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Deputy Weld is a Protectron that guards the gate of Megaton in 2277.


Previously purchased by Sheriff Simms from Tinker Joe,[Non-game 1] Deputy Weld is a RobCo Industries Protectron on guard duty at Megaton's front gate, where he greets travelers with some platitudes in a '50s tone.[Non-game 2]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • Deputy Steel will replace Deputy Weld if it is killed (unless Broken Steel is installed).
  • If Megaton is destroyed during The Power of the Atom quest, Deputy Weld's faceplate will survive the atomic explosion and continue to welcome people to Megaton (albeit in a garbled manner) and state that "the bomb is perfectly safe".
  • Deputy Weld can be deactivated by hacking a computer terminal in the Megaton armory. A skill of 75 Science is required to deactivate both deputies.
  • Killing Deputy Weld results in a loss of Karma, and it will respawn after a while.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Hand and head laser Scrap metal
Energy cells


Due to the Lone Wanderer's unawareness of their origin, Colin Moriarty refers to them as having a "better programming than our own Deputy Weld."[1]

Notable quotes[]


Deputy Weld appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Deputy Weld's faceplate will function after destroying Megaton even if he is deactivated via the Megaton armory's computer terminal.[2]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 In Broken Steel, if Deputy Weld is killed in the firefight between Megaton settlers and the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers accompanying the water caravan, he may later be found wandering the wastes in the vicinity of Megaton, still saying "Welcome to Megaton." [verified]



  1. Lone Wanderer: "You're a liar, Moriarty. I know where I grew up."
    Colin Moriarty:"Aaahhhh. I see. You know, I heard about the brainwashin' that goes on down there. From some other fella, escaped, oh... five years back. 'All hail the Overseer! We're born in the Vault, we die in the Vault!' And all that other assorted lunacy. Kid, you've got better programming than our own Deputy Weld. You'd best wise up quick. Wouldn't want anyone... takin' advantage of ya. Hmm?"
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  2. Father Elijahcal (September 8, 2021). What If You Kill Moira And/Or Deputy Weld Before Nuking Megaton? - Youtube


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition, p. 101: "Tinker Joe
    This wandering merchant sells a variety of junk, equipment, and weaponry, but also dabbles in scavenging and selling robot parts. He's built a good rapport with Wastelanders, and Sheriff Simms of Megaton is particularly happy with his purchase of Deputies Steel and Weld. He can currently be seen wandering the wastes with his robotic entourage, which includes an old Mister Gutsy army unit named Sergeant RL-3."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition, p. 68: "Deputy Weld
    A RobCo Industries Protectron robot that guards the entrance to Megaton, Weld talks like a 50s robot but probably has some cowboy lingo programmed into him. He stays at the front gate and offers any traveler some platitudes."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)