwright. Stern. You're addressing a subordinate who's disappointed you. And you're mad.
90 003558EB 003558FA F-7n proved a bit more... potent than expected, so you'll need my password to collect a canister from the dispensary. Promethean7. Sinister, demanding. You're an evil scientist ordering around a subordinate.
91 003558EC 003558FE And be aware. We were also forced to tweak the formula, after Subject #21 left without authorization. Sinister, demanding. You're an evil scientist ordering around a subordinate.
92 A phermonic component was added to mark the gestating hosts. So if for some reason one gets away again... you may use the dogs to find them. Sinister, demanding. You're an evil scientist ordering around a subordinate. Some smirk on that very last part.
93 003558ED 003558F5 Once you've deposited that into the ingredient collector upstairs, you'll just need a host to allow the sample to gestate. Sinister, demanding. You're an evil scientist ordering around a subordinate.
94 Subject #113 should be able to take another harvesting. Sinister, demanding. You're an evil scientist ordering around a subordinate.
95 003558EE 00355920 Mitchell. Higher-ups need a fresh batch of tissue samples infected with F-7n. Today. Sinister, demanding. You're an evil scientist ordering around a subordinate.
96 They received a furtive message from Agriculture. And Secretary Eckhart is not a man to be kept waiting. Sinister, demanding. You're an evil scientist ordering around a subordinate.
97 0038CD32 0038CD4D Good. We should get started. If there's anyone still alive down there, I think they've suffered enough. Wrapping up the conversation. You're pleased with how this went, but you're realizing this will be the easiest part.
98 0038CD33 0038CD5E Certainly won't have to travel far to get yourselves into trouble. RERCORD. You're onboard with an idea that was pitched at you. Hiding your glee that your idea was accepted.
99 0038CD34 0038CD56 I'll work on getting them a place to train. Charleston Fire Department seems like the natural spot. Still staying civil, but now getting into the nitty-gritty of getting this all up and running.
100 0038CD35 0038CD4A Oh lordy, I think she likes it. Chuckle at the end of the line. Your weird suggestion seems like it's going to stick.
101 0038CD36 0038CD5A ... I suppose we don't need to go with the first idea we come up with. But for now, I'd like you to reach out to those firemen. Give a long pause before starting. Still trying to be civil, but the idea your partner just but out is ... out there. RERECORD. Long pause at start.
102 Convince them to get onboard with the... Fire Breathers. Let them know it's important. Prestigious. RERCORD. You're giving into someone else's idea you're not quite onboard with when you say "Prestigious." Make it more reluctant.
103 0038CD37 0038CD5F Huh... well, gramps was a moonshiner. Made hooch so strong, normal folk couldn't come within a quarter-mile of it. Telling an old story. Getting on board with this plan because you're getting to put your stamp on it.
104 Everyone called him and his boys the "Fire Breathers." Resilient sons-a-guns. What about that? Telling an old story. Getting on board with this plan because you're getting to put your stamp on it.
105 0038CD38 0038CD52 Hmm. Any suggestions? Still a bit surprised the direction this conversation has turned, but staying calm.
106 0038CD39 0038CD53 Green Berets. Smokejumpers. Navy Seals. You want someone to sign up for dangerous duty, needs to be some prestige behind it. Brainstorming.
107 You give 'em a name, a new designation, extra rations, maybe, I'll guarantee you'll get the volunteers you're looking for. Brainstorming.
108 0038CD3A 0038CD4F A name? The person you're talking to threw out an idea that caught you off guard.
109 0038CD3B 0038CD5B Tell you what you ought to do... you ought to give 'em a name. You're now thinking about how you can get this group to succeed.
110 0038CD3C 0038CD5D I understand what I'm asking. The person just threw a lot of reasons at you why this is a bad idea. You're aware of the issues.
111 0038CD3D 0038CD50 Anyone you send into all that smoke is going to need training, though. Need to be whip smart if they're gonna survive someplace that hostile. You're onboard with this idea now, but there's still a lot of problems with this plan. You're going through them.
112 And breathing equipment's finicky as hell. Whole lot of care and maintenance if they're gonna be out there for hours, let alone days. You're onboard with this idea now, but there's still a lot of problems with this plan. You're going through them.
113 You're talking about a whole new division here. You're onboard with this idea now, but there's still a lot of problems with this plan. You're going through them.
114 0038CD3E 0038CD51 Thank you. You got what you wanted. Still remaining civil.
115 0038CD3F 0038CD60 ... fine. We got a couple folks from the Charleston Fire Department. Begrudingly agreeing to an idea you think is risky (though, after what you just heard, know it's ultimately the right thing to do).
116 I can talk to them, see what they have to say about gettin' set up for those sorts of operations. Begrudgingly agreeing to an idea you think is risky (though, after what you just heard, know it's ultimately the right thing to do).
117 0038CD40 0038CD55 Most likely they did. But right now we don't know and don't have a safe way of finding out. Striving to keep the conversation productive.
118 And that's why I wanted your help, Melody, on how we can get there. Striving to keep the conversation productive.
119 0038CD41 0038CD59 Bramwell? Come on, now! You really think the Hornwrights or the Garrahans didn't fly off to some private island the moment the air raid sirens turned on? Bramwell is where the rich folks live.
120 0038CD42 0038CD54 I'm not thrilled about sending our people into a place that's actively toxic either... The person you're talking to said your idea to start a high-risk fire fighting squad is terrible. You're trying to remain calm.
121 ... but there are whole towns down there we still haven't reached out to: Welch, Beckley, Bramwell. The person you're talking to said your idea to start a high-risk fire fighting squad is terrible. You're trying to remain calm.
122 0038CD43 0038CD58 Good, 'cause now we can get on record that I think this idea's god-damned looney. You're being recorded by someone who wants your thoughts on the creation of a high-risk fire fighting squad.
123 0038CD44 0038CD5C All right. We're recording. Getting ready for a conversation you think will be heated.
124 0038CD45 0038CD61 And, most important, don't come back all crispy. Because I love what I'm looking at right now. Speaking softly into a tape recorder. You're making a message for someone you love. Last line should be really tender.
125 0038CD46 0038CD4E Just make sure you don't forget the basics with all this fancy new training. Always check your seals. It's stop, drop, then roll. The order's important. Speaking softly into a tape recorder. You're making a message for someone you love.
