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You might wear his badge, but you're not my dad.— When wearing his father's sheriff's duster.

Harden Simms is an inhabitant of Megaton in 2277.


Harden was born in 2267. He is Lucas Simms' 10-year-old son. His father has instructed him not to talk to strangers in Megaton, and he reluctantly obeys. He goes to sleep early and rises early, which gives him enough time to meet up with Maggie and play.[Non-game 1]

By 2297, Harden is the sheriff of Megaton. When drunk, he often speaks about his father's death, and blames it on the Lone Wanderer.[Non-game 2][Non-game 3]

Daily schedule[]

He is a good friend of Maggie and is usually seen near her in the mid-morning to late afternoon. It is implied by his father, Lucas Simms, that Harden also polishes Deputy Steel on a regular basis, but this is idle chatter as the child is not scripted to enter the Megaton armory.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • The Power of the Atom: If Lucas Simms is dead when the Lone Wanderer disarms the bomb, Harden will reward them with a home in Megaton and any caps they requested at the beginning of the quest. He exhibits little emotion despite his father's death.

Other interactions[]

  • The Child at Heart perk has no effect on this character.
  • Sometimes, it may be impossible to engage Harden in regular dialogue, as he will say something like "I'm not supposed to talk with strangers" and continue walking or standing.
  • If Lucas Simms dies, Harden will claim to be the new self-appointed sheriff.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Junior officer outfit

Notable quotes[]


Harden Simms appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

According to the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide, Harden's father named him after the real-life Old West outlaw John Wesley Hardin.[Non-game 4]


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Like all other Megaton characters, Harden Simms might go missing. See Recovering missing NPC in Fallout 3 on how to resolve this issue.[verified]
  • PCPC Even after his father dies, Harden still says they eat together at the Brass Lantern.[verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Regardless of one's Karma level, Harden will occasionally say "What do you want meanie?"[verified]



  1. ��� Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.76: "Harden Simms
    Harden is Lucas Simms's 10-year-old son. His father has instructed him not to talk to strangers in Megaton, and he reluctantly obeys. He goes to sleep early and rises early, which gives him enough time to meet up with Maggie and play."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Afterword - Moira Brown: "Just shipped out another crate of survival guides, and the caravans just can't seem to get enough of them. Sheriff Simms says they've really put Megaton on the map—pretty ironic, since I've had to redraw that map about a million times since the first edition came out 20 years ago."
  3. Afterword - Moira Brown: "Heck, if you get Simms drunk, he'll tell you that his dad died because of the Wanderer, even though he saved the town."
  4. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.82: "Lucas Simms
    He grew up in Megaton and understands better than anyone what it takes to survive and thrive in the Wasteland. Big and imposing yet warm and friendly, Lucas won his position by a unanimous vote of the people of Megaton (most of whom genuinely love the guy). He serves as mayor, sheriff, judge, and just about any other position that's needed. It's also no secret around Megaton that Lucas Simms is fulfilling some weird childhood cowboy fantasy. He named his son Harden after the Old West outlaw John Wesley Harden. Simms is also a member of a secret society known only as 'the Regulators.'"
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)