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Fallout Wiki

This page lists all voice actors that performed in Fallout 3.

Fallout 3 voice actors[]

Image Actor Voiced character GECK voice type ID
Odette Yustman Odette Annable Amata Almodovar FemaleUniqueAmata
Dee Bradley Baker Dee Bradley Baker Stanislaus Braun MaleUniqueBraun
Jeff Baker Jeff Baker Stanley Armstrong, Uncle Roe, Hannibal Hamlin, Sergeant RL-3, Button Gwinnett, Herman Gomez, Gary Staley, Edgar Wellington II, Gary's clones, Mel, Bannon, Dusty, Willy Wilson, Bronson, Stevie Mack, Paul Hannon Sr., John Kendall, Richards, O'Brian, Park, Wolfe, Doc Hoff, Drifter, Knight Dillon, Henry Young, Ian West, Alan, Robert, Jack Smith, Jotun, Junders Plunkett, Colvin, Silas, Branchtender Linden, Pappy, Frank, Paulie Cantelli, Roger Rockwell, Ronald Laren, Rory Maclaren, Bowditch, Stockholm, Micky, Carlos, Willy, Ymir, Harkness (audio logs), Brotherhood of Steel initiates (male), Brotherhood of Steel scribes (male), Brotherhood Outcasts (male), Child of Atom (male), escaped slave (male), hitman (male), hunters (male), Megaton refugees (male), Megaton settlers (male), patients (male), Regulators (male), scavengers (male), Tenpenny residents (male), wasteland junkie (male), wastelanders (male), Vault-Tec demonstration narrator MaleAdult01Default, MaleUniqueButton
William Bassett William Bassett Owyn Lyons MaleUniqueElderLyons
Karencarbone Karen Carbone Moira Brown, Catherine, Robobrains, Red, Sydney, Anna Holt, Belle Bonny, Brianna, Cherry, Crimson, Fantasia, Lana Danvers, Masterbrain, Nova, Rosie, Susan Lancaster, Susie Mack, Scribe Yearling, Brotherhood of Steel initiates (female), Brotherhood of Steel knights (female), Brotherhood of Steel paladins (female), caravan guards (female), Child of Atom (female), escaped slave (female), Rivet City security (female), wastelanders (female) FemaleAdult02, FemaleUniqueMom
Ashley Cheng Ashley Cheng Chinese commandos, Chinese remnant soldiers MaleUniqueChineseTroop
Johnny Contino Johnny Contino Grouse, Sam Warrick, Mad Johnny Wes, Brotherhood of Steel GNR commander, Dogmeat's owner (male), Brotherhood of Steel initiates (male), Brotherhood of Steel knights (male), Brotherhood of Steel paladins (male), Brotherhood Outcasts (male), caravan guards (male), Regulators (male), security guards (male), slavers (male), wastelanders (male) MaleAdult06
ErikHeadshotLg Erik Todd Dellums Three Dog MaleUniqueThreeDog
Paul Eiding Paul Eiding Nathan Vargas, Abraham Washington, Tree Father Birch, Evan King, Arkansas, Daniel Littlehorn, Dr. Zimmer, Walter, Father Clifford, Mister Lopez, Doctor Banfield, Herbert Dashwood, Irving Cheng, Old Man Harris, Breadbox, Tinker Joe, Officer Taylor, Bill Seward, The Preacher MaleOld01