126 0038CD47 0038CD4C Heh. Honestly, though... ain't no Responder alive who's a better pick for that crew than you. Speaking softly into a tape recorder. You're making a message for someone you love. Smile while you say this. You're really proud of this woman.
127 0038CD49 0038CD57 Hey Rita. So, right now, you're asleep, enjoying your last peaceful night's rest for God knows how long... Speaking softly into a tape recorder. You're making a message for someone you love.
128 ... and I thought I'd record something for you to remember me by while you're locked away inside Charleston Fire Department... Speaking softly into a tape recorder. You're making a message for someone you love.
129 ... training for the prestigious opportunity to dive face first into a bunch of mine fires with the rest of those Fire Breather nut jobs. Speaking softly into a tape recorder. You're making a message for someone you love.
130 003B7607 003B761C But there's no time to waste. Get a move on, recruit. And welcome to the Fire Breathers. Talking into a recorder.
131 003B7608 003B761E That'll grant you access to our internal computer system. Once that's done, your captain should be able to point you to your first assignment. Talking into a recorder.
132 003B7609 003B7616 Head back to Charleston Fire Department and have the active captain register you for duty. Talking into a recorder.
133 003B760A 003AAB50 Hello again, recruit. And congratulations. If you're hearing this, it means you've earned yourself a place in the Fire Breathers. Talking into a recorder.
134 003B760B 003B7617 I get this is extreme, but we need to know if you can hack it before you've got a half-dozen other people counting on you. Talking into a recorder. RERECORD. More dire.
135 003B760C 003B761B So, time to prove you can put it to good use. Suit-up, strap-in, and move out, recruit. Talking into a recorder. Bit of a pep-talk at the end. RERECORD. More dire.
136 003B760D 003B7614 We figured out the Scorched aren't big fans of depleted Ultracite. Took a field trip to AMS HQ to figure out how to make the stuff, but it's the most effective tool we've found for putting them down. Talking into a recorder. Put some "umph" on the second sentence. You were the one who went on that "field trip." It sucked. RERECORD. More dire.
137 003B760E 003B7618 But you're not going in empty-handed. Along with your suit, you've been issued a modified 10mm. Talking into a recorder. RERECORD. More dire.
138 003B760F 003B7619 All you've got to do is survive a little slice of living hell and all the Scorched that call it home. Talking into a recorder. Bit of a grim smirk. RERECORD. More dire.
139 003B7610 003B7615 Exam's simple. Reach the bottom of the mine, hit the emergency beacon down there, and come back up. Talking into a recorder. RERECORD. More dire.
140 003B7611 003B761A ... and the toxicity of the area means there's no better crew to do it than the Fire Breathers. Talking into a recorder. RERECORD. More dire.
141 003B7612 003B761D I'm going to try and make this brief - the Scorched coming through Big Bend Tunnel need to be stopped... Talking into a recorder. RERECORD. More dire.
142 003B7613 003AAB51 Welcome, recruit, to your final exam. I'm Hank Madigan, Fire Breather lieutenant. Talking into a recorder. Initially puzzled, but then more formal. RERECORD. More dire.
143 003CB3BE 003CB432 No. Garrahan can wait. You need rest. Head up to Morgantown. That Excavator armor'll still be there. Now go. Stern, but caring.
144 003CB3BF 003CB457 Bingo. You give a day or two, I can head back down there, see what I can- Starting to get genuinely excited, ignoring your exhaustion. This is what you live for.
145 003CB3C0 003CB447 Locals would hopefully be a lot less inclined to shoot first. Cracking a joke.
146 003CB3C1 003CB439 No kidding. But that Excavator armor they made. Ruined the company? Rumor is it's tough as nails, and they've still got the plans on site. Recounting what happened on the very arduous journey you just completed. Getting excited about what could be a good lead on some new tech.
147 Could you imagine what a patrol would be like if we could figure out how to make those things? Recounting what happened on the very arduous journey you just completed. Getting excited about what could be a good lead on some new tech.
148 003CB3C2 003CB43E Been a long time since I've heard "good news" and "Garrahan Mining" said back to back. Cracking a joke.
149 003CB3C3 003CB48D Oh. And actual good news. Garrahan Mining. Recounting what happened on the very arduous journey you just completed.
150 003CB3C4 003CB41B So we've only lost Welch, Beckley, Lewisburg and everything around 'em. Little blessings, I suppose. A bit sarcastic. You just heard not great news, but things aren't actively getting worse.
151 003CB3C5 003CB42A Ash is piling up faster than we expected. Recounting what happened on the very arduous journey you just completed.
152 But going by the maps the earlier teams did, it at least doesn't seem to be spreading anymore. Recounting what happened on the very arduous journey you just completed.
153 003CB3C6 003CB438 Sounds about par for the course. Seems there's not a sane mind south of Mount Blair. Anything else? Taking a debrief. No nonsense.
154 003CB3C7 003CB446 Well, I found some more survivors. Started shooting at me the second they saw me, like the rest. Recounting what happened on the very arduous journey you just completed.
155 003CB3C8 003CB456 Hmph. So, how's it look out there, Hank? "Hmph" - someone just told you you don't need their permission. You're glad they remember that. Line 2- down to business.
156 003CB3C9 003CB473 You're captain, Melody. Don't need my permission. Joking, but covering for your exhaustion. You just got back from a very hard foray into dangerous territory.
157 003CB3CA 003CB41C You don't mind if I record? Turning on a tape recorder.
158 003CB3CB 003CB42B Oh god. Oh my god. You're alone in this mine and now another nuke warning has come on the radio. You're terrified.
159 003CB3CC 003CB41D Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent. Please exit the area at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. Robotic.
160 003CB3CD 003CB474 Jesus, George. Don't ... fuck. George! Come back! Your coworker just suggested leaving the mine while there are nukes going on outside. Yelling after him as he leaves.
161 003CB3CE 003CB419 Get off me, Luann! I'm leaving. You're deep in a mine and you're terrified because a mine just went off above your heads. Your coworker wants to stay down here.
162 003CB3CF 003CB471 You don't have the slightest idea what's happening up there! Your coworker just suggested leaving the mine while there are nukes going on outside. You think he's out of his mind.
