Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Is this crap for real? Health level similar to a behemoth? Taking it all out because looks very fishy. "Even if you drag his parts to the corners of the Wasteland, he has been know to return, be very hostile, and gain a health level similar to that of a behemoth. The only true way to kill him is to blow up the bomb in megaton. Even disabling him using the armory console may not take him out forever. Make sure that if you are planning to raid Megaton, do not kill him, wait 72 hours and return. In his place will be deputy steel." 12:34, 28 January 2009 (UTC)

The last couple of times I've exited Megaton, I've witnessed Deputy Weld under attack by a Talon Company Merc and a Mole Rat. Anyone know why? Took me several reloads both times to keep Weld from being blown up.Fiddlesoup 03:04, 11 December 2008 (UTC)

Playing an upper-level character exiting Megaton by the gate, I've seen him up against a giant radscorpion at least twice and even a deathclaw once, unusual for that part of the map (all three times, of course, he didn't last long). You can have more on your hands at the gate than "a couple of raiders," and perhaps the article should mention this. Wunengzi 10:00, September 1, 2010 (UTC)
I've never seen anything but ants in 200 hours of gameplay on the 360, the raiders always spawn over at the red rocket by springvale. Mictlantecuhtli 10:19, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

Broken Steel health?[]

Is it just me or did they nerf his health in Broken Steel? The first thing I found when I fast traveled from the Citadel to Megaton to drop off gear from Take It Back! was a dead Deputy Weld, and I had even used the command console to increase his health to 500. I assumed Broken Steel changed it back, perhaps even lower than vanilla default. Anyone else have similar experiences/proof? -- 16:43, 10 May 2009 (UTC) 16:06, 12 May 2009 (UTC) Guys i found a new thingy in broken steel. When i was in megaton i exited it and somehow a random encounter started where 3 megaton citizens were talking with the water caravan being guarded by BoS guys. In this encounter the citizens attack the caravan after talking, and since Weld is standing right infront, he usually gets killed by angry Bos knights guarding the caravan. Lich Lord

Deputy's badge[]

In the GECK there's a sheriff's badge decal that can be added to any protectron, but for some reason they just left Deputy Weld vanilla. There are other decals that seem unused as well. "M" for metro, yellow and red markings. Metro Protectrons are just as vanilla. BigMill 18:13, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

The "sheriff's badge" is the army logo.Vault 815 16:55, February 6, 2010 (UTC)


Deputy is his title i mean. Trolly Polly Olly 13:35, May 14, 2011 (UTC)

Deputy Weld "revived" after dying[]

After completing the entire Main Quest line with Broken Steel, there is a "quest" of several Wastelanders attempting to hijack an Aqua Pura caravan. If the player does not intervene, there will be a (quite one-sided) battle between the Wastelanders and the Brothers assigned to guard the caravan. The Brothers will also attack and easily kill Deputy Weld. However, fast traveling to Megaton after several in-game days and exiting the gate, I found Deputy Weld up and about, alive and well, still saying "Welcome to Megaton". I've encountered a similar thing with Defender Morgan in Fort Independence. Bugged game? -- 02:50, May 27, 2012 (UTC)

I used Robotics Expert to sneak up to and deactivated Deputy Weld. After several game days he is back online and all is seemingly well. What is going on here? -- 05:35, May 28, 2012 (UTC)


Hey, is Deputy neccesary? Isn't that just a rank (like Sheriff Simms)? Same goes for Deputy Steel. Energy X Signature0 22:14, January 8, 2013 (UTC)

It's really hard to tell since no one really talks to him or calls him by either Deputy Weld or just Weld. ---bleep196- (talk) 22:16, January 8, 2013 (UTC)
I'd say keep it. By that logic, we might as well turn Sergeant RL-3 into RL-3. Just my two cents. Richie9999 (talk) 22:22, January 8, 2013 (UTC)
It depends totally on whether you really believe the robot has a position as "deputy" in the town, or if his name is just "Deputy Weld" as a whole. Sergeant RL-3 is obviously a name in itself but in this case it's up to interpretation. Personally, I'd keep it in statu quo, considering it can be seen either way, and changing it would require a lot of link updates, and, like Richie said, a matter of consistency in regards to articles with similar titles. --Skire (talk) 22:50, January 8, 2013 (UTC)

Page Broken[]

Page is broken. Is this an isolated issue or something messed up at a higher level? I don't want to mess with it and end up breaing something bigger.