Shari Elliker Shari Elliker Beatrice Armstrong, Reilly, Star Paladin Cross, Victoria Watts, Bleak, Brailee Ewers, Brick, Carolina Red, Child slaver, Christie Young, Cindy Cantelli, Cutter, Knight Captain Dusk, Ellen DeLoria, Holly, Scribe Jameson, Janet Rockwell, Janice Kaplinski, Jenny Stahl, Jessica, Karen Schenzy, Kimba, Linda Smith, Lydia Montenegro, Mabel Henderson, Branchtender Maple, Martha Simpson, Martha Wilson, Mei Wong, Millicent Wellington, Defender Morgan, Pat Neusbaum, Silver, Simone Cameron, Sonora Cruz, Tammy Hargrave, Tanya "The AntAgonizer" Christoff, Brotherhood of Steel initiates (female), Brotherhood of Steel knights (female), Brotherhood of Steel paladins (female), Brotherhood Outcasts (female), hunters (female), Megaton settlers (female), Raiders (female), slavers (female), Tenpenny residents (female), wasteland captives (female), wastelanders (female) FemaleAdult01Default
Peter Gil Peter Gil Colonel Autumn, Confessor Cromwell MaleUniqueAutumn, MaleUniqueCromwell
GregoryGorton Gregory Gorton Jonas Palmer, Dave, Horace Pinkerton, Vance, Daniel Agincourt, Officer Armstrong, Protector Casdin, Doc Church, Crow, Branchtender Cypress, Dominic D'Ellsadro, Ken Ewers, Herman Gomez (Trouble on the Homefront only), Michael Hawthorne, Seagrave Holmes, Paladin Hoss, Anthony Ling, Lug-Nut, George Neusbaum, Scribe Peabody, Initiate Pek, Dr. Preston, Shorty, Leo Stahl, Leroy Walker, Sister, Carter, Laszlo Radford, Museum of Technology narrator, Brotherhood of Steel initiates (male), Brotherhood of Steel scribes (male), caravan guards (male), hunters (male), Megaton settlers (male), scavengers (male), wastelanders (male), planetarium narrator MaleAdult01DefaultB
Duncan Hood Duncan Hood Alphonse Almodovar, Dukov, Reginald Rothchild MaleUniqueOverseer, MaleUniqueDukov, MaleUniqueRothchild
Jake Howard Lone Wanderer (baby)
Jan Johns Jan Johns Lucy West, Clover, Sierra Petrovita, Alejandra Torres, Angela Staley, Bittercup, Christine Kendall, Knight Captain Durga, Machete, Mary Holden, Pepper Gomez, Shawna, Susie Mack, Trinnie, Vera Weatherly, Initiate Reddin, People's Republic of America Radio FemaleAdult04
Wes Johnson Wes Johnson Mister Burke, Uncle Leo, Fawkes, Super mutants, Dean Dewey, Shakes, Deputy Weld, Protectrons, sentry bots RobotProtectron, RobotSentryBot
Stephanie Joy Stephanie Joy Young Amata, Lucy, Maggie, Bumble, C.J. Young, Flower, Jenny Wilson, Knock Knock, Mary, Penny, Princess, Rachael, Sapling Yew, Young Christine Kendall, Little Lamplighters (female) FemaleChild01
Matt Killmon Matt Killmon Alex Keller
Luke Lafferty Young Paul Hannon Jr. MaleUniquePaulHannonKid
Mark Lampert Mark Lampert Feral ghouls, Bob Andersteen, Ralph Keller, Sid CreatureFeralGhoul, MaleUniqueMQ08Sid
James Lewis James Lewis Mr. Brotch, Jericho, Eulogy Jones, Smiling Jack, Ryan Brigg, Winger Gervais, Winger Mercier, Goalie Ledoux, southern shack raider, northern shack raider, raider leader, raider boss, raider miniboss, raiders (male) MaleGroupRaider, MaleUniqueBrotch, MaleUniqueEulogy, MaleUniqueJericho
Heather Marie Marsden Heather Marie Marsden Sarah Lyons FemaleUniqueSarah