163 003CB3D0 003CB454 This isn't a vault, Luann! We don't know if this place will hold! You're deep in a mine and you're terrified because a mine just went off above your heads. Your coworker wants to stay down here.
164 003CB3D1 003CB443 Out of here? Are you crazy? We need shelter. This is shelter. Your coworker just suggested leaving the mine while there are nukes going on outside.
165 003CB3D2 003CB435 No. No. No. No. Jesus Christ. We need to get out of here. You're deep in a mine and you're terrified because a mine just went off above your heads.
166 003CB3D3 003CB426 Nuclear strike. It said nuclear strike. Quite horror. You just realized your fear was correct - you're deep in a mine and a nuke just went off up above.
167 003CB3D4 003CB417 What the hell was that? Was that a... You're deep in a mine and just felt a massive rumble and heard a blast.
168 003CB3D5 003CB462 Empty. Sound of a nuke explosion above ground should go here.
169 003CB3D6 003CB452 Something about "convenience." Probably just an ad for Red Rocket, we get 'em all the--- You're deep in a mine. Your coworker is freaking out. A strange ad just played on the radio.
170 003CB3D7 003CB442 What'd it say? Concerned. You're deep inside a mine and a strange radio broadcast just came through.
171 003CB3D8 003CB43A Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent. Please exit the area at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your cooperation. Robotic.
172 003CB3D9 003CB44A I don't hear anything. Your coworker, deep inside this mine with you, is suddenly very scared. You don't hear what she's hearing.
173 003CB3DA 003CB434 George. George! You hear that? Listen. Concerned. You're deep inside a mine and you think you hear air raid sirens.
174 003CB3DC 003CB44F And a pile of dead trains. Singing to yourself a bit.
175 003CB3DD 003CB43F Now it's just James. Singing to yourself a bit.
176 003CB3DE 003CB430 Since the world did blow! Singing to yourself a bit.
177 003CB3DF 003CB428 The trains don't go. Singing to yourself a bit.
178 003CB3E0 003CB453 Waiting in vain. Singing to yourself a bit.
179 003CB3E1 003CB425 So here I sit. Singing to yourself a bit.
180 003CB3E2 003CB416 And I like trains. Singing to yourself a bit.
181 003CB3E3 003CB422 My name is James. Singing to yourself a bit.
182 003CB3E4 003CB48E Boys, there is no 197 from DC. And if you know what's good for you, you'll stop asking questions about it. Now gimme that tape. A veiled threat. You're covering up a secret. "One-Ninety-Seven."
183 003CB3E5 003CB45C But, but that's not true. We saw it. We unloaded the damn thing. Confused. You were just told you didn't have the experience you thought you did.
184 003CB3E6 003CB44E Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but there is no 197 out of DC. Here. Can look at the manifest yourself. Cool. You're covering up a secret. "One-Ninety-Seven."
185 003CB3E7 003CB43D See! I told you, Walter. There's something screwy going on. This is the third shipment this month-- Urgent. You want to get this all documented. You just heard a story that confirms a conspiracy you believe. You're cut off.
186 003CB3E8 003CB42D Yeah. Guy said his name was Grey. Kept asking what I was doing. If I'd seen anything. One of your coworkers got real concerned after you told him a story about a train you unloaded.
187 003CB3E9 003CB41F Wait. The 197? You just realized the person talking to you mentioned something they shouldn't have. "One-Ninety-Seven."
188 003CB3EA 003CB47B And as soon as it's off the train, this creepy guy in a suit comes out of nowhere, starts questioning me. One of your coworkers got real concerned after you told him a story about a train you unloaded. Getting a bit more confident.
189 003CB3EB 003CB45A Uh huh. You've been ordered to record this conversation instead of doing your job. Now you're bored.
190 003CB3EC 003CB44C Uh, yeah. Sure. So we were unloading the 197 from DC. Huge set of containers. Industrial-sized. Locked up like Fort Knox. A bit puzzled. One of your coworkers got real concerned after you told him a story about a train you unloaded. "One-Ninety-Seven."
191 003CB3ED 003CB44B Good. Dan, tell him what you told me. Urgent. You want to get this all documented. You just heard a story that confirms a conspiracy you believe.
192 003CB3EE 003CB41A It's on. You've been ordered to record this conversation instead of doing your job. You're irritated.
193 003CB3EF 003CB45E You got that thing recording, Walter? Urgent. You want to get this all documented. You just heard a story that confirms a conspiracy you believe.
194 003CB3F0 003CB476 You know where to find the Duchess. Calm, cool, collected. You're speaking in a clandestine manner about guns you've procured for this man.
195 003CB3F1 003CB429 Bring the money to my place in Welch. Calm, cool, collected. You're speaking in a clandestine manner about guns you've procured for this man.
196 003CB3F2 003CB42E But we don't do deliveries. Calm, cool, collected. You're speaking in a clandestine manner about guns you've procured for this man.
197 003CB3F3 003CB445 Along with all the nails and safety equipment you could need. Calm, cool, collected. You're speaking in a clandestine manner about guns you've procured for this man.
198 003CB3F4 003CB42F Wanted to let you know I've procured those tools you and your boys were asking after. Calm, cool, collected. You're speaking in a clandestine manner about guns you've procured for this man. Hang on "tools" for a moment.
199 003CB3F5 003CB421 Hello Mick. Calm, cool, collected. You're speaking in a clandestine manner about guns you've procured for this man.
200 003CB3F6 003CB48F Pop the Hornwright recruitment booth in downtown Charleston and sign-up today! 50s salesman
201 003CB3F7 003CB472 We're looking for talented men ... and gals! ... interested in earning good pay for hard work... 50s salesman
202 ... keeping Hornwright Industrial's fleet of advanced Auto-Mining robots active and kicking! 50s salesman
203 003CB3F8 003CB437 Then its time you joined the Hornwright Industrial Auto-Miner Support Squads! 50s salesman
204 003CB3F9 003CB45D Looking for a new career? Like working with your hands? Finding solutions to challenging problems? Fixing complex machinery in exciting environments? 50s salesman
205 003CB3FA 003CB41E Yes, ma'am. Making that order happen.