Jennifer Massey Jennifer Massey Madison Li, Enclave officers, Enclave scientists FemaleUniqueDrLi, FemaleGroupEnclave
Sean McCoy Sean McCoy Young Wally Mack, Harden Simms, Bryan Wilks, Derek Pacion, Eclair, James Hargrave, Joseph, Junior Smith, Knick Knack, Squire Maxson, Ralph, Sammy, Squirrel, Zip, Biwwy, Little Lamplighters (male) MaleChild01
Malcolm-McDowell Malcolm McDowell John Henry Eden
Liam Neeson2 Liam Neeson James (Dad) MaleUniqueDad
Cullen Pagliarulo Timmy Neusbaum MaleUniqueTimmy
Emil Pagliarulo Emil Pagliarulo Boston trucker
Pete Papageorge Pete Papageorge Allen Mack, Bill Foster, Paladin Bael, Brock, Caleb Smith, Chief Gustavo, Defender Rockfowl, Forty, Garza, Knight Finley, Joe Porter, Knight Captain Irving Gallows, Lucky Harith, Scott "The Mechanist" Wollinski, Paladin Vargas, Paladin Kodiak, Donovan, Karl, Shrapnel, Ben Canning, wasteland captives (male), wastelander (male) MaleAdult02
Ron Perlman Ron Perlman Narrator
Mike Rosson Mike Rosson Colin Moriarty, Doctor Lesko, Charon, Gob, Roy Phillips, Snowflake, Ahzrukhal, Winthrop, Quinn, Barrows, Mister Crowley, Patchwork, Barrett, Murphy, Michael Masters, Gallo, Jaime Palabras, Novice, Tenpenny residents (male), Underworld residents (male) MaleUniqueMoriarty, MaleUniqueLesko, MaleGenericGhoul
StephenRussell Stephen Russell Harold, Andy, Mister Buckingham, Wadsworth, Cerberus, Jones, Godfrey, Sawbones, Deputy Steel, Mister Handy robots, Enclave officers (male), Enclave scientists (male), Enclave soldiers (male) MaleGroupEnclave, RobotMisterHandy
Craig Sechler Craig Sechler Butch DeLoria, Harkness, Billy Creel, Crazy Wolfgang, Sticky, Andy Stahl, Pronto, Diego, Alex Dargon, Bob, Flash, Freddie Gomez, Paul Hannon Jr., Justin, Ted Strayer, Timebomb, Tom Holden, Wally Mack (Trouble on the Homefront only), Talon Company mercs (male) MaleAdult04, MaleGroupTalonCompany, MaleUniqueHarkness
DianaSowle Diana Sowle Agatha, Old Lady Palmer, Manya Vargas, Margaret Primrose, Grandma Sparkle, Old Lady Dithers, Leaf Mother Laurel, Mother Maya, Bloomseer Poplar, Tiffany Cheng, Margaret, Child of Atom (female) FemaleOld01, FemaleUniqueSparkle
Jakob Stalnaker Young Butch DeLoria, Robert MacCready, Jason Grant MaleUniqueButch, MaleUniqueMacCready
Corrieanne Stein Actress Corrieanne Stein Betty FemaleUniqueBetty
Gus Travers Gus Travers Armitage, Butcher, Paladin Gunny, Flak, Paladin Glade, Knight Sergeant Wilks, Craterside Supply mercenary, Brotherhood of Steel initiates (male), Brotherhood of Steel knights (male), Brotherhood of Steel paladins (male), Brotherhood Outcasts (male), Rivet City security (male), security guards (male), slavers (male) MaleAdult05
Charlie Warren Allistair Tenpenny MaleUniqueTenpenny
Audrey Wasilewski Audrey Wasilewski Tulip, Greta, Carol, Willow, Nurse Graves, Miss Jeanette, Ethyl, Bessie Lynn, Tenpenny residents (female), Underworld residents (female) FemaleGenericGhoul
Greg L Williams Gregory L. Williams Lucas Simms MaleUniqueSimms