206 003CB3FB 003CB440 Yes, ma'am? Ready to take an order.
207 003CB3FC 003CB475 Go pay Betty a visit. Let her know this is the last credit she's ever getting. Long pause before starting. Complete change in attitude. You're cool. Hard. Ruthless.
208 I'll keep Agent Danger occupied while you make your point crystal clear. Cool. Ruthless. "Make your point crystal clear" should be menacing (but don't overdo it. Keep it cool).
209 003CB3FD 003CB431 ... Butch. Long pause before starting. Complete change in attitude. You're cool. Hard. Ruthless.
210 003CB3FE 003CB45F That's my girl. Go quick and you can have Butch's too! Yelling as the girl runs out the door.
211 003CB3FF 003CB433 Agent Danger can do that! Very excited. You're about to get a soda, a rare treat.
212 003CB400 003CB459 Agent Danger, would you be willing to take a mission for me? I need three of the coldest, iciest Nuka-Colas they've got down at Wabash's. Brightening up. You've got an idea.
213 If I gave you some money, would you be willing to go get them for me? One of 'em's got your name on it. Very sweet.
214 003CB401 003CB424 Uh, I think so, ma'am. You're not sure what to make of someone telling you "you're my one weakness in this world."
215 003CB402 003CB449 Because she knows you're my one weakness in this world. Sweetly. The child's mother sent her to collect drugs for her. You don't like her using her child like this.
216 003CB403 003CB458 Yes, ma'am.
217 003CB404 003CB423 Momma sent you to do her begging. A bit disappointed. The child's mother sent her to collect drugs for her. You don't like her using her child like this.
218 003CB405 003CB448 Momma said, go ask Ms. Duchess if she can cop us a two extra tabs of Buffout. Gerald can't work without it and she knows we're good for it. Reciting what you were told.
219 003CB406 003CB494 Hmm. I suppose it doesn't. Now, to what do I owe the distinct pleasure? This little girl lights up your day every time you see her.
220 003CB407 003CB420 That doesn't sound like a particularly good cookie, ma'am. Someone just described you as a "sharp cookie." You're a bit confused, as that sounds awful.
221 003CB408 003CB444 Well, aren't you a sharp cookie. Happy to see this little girl, who you know well. She just described out she outwitted her mother.
222 003CB409 003CB48C Yes. Momma said we can't play Agent Tornado anymore. Didn't say anything about Agent Danger. Chipper. You're glad to see the woman you're talking to. Proud of yourself that you out thought your mother.
223 003CB40A 003CB436 Is that so? Happy to see this little girl, who you know well, but previously went by another name.
224 003CB40B 003CB45B Yes, ma'am. Agent Tornado's retired. Too much collateral damage during missions. Chipper. You're glad to see the woman you're talking to. A little bashful at the end.
225 003CB40C 003CB427 Oh, it's Agent Danger today? Happy to see this little girl, who you know well, but previously went by another name.
226 003CB40D 003CB44D Agent Danger, reporting, ma'am. Chipper. You're glad to see the woman you're talking to.
227 003CB40E 003CB418 That's where you're wrong, son. Cool, but firm. You've got guns trained on these men. They just don't know it yet. Whistle at the end of this line. Gun shots ring out.
228 003CB40F 003CB43C Sir, I'm going to ask you one more time. Get back in your house. The only people in trouble are the Kaminskis ... for now. No longer yelling, but talking to someone very forcefully. You suddenly feel a whole lot less safe.
229 003CB410 003CB43B You company boys take our jobs. Take our dignity. Now you want our homes, too? I'd say it concerns me plenty. Cool, but firm. You've got guns trained on these men. They just don't know it yet.
230 003CB411 003CB461 Sir, this does not concern you. Please step back. No longer yelling, but talking to someone very forcefully. You suddenly feel a whole lot less safe.
231 003CB412 003CB42C Don't think they're coming out, boys. Cool, but firm. You've got guns trained on these men. They just don't know it yet.
232 003CB413 003CB451 Mr. and Mrs. Armand Kaminski. This is your final warning. Your domicile is situated on top of AMS property. Yelling. You're here to evict a family from their home.
233 You have 15 seconds to exit your home. If you do not do so, my men and I are well within our rights to remove you by force. Yelling. You're here to evict a family from their home.
234 003CD8CE 003CD8D1 I can't believe we lost.
235 We had one chance to prove that our Excavator Power Armor could beat the Hornwright Auto-Miner, and we blew it.
236 Why Vivian came up with her ridiculous challenge is beyond me.
237 She never even consulted with us first, just rolled it out there like a prize fight.
238 Then the newspapers got a hold of it, and everything blew out of proportion. Now we're the laughingstock of the mining industry.
239 Who in their right mind would buy any products from us after that? No one. rhetorical question
240 So here I am, staring at the phone, waiting for the inevitable call to shut the R&D department down.
241 Vivian betted all our chips on this project, and Garrahan Mining has wiped out.
242 I wonder if Hornwright is hiring.
243 003CD8CF 003CD8D0 Whew, I'm damn glad that headquarters upgraded the Rockhound's power system.
244 Now that we have reactors installed, we can finally stop depending on the local power grid and diesel engines to keep this baby humming.
245 I can't even count the number of times the machine stalled because of blackouts or the engines quit.
246 Of course, working right next to four nuclear reactors isn't as cozy as it sounds.
247 The engineers say those things are perfectly safe, but they aren't the ones that'll be vaporized after a meltdown.
248 Still, those fat bonuses I've been getting on my paycheck are hard to ignore, so looks like I'll be staying for a while.
249 Anyway, it's almost time to change out the Ignition Cores. I'll record more later if I have the time.
250 004E7172 004E719B I am. Consider this interview my formal resignation. Spread the word, Ms. Carter. All I ask is that my warning goes with it ... and nothing else. Being interviewed by a member of the press. You realized you have something this woman wants. Leaning into it to get what you want.
251 Now, if you wouldn't mind. My daughter and I have a lot to do. We're on our own out here, after all. Being interviewed by a member of the press. Cordially showing her the door.
252 004E7173 004E718E ... I, I meant no offense. You just have to know how this looks from my end. You're conducting an interview. You just crossed a line and got yelled at. You're keeping cool.
253 004E7174 004E7197 My health is not the issue here, Ms. Carter! These are peoples' lives! Being interviewed by a member of the press. She just crossed a line by implying you might be crazy.
254 The Executive branch, captains of industry, the Department of Agriculture! I peeked into their world and they threatened my life! My daughter's life! Being interviewed by a member of the press. She just crossed a line by implying you might be crazy.
255 We're just pawns to them! And the only way we survive ... is to step off the board. All I'm asking ... is that you share that message. Angry initially, but finally calming yourself.
256 004E7175 004E718A Senator, I'm not trying to be rude here, but it sounds like you're trying to start a panic, and without evidence, I'm not willing to be a part of that. You're conducting an interview. You just heard some out there claims and are skeptical about their truth.
257 I also have it under the strictest confidence that you've been seen making multiple visits to a certain Charleston neurologist as of... You're explaining to this Senator why you're not inclined to believe him (he has early onset dementia). The Senator cuts you off.
258 004E7176 004E7193 You're going to have to, Ms. Carter. I'm trying to save lives, not put more at risk by exposing my sources. Being interviewed by a member of the press. He needs to be a lot more on edge. This is a matter of life and death to Blackwell.
259 004E7177 004E719D And I'm just supposed to take your word for it? You're conducting an interview. You just heard some out there claims and are skeptical about their truth.
260 004E7178 004E718F This is not some doomsday fever dream, if that's what you're asking, Ms. Carter. I received my information from reliable sources, yes. Being interviewed by a member of the press. He needs to be a lot more on edge. This is a matter of life and death to Blackwell.
261 004E7179 004E7190 Sinister forces? The end is coming? Senator, you're making some big claims here. Do you have evidence to back it up? You're conducting an interview. You just heard some out there claims and are skeptical about their truth.
262 004E717A 004E7199 There are sinister forces at work in the halls of government. This is your big ptich. Your life was threatened by these sinister forces. You don't want anyone else to die either.
263 I and my fellow members of the Free States will no longer be shackled to the putrefying corpse of this nation. This is your big ptich. Your life was threatened by these sinister forces. You don't want anyone else to die either.
264 Nor should anyone who values their lives. There is only one recourse left for the people of the United States: strike out on your own. This is your big pitch. Your life was threatened by these sinister forces. You don't want anyone else to die either.
265 Take whatever you can carry, get off the grid and get there fast. The end is coming, Ms. Carter. This is your big pitch. Your life was threatened by these sinister forces. You don't want anyone else to die either.
266 And when it does, your government has no interest in keeping you safe. This is your big pitch. Your life was threatened by these sinister forces. You don't want anyone else to die either.
267 004E717B 004E718C What are you talking about Senator? Interviewing a controversial and elusive Senator. Genuinely puzzled. The Senator just asked for your help in "saving people."
268 004E717C 004E7195 Leaving was the only way I thought I'd be able to protect my family, Ms. Carter. RERECORD. He needs to be a lot more on edge. This is a matter of life and death to Blackwell. Being interviewed by a member of the press.
269 But I've since realized that I'd left a lot of other people I care about in grave danger. I was hoping you could help me correct that. Asking for help with getting your story out there.
270 004E717D 004E7188 And why is that, Senator? Why did you leave your position so suddenly? Interviewing a controversial and elusive Senator. Dialed in. You're going into interview mode.
271 004E717E 004E7198 I apologize for that. Maintaining a low profile is a requirement for us now. RERECORD. He needs to be a lot more on edge. This is a matter of life and death to Blackwell. Being interviewed by a member of the press.
272 004E717F 004E7191 It was ... an experience. Not a lot of my interviews start with a bag over my heard. Just glad it didn't end up being a prank, I suppose. Interviewing a controversial and elusive Senator.
273 004E7180 004E7194 Of course, Ms. Carter. I hope the trek wasn't too arduous. RERECORD. He needs to be a lot more on edge. This is a matter of life and death to Blackwell. Being interviewed by a member of the press.
274 004E7181 004E718B All right. It's recording. Thank you again for reaching out to me. I can't tell you how shocked I was to find out your letter was the real deal. Turning on a tape recorder. You're about to interview a controversial and elusive Senator.
275 004E7182 004E719C We're coming for you. And your family. This was your warning. You're trying to scare a local Senator into leaving town.
276 004E7183 004E7192 You've been sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, Samuel. And now you've gone too far. You're trying to scare a local Senator into leaving town.
277 004E7184 004E7189 Keeps going like that. Your daughter Judy's a busy woman, Senator. But not hard to find. You're trying to scare a local Senator into leaving town.
278 004E7185 004E7196 Noon. Family Medicine rotation, Vault-Tec U Free Clinic. You're reading off the school schedule of your target's daughter. You're trying to scare him into leaving town.
279 004E7186 004E718D 10:30 Radiation Therapy Training, Lab 206. You're reading off the school schedule of your target's daughter. You're trying to scare him into leaving town.
280 004E7187 004E719A 9 AM - Degenerative Neurological Conditions, Room 121. You're reading off the school schedule of your target's daughter. You're trying to scare him into leaving town.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 002B8EEE 002B8EF7 Sanjay's log: Tygart Water Treatment. About to record some bad news, but nothing that surprised him
2 Where to begin. This place is so far gone. I mean... how? It's not like this building got nuked or anything. Trying to figure out how the water plant could be so damaged
3 Was this place run by animals? Are people that incompetent?
4 We've got fully corroded purifiers, filters, unused mind you, covered in some... black sludge. Disgusted
5 Maria's not going to be happy about this.
6 002B8EEF 002B8EFB Brandon managed to stick me with cleanup duty underneath the Widowmaker. Slightly irritated because Brandon's a jerk.
7 Apparently, some group of kids really lost their lunch on there. Kinda laughing at the kids
8 Typical vomit chain... All it takes is one, and the rest follow suit. Thinking how one person vomits, it makes other people vomit.
9 The pics were priceless by the way. This comment is sort of an aside
10 But the real joke's on Brandon. I found a 100 dollar bill down there plus the usual change. Smirking. Feels she got the upper hand in the deal.