Operation: Anchorage voice actors[]

Image Actor Voiced character GECK voice type ID
Ashley Cheng Ashley Cheng Chinese soldiers, Chinese technicians, Crimson Dragoons, General Jingwei DLC02MaleChinese1
Jan Johns Jan Johns Specialist Olin DLC02FemaleUniqueOlin
Craig Sechler Craig Sechler Benjamin Montgomery, Henry Hodges, McKinney, Thomas Morgan, American soldiers (male), American grease-monkeys (male), strike team (male), Brotherhood Outcasts (male) DLC02MaleUniqueMontgomery, DLC02MaleGeneric2
Chris Walker Christopher Crutchfield Walker Defender Morrill, American war correspondent, American soldiers (male), American grease-monkeys (male), strike team (male) DLC02MaleGeneric3
Jerry Whiddon Jerry Whiddon Constantine Chase, Zachary Lloyd, American soldiers (male), American grease-monkeys (male), strike team (male), Brotherhood Outcasts (male) DLC02MaleGeneric1, DLC02MaleUniqueGeneralChase

The Pitt voice actors[]

Image Actor Voiced character GECK voice type ID
Francie Glick Francie Glick Sandra, Kai, Milly, Nola, Pitt slaves DLC01UniqueSandra, DLC01SlaveFemale01VoiceType, DLC01SlaveFemale02VoiceType
Mark Lampert Mark Lampert John-John, Pitt slaves DLC01SlaveMale02VoiceType
James Lewis James Lewis Ishmael Ashur, Bingo, Everett, Gruber, Hammer, John Bear, Krenshaw, Mex, Phantom, Reddup, Slave fighters, Pitt raiders (male) DLC01UniqueAshur, DLC01RaiderMaleGruffVoice
Vanessa Richardson Vanessa Richardson Bone, Faydra, Friday, Lulu, Mona, Spook, Squill, Vikia, Pitt raiders (female), trogs DLC01RaiderFemaleColdVoice, DLC01RaiderFemaleGruffVoice, DLC01UniqueTrogVoice
Mike Rosson Mike Rosson Wernher DLC01UniqueWernher
Craig Sechler Craig Sechler Adan, Brand, Duke, Grudd Bear, Harris, Jackson, Marco, O-Dog, Pitt slave lead conspirator, Prosper, Slave master, Trouble Man, Pitt raiders, Pitt slaves DLC01RaiderMaleColdVoice, DLC01SlaveMale01VoiceType

Broken Steel voice actors[]

Image Actor Voiced character GECK voice type ID
Jeff Baker Jeff Baker Officer Davis, Brother Gerard, Paladin Jensen, Sergeant RL-3, Paladin Tristan, prototype medic power armor, bandits (male), Project Purity scientists (male) MaleAdult01Default
William Bassett William Bassett Owyn Lyons MaleUniqueElderLyons
Karencarbone Karen Carbone Officer Lepelletier, Mother Curie III, Scribe Vallincourt FemaleAdult02, DLC03FemaleUniqueVallincourt
Shari Elliker Shari Elliker Officer Lorin, Rosa Meitner, bandits (female), Project Purity scientists (female), Wastelander (Wastelander holotape) FemaleAdult01Default
Jan Johns Jan Johns Holotape narrator FemaleAdult04
Wes Johnson Wes Johnson Scribe Bigsley, Fawkes DLC03UniqueBigsley
Duncan Hood Duncan Hood Reginald Rothchild MaleUniqueRothchild
Mark Lampert Mark Lampert Enclave soldiers (encounter) MaleGroupEnclave
Heather Marie Marsden Heather Marie Marsden Sarah Lyons FemaleUniqueSarah
Pete Papageorge Pete Papageorge Split Jack MaleAdult02
Mike Rosson Mike Rosson Charon, Griffon, Kidd, Novice, Wint, Brother Gerard (ghoul) MaleGenericGhoul
Craig Sechler Craig Sechler Stiggs MaleAdult04
Gus Travers Gus Travers Operations Officer Edwards MaleAdult05

Point Lookout voice actors[]

Image Actor Voiced character GECK voice type ID
Jeff Baker Jeff Baker Desmond Lockheart DLC04UniqueDesmond
Bari Biern Bari Biern Catherine, Marguerite, Marcella, Nadine, Madame Panada, Smugglers, Woodrose DLC04FemaleNormal, DLC04FemaleTribal
Joel Burgess Joel Burgess Plik DLC04UniqueDesmond
Duncan Hood Duncan Hood Tobar DLC04UniqueTobar
Wes Johnson Wes Johnson Trackers, Protectron, Voice-activated security system DLC04RobotVoice, DLC04MaleYokelLarge
James Lewis James Lewis Dead pilot, Haley, Jackson, Jacob Humboldt, Jimson, John Adlam, Obadiah Blackhall, Richard Adlam, Smugglers, Twigbag DLC04MaleNormal, DLC04MaleTribalFriendly
Cullen Pagliarulo Latchkey Kenny DLC04MaleChild
Craig Sechler Craig Sechler Professor Calvert DLC04UniqueTheBrain

Mothership Zeta voice actors[]

Image Actor Voiced character GECK voice type ID
Jan Johns Jan Johns Sally, Janet, captive #10 DLC05NPCUniqueSally
Matt Killmon Matt Killmon Captive #19
Mark Lampert Mark Lampert Giles Wolstencroft, Lawrence Mears, Morrison Rand, U.S. Senator, captive #9, captive #20, captive #23, captive #25, wastelander
Jerry Whiddon Jerry Whiddon Paulson, Andrew Endicott, Hartigan, Victor Breckenridge DLC05NPCUniquePaulson

See also[]