11 People say it's not worth it, but I gotta get out of here somehow... and if sifting through barf for cash makes that work, so be it. Determined
12 002B8EF2 002B8EF5 Hey Riley, it's mom! Just wanted to send you this holotape you can play in case you miss us.
13 We're so proud of you going on your first big adventure! You're going to have so much fun with all your friends! Proud mother
14 I want you to be sure to listen to everything the scout masters and rangers tell you.
15 Remember, most of them are real people, so you can't throw things at them them like your Ms. Nanny.
16 So I don't want to hear any bad reports or get any phone calls in the middle of the night.
17 Mommy and daddy are on vacation, too, okay?
18 We love you very much, and miss you every day! And remember... Best behavior!
19 002B8EF4 002B8EFA Movie idea: Robot Rebellion. A Red Rocket Mega Stop tale of terror. Getting an idea for a movie and pitching it to her holotape
20 With all services automated, who do you turn to when the robots are programmed to kill? Getting an idea for a movie and pitching it to her holotape
21 Eh, last part needs some work, but I'll get Carly to spice it up. Maybe this trip wasn't such a waste after all. Going back to her normal voice.
22 002B8FED 002B8FEE If you think we're just going to reveal our work to an ex-Brotherhood member, think again. Not mean, but serious.
23 You want to see how this system works, then you've got some serious trust to earn.
24 002C60DB 002C60DC Found some ridiculous robot that upgraded me to a deputy.
25 Jokes on him, I guess. Like I'm going to go grab these bombs and turn them in like some honorable citizen.
26 I'm keeping these babies for myself. Wiring's a bit gunked up, but I think I can make them work.
27 Just going to disarm this switch here to make sure it doesn't -- *explosion* The rest of the line is "blow up in my face." We'll be adding an explosion here.
28 003337E8 003337E9 Raleigh gave the all clear. Not sure what I expected, but it definitely wasn't this.
29 I knew the government would get us nuked. Easy population control that you can just blame on the Chinese.
30 Get rid of the unwanted lower class, cherry pick the middle. Leave the government and military to restore whatever order they want.
31 But look at this place. Have fun restoring this infected, mess of a world, you dipshits!
32 003CB255 003CB269 Please understand why I chose not to tell you. Abbie, you are smart enough to see our work through till the end. Emphasis on "you are" because she is not fully confident.
33 Calvin, you're turning into such a fine young man. Your mother would've been proud, but not as proud as me.
34 You two take care of each other. You're going to make it through this. I know it.
35 003CB256 003CB260 I've been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I've still got plenty of time to live a normal life... well as normal as can be expected...
36 But the time will come where my health will deteriorate and I can no longer care for myself.
37 I love you both tremendously, and you know that... but I will not be a burden to you, my children. Especially in these dark times.
38 If everything has gone according to plan, hopefully my death has meant something.
39 003CB257 003CB266 To my dearest Abigayle and Calvin.
40 I've instructed Ella to give you this holotape on the event of my death. Please don't blame anything you're about to hear on her.
41 These are my wishes. Ella has respected them, and I expect you to as well.
42 003CB258 003CB267 I miss my mom... and my dad. You guys are supposed to be here.
43 You took me away from my friends and my life all on your stupid promise that things were going to be fine! That this was best!
44 And is it? I can't do this on my own. I don't want to do this on my own. Abbie's lowest point.
45 I just want things back the way they were.
46 003CB259 003CB265 Why couldn't we just... stay in our bunkers? Why'd we even have to go out there? Abbie's lowest point.
47 I'd rather eat Cram every day and never see the sun again then be stuck here... alone.
48 003CB25A 003CB263 Dear holotape. I'm pretty sure... that everyone I know is dead. Abbie's lowest point.
49 If we hadn't bothered with this stupid, stupid system... they'd all still be here.
50 Well, guess what? If you all die, that kinda defeats the purpose!
51 003CB25B 003CB261 Forget it. There's about a million reasons here, and I seriously can't cover them all. Overwhelmed
52 Maybe the bunker is sinking. Maybe one of those beavers on buffout chewed through the power lines. Maybe the generator just gave up on life. Talking to herself still and thinking of all the absurd things that could have happened.
53 Can't win 'em all, Abbie! Moving on... Another holotape for the trash. Giving herself the type of pep talk a parent gives to a kid who lost a game.
54 003CB25C 003CB278 Scenario 5. A worst case. This recording means my bunker is running on auxiliary power.
55 You have... ideally four hours, potentially less, to somehow restore power and save this system! Struggling with her positivity, but trying to be positive.
56 Let's see. Generator manual is here. Spare parts at Thunder Mountain, that would be fun. Tools... Big sigh at the beginning. Talking to herself. "That would be fun" is very sarcastic. She knows it'd be terrible.
57 003CB25D 003CB264 Ok, I can do this. I can do this. It's for them, not for you. I can do it for them. I can do this. Start out with sighing, any noises that display frustration. Talking to herself, psyching herself up. "Them" is for her dead friends and family.
58 003CB25E 003CB268 Hey there...! Survivor? Bleh, equally terrible. Big breath , clearing throat before starting. Enthusiasm turns to awkwardness, turns to self criticizing.
59 Welcome to my humble bunker where we're all dead! By the way, how about you do a crap ton of super dangerous work that I promise you is worth it? Up beat, friendly, but completely sarcastic because she's noting how futile this entire plan is.
60 You're on board, right? Of course you are, because the fate of humanity depends on it! Friendly/happy sarcasm.
61 And my work here is done! Happy enthusiasm, but knowing she's got a TON of work to do.
62 003CB25F 003CB262 Howdy stranger! Er... oh god, I can't believe I said that. This is stupid. Clears throat at the beginning. This is Abbie's very first holotape.
63 You're all alone. No one to hear, no one judging... and you can't say a simple line. Great. Talking to herself, scolding.
64 003CB39F 003CB3A8 We've been working on this detection system for so long now, I feel like we'll never see the end of it.
65 Detectors, lures, uplinks. I think I'd rather die then head back to another relay tower at this rate.
66 But Raleigh and Niraj say it's worth it, and I believe them.
67 Those Scorched are nasty business...
68 And if I had the means to let people know they're coming, and better yet, maybe take a Scorchbeast out along the way?
69 Hell yeah, I'd say that's worth it.
70 003CB3A0 003CB3AD I feel like it's been non-stop missions for a while now.
71 Gather supplies, head out, take a beating, set up a thing, take a few more beatings, come home, heal up... rinse and repeat.
72 Most days, I'm not even sure how we're still alive.
73 003CB3A1 003CB3AE Some of these survivors proved they aren't completely worthless, too.
74 One guy, Duncan, turned out to be a decent hunter, and another gal, Kendyll, she's a better shot than me.
75 Still, you look at these people struggling here and just think... You bastards had your chance.
76 We practically spelled it out for you and you just turned up your noses and called us crazy.
77 Bunch of idiots...
78 003CB3A2 003CB3AB Things are finally starting to shape up around here at Harpers Ferry.
79 We got a lot of defenses up and running, a real perimeter, and people taking lookout shifts.
80 Niraj is working on some new contraption to help with these brutal storms that sweep through. He said they could filter the air or something.
81 And Ella's got a decent clinic set up with the help of the Responders.
82 It makes me feel like maybe Raleigh was right, and we can have a real go at this.
83 003CB3A3 003CB3AA They seem to have realized what we knew all along... that the government wasn't going to lift a finger to help clean up this mess. Disgusted with the government.
84 The Responders have been at it from the start with no sign of order, so they took it upon themselves to organize and help those in need.
85 It's also a relief to no longer be the only one with a real medical background and training.
86 Derek said he can bring back some supplies and help out a bit. At least until we're more settled. Hopeful
87 Lucy's been a great help, but her training as an aesthetician can only go so far. hopeful/tired
88 003CB3A4 003CB3A9 May 2, 2080. Jesus I'm tired. Ever since we agreed to help rebuild Harpers, it's just been non-stop work. Exhausted from work.
89 These people are in some bad shape. Some are improving, but it pains me to see our supplies dwindle.
90 It's just that logical knowledge of knowing you packed for four and then suddenly you need to provide for eight. Slight worry.
91 On the bright side, we met a guy named Derek the other day who said he's with a group of people called the Responders. Hopeful
92 003CB3A5 003CB3A7 I've started taking samples for analysis. Hopefully, the plants can still be used for some good old holistic treatments. Speaking more as a scientist
93 Raleigh's getting to work on a series of tests for the water and soil. I guess we can count ourselves lucky the air's breathable.
94 But this place... I grew up here and I barely recognize it. There's no way we were prepared for this. Kind of in awe of what she's seeing, but also knowing the potential dangers.
95 Toxicity levels, slight mutations, yes. But I'm telling you, Darwin would lose his mind out here. Fascinated again.
96 003CB3A6 003CB3AC July 15, 2079. Wow. Who would've thought a little radiation would turn this world upside down? Fascinated as a scientist.
97 We were down in those bunkers for what, a couple years? There's no way radiation did all this all by itself in that amount of time. Emphasis on the "alls" in "ALL this ALL by itself"
98 I mean, first off, this place is crawling with these orange-red vines, the likes of which there is no precedent for. Fascinated
99 I saw a toad that wouldn't fit in a bathtub, a 12 point with two heads, be still my heart, and insects you don't even want to know about. Fascinated and slightly disgusted. Ella has done her fair share of hunting. She'd love to mount those heads on her wall.
100 003CB4BD 003CB4C9 I was your best friend for over forty years. I trusted you to help me see this through...
101 If you acted like you gave a half a damn about anything besides yourself you could've helped me.
102 Maybe I never would've made the decision rebuild Harpers Ferry. Maybe half my family would still be alive...
103 003CB4BE 003CB4C6 Sam, where the hell are you? I could really use my best friend right now. Big sigh at the beginning. Addressing Sam, his best friend, who is MIA. More sad than angry.
104 This was our thing, you know. We were in this together.
105 Then you started in with the secrets, the no shows... You practically shoved Emily out the door, and now you're doing it to me? Frustrated. Emily was Sam's wife.
106 003CB4BF 003CB4C7 It's been... two weeks since I lost Trish and Marty. First time talking about losing his wife and oldest daughter.
107 Two weeks since we lost Harpers to those... things... those Scorched and that... nightmare. "Nightmare" is a Scorchbeast.
108 Two weeks of keeping it together for Mike and Megan... and all the others. Trying to be a strong father to his remaining two kids and leader to the other Free States members.
109 003CB4C0 003CB4C8 Derek told us they've been hitting up the Responders for manpower and supplies and not taking no for an answer. Thinking out loud to himself.
110 Well, they've got another thing coming if they try that over here, and we need to be ready.
111 003CB4C1 003CB4C5 I think it's time we claimed the Armory as our own territory. Thinking out loud to himself.
112 I'll need to get Eddie and Niraj to help out with some security measures.
113 Survivors are gonna hate it, but we gotta protect our own, especially against the damn Brotherhood.
114 003CB4C2 003CB4CC Having said all this out loud, I think I've finally come to a decision.
115 Now it's just going to be a matter of persuading the others that it's a good idea.
116 003CB4C3 003CB4CA Long story short, the town is a mess. People are dying. They need our "expertise," which I just took to mean help, supplies, you name it.
117 So I grabbed Marty and went out there to have a look, and yeah. It's bad.
118 Maybe... Had I only gone alone, maybe I could keep this hidden from everyone... But Marty couldn't hold back her tears for those folks.
119 003CB4C4 003CB4CB I was approached today by Miranda Vox.
120 Yep, the same woman who told me to shove my "movement" where the sun don't shine and get the hell out of "her" town.
121 She may be mayor of Harpers Ferry, or what's left of it, but I'm the one who's lived there all my life.
122 Grudges aside, she came asking for help.
123 003CB4D0 003CB4DF Look, if this is as big as you think it is, the Fire Breathers can handle any Raiders. Serious and determined.
124 But I need to know how this system works and see it in action first. Serious and determined
125 003CB4D1 003CB4E1 It's true, Hank. And this system would be done if it weren't for those damn Raiders. Irritated at Madigan's doubt. "Difficult" refers to the Raiders getting in their way.
126 003CB4D2 003CB4E6 This is a real game changer, Raleigh... if what you say is true. Getting serious.
127 003CB4D3 003CB4E0 It doesn't just lure them down. We found some research and tech at one of the Brotherhood's old outposts. Explaining
128 Ella realized if we can blast a Scorchbeast with a certain frequency, it disorients it long enough for us to go in and take it out.
129 Niraj and Abbie started work on the tech. We tested it. And it works. Says the last sentence with a pride.
130 003CB4D8 003CB4E3 Whoa, you're telling me you're luring those things down? You've got some balls, Free States.
131 Even with your numbers, taking on a beast is no easy task.
132 003CB4D9 003CB4E7 What you nearly broke was a Scorchbeast lure. It's the best defense we have against them. Explaining, more as a teacher/scientist then someone upset
133 003CB4DA 003CB4DE Hey, you guys are always holed up in your bunkers, how else can I get your attention? Casually speaking, almost joking.
134 Besides, a crazy contraption like that? Of course I'm gonna try to figure it out.
135 And by the way you guys came out fully armed and ready to fight, I'm guessing it's pretty big. Smirking
136 003CB4DB 003CB4E4 All right, Madigan, you want to explain why we found you out there tampering with our stuff? Not angry or threatening, they aren't enemies, but still a bit stern
137 003CB4DC 003CB4E2 I got it, Eddie, it's recording... Jesus. Slightly whispered. Frustrated because she's competent and doesn't appreciate being treated like she isn't.
138 003CB4DD 003CB4E5 Is it recording? Make sure it's recording. Slightly whispered. Wants to be sure he gets this conversation with Madigan, who they just ran into and agreed to talk.
139 003DC3A5 003DC3AD I... I don't even know how to say it... but JD's dead... I... I've murdered my own brother. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
140 After I found out he'd been stealing our supplies for Brianna Hawke, I couldn't wait, so I rushed out and found him scouting the ridge. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
141 I... I have a hard time remembering the rest. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
142 I don't know if he slipped, or I pushed too hard, but my brother... he fell... he's dead and it's all my fault. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
143 When Brianna found out what happened, she gathered her group and hit the cabin with everything they had. They wanted me dead. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
144 I killed them all, but they got in a lucky shot, and I don't think I'm going to last much longer. Probably better this way. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
145 This whole thing... what I did... it reminds me of a passage I read in the Bible once. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
146 "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life present in him." Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
147 I guess... I proved that one right. Sad and weak. You're dying from a gunshot wound.
148 003DC3A6 003DC3B0 It's been weeks since I chased off Brianna Hawke, and I feel like I've wasted all of it trying to convince JD that he was better off without her.
149 I finally thought I was getting through, until I was cleaning up our cabin and found the goddamn notes they'd been passing to each other.
150 Instead of heading out to hunt, that hijo de perra's been stabbing me in the back by giving Brianna some of our supplies! Just in case: http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/hijo%20de%20perra
151 After everything I've sacrificed for our family, how could he do this to me?!
152 When he gets back from today's "hunt" we're going to have a little chat about Brianna Hawke. And this time, I'm not going to just look the other way.
153 003DC3A7 003DC3B2 We were at our bunker when the Scorchbeasts attacked Harpers Ferry. It took them less than an hour to burn the place down.
154 When the attack was over, I thought Brianna was dead and that JD would return to his old self. When he didn't, I became suspicious.
155 Then Brianna shows up at our cabin with a small group of survivors and everything became clear.
156 She had conned JD, played him this entire time, pretending to love him to give herself and her friends an invite to our bunker.
157 Well, there was no way I was going to let that happen. I told her she could march right back to her cave and find her own place to survive.
158 When JD tried to stop me, I had to knock him out. That's when Brianna's people pushed back, and I fired some shots into the air to scare them away.
159 Now I have to deal with JD, and damn is he going to be pissed.
160 003DC3A8 003DC3AE For the past few years, my brother's been bummed out - like really sad, you know?
161 Personally, I don't think he's ever recovered from watching the world end. Hell, I don't think any of us have.
162 I tried to talk to him about it, but he kept pushing me away and changing the subject.
163 But after JD met Brianna Hawke in Harpers Ferry, things turned around. I guess she helped him out by giving him a different shoulder to cry on.
164 Why JD's more comfortable with her than his own brother, I'll never know.
165 Yeah, I'm kind of angry, maybe even a little jealous, but I'm going to let it go for his sake.
166 Still, there's something about Brianna that bugs me, so I'm going to keep an eye on her.
167 003DC3A9 003DC3AC When my brother JD & I answered the call to head into Harpers Ferry, we expected to find an organized Free States stronghold.
168 Now that we're here, it's obvious that no one knows what the hell they're doing.
169 The other Free States families are wasting precious resources trying to restore Harpers Ferry and create a safe haven for survivors.
170 Instead, they should be turning the town into a fort and stockpiling supplies to prep for the long haul.
171 We'll still pitch in, but we don't plan on sticking around long to see what happens.
172 We don't think that Harpers Ferry will ever be safe, so we're going to use our share of the supplies to reinforce the bunker at our cabin.
173 003DC3AA 003DC3B1 I don't know if I'm sick, or I'm dying, but my body has changed.
174 I've sought help, but people laugh at my appearance or turn me away.
175 I'm what people are calling a "ghoul," a name that sickens me to my stomach.
176 I've been chased out of my own home, and now I'm running from place to place hiding like a criminal.
177 A week ago, I was begging for food and was almost shot by someone who didn't want me near them. Well, I've had enough.
178 I found a note from someone named Lucy Harwick. She claims to run a place where people like me can go to live their life without being afraid.
179 I'm going to head out to Valley Galleria to see if it's true. I hope to god that it is, because I don't know how much more of this I can take.
180 003DC3AB 003DC3AF As my study of Hopewell Cave continues, I'm struck by the atypical nature of this Adena-based burial complex. Adena = ah-dee-nah
181 The Adena culture generally buried their dead in large mounds and similar hill-shaped earthworks.
182 Due to the primitive nature of the tools from 1000 to 200 BC, stone carving was not yet a part of their society.
183 However, archeologists who investigated this "skull cave" site removed remains and artifacts belonging to the Adena culture.
184 I wonder if it's possible that the remains of the Adena people were moved to this location well after their society ceased to exist? self-pondering a question
185 For one culture to treat another's with such reverence is unusual at best. I will continue my research to discover more.