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This is a transcript for dialogue with Colin Moriarty.


CGTransitionTopic CGTransitionTopic Neutral 50 No, no, put that away. This one's on the house. And now a toast. To James and his cheery cherub. May your future be safe, bright, and boring as hell. 1
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Colin Moriarty, at your service! Welcome to Moriarty's! My saloon, my home, my slice of heaven in this backwoods little burg. 2
Neutral 50 If you've got the caps, I've got your pleasure. Please, sit down, make yourself comfortable. Your troubles are a thing of the past. 3
GREETING Happy 50 Colin Moriarty. Always pleased to see a new face. But I'm afraid you've had the misfortune to catch me, well... out of me element. 4
Neutral 50 I'm the owner and proprietor of Moriarty's, you see. The saloon? 5
Happy 50 But, please! See for yourself! Come by for a drink or twelve. You and I, oh, we're going to be fast friends. Fast friends! 6
GREETING Happy 50 What is it I can do for you? 7
GREETING Happy 50 Ahhh... my new friend. What can I get you? Some sorrows are best buried, and I'm a man that can provide all sorts of tools to bury them. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 And back he comes. So... are you just thirsty, or are you ready to pay me fee? Dear dad's not going to find himself. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 And back she comes. So, are you just thirsty, or are you ready to pay me fee? Dear dad's not going to find himself. 10
GREETING Neutral 50 What's it to be? A few caps to find out where your father went? Or are you going to have a go of it on your own? 11
Neutral 50 The Wasteland can be such an unforgiving place.... 12
GREETING Surprise 50 No luck finding dear old dad? Can't say it surprises me. Wasteland's a big place. Maybe you need a drink. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 You're still standing here, and I can't think why. You know where your father went. Seems to me you ought to be out searching the Wastes. 14
GREETING Happy 50 Well now, if it ain't our local terror. You behave yourself this time, you hear? 15
Neutral 50 I don't care what you do to these yokels, you just keep your brand of trouble far away from me. 16
GREETING Happy 50 Colin Moriarty, at your service! Welcome to Moriarty's! My saloon, my home, my little slice of heaven in this godforsaken little town! 17
Neutral 50 If you've got the caps, I've got your pleasure. Please, sit down, make yourself comfortable your troubles are a thing of the past. 18
GREETING Happy 50 Colin Moriarty. Always pleased to see a new face around here. I'm afraid you've had the misfortune to catch me, well... out of my element. 19
Neutral 50 I'm the owner and proprietor of Moriarty's, you see. My saloon, my home, my little slice of heaven in this godforsaken little town! 20
Neutral 50 But, I already know your face from that little stunt you pulled the other day. But no worries, all are welcome here. 21
GREETING Happy 50 Colin Moriarty. Always pleased to see a new face around here. I'm afraid you've had the misfortune to catch me, well... out of my element. 22
Neutral 50 I'm the owner and proprietor of Moriarty's, you see. My saloon, my home, my little slice of heaven in this godforsaken little town! 23
Happy 50 But, please! Please! See for yourself! Come by for a drink or three. You and I... you and I are going to get along just fine. 24
GREETING Neutral 50 Hello, hello. What is it I can do for you? 25
GREETING Happy 50 Ahhh... my new friend. What can I get you? Some sorrows are best buried, and I'm a man that can provide all sorts of tools to bury them. 26
GREETING Neutral 50 And back he comes. So... are you just thirsty, or are you ready to pay my fee? Dear dad's not going to find himself. 27
GREETING Neutral 50 And back she comes. So, are you just thirsty, or are you ready to pay my fee? Dear dad's not going to find himself. 28
GREETING Neutral 50 What's it to be? A few caps to find out where your father went? Or are you going to have a go of it on your own? 29
Neutral 50 The Wasteland can be such an unforgiving place.... 30
GREETING Surprise 50 No luck finding dear old dad? Can't say it surprises me. Wasteland's a big place. Maybe you need a drink. 31
GREETING Neutral 50 You're still standing here, and I can't think why. You know where your father went. Seems to me you ought to be out searching the Wastes. 32
GREETING Neutral 50 If it isn't my favorite vault baby! What can I do for you? 33
GREETING Neutral 50 And look who it is! What can this humble barkeep do for you? 34
MQ01GNRTopic What's all this about Galaxy News Radio? Neutral 50 Galaxy News Radio is some loudmouth radio station located in the ruins of D.C. 35
Disgust 50 Three Dog, the king of that looney bin, keeps yapping about fighting some Good Fight or something. A bunch of crap. 36
Disgust 80 But I suppose if you wanted to know what was going on in the Wasteland, that's the place to go. Me, I could care less. 37
MQ01MoriartyFavor01 Sure, anything to get the information. Happy 50 Eager, eh? Good... I like that. It's nice to have a doer in this shithole of a town for a change. 38
Disgust 70 This junkie bitch named Silver borrowed quite a few caps from me... claimed she could start funneling Jet and Psycho to me for a good price. 39
Neutral 50 Problem is she scrammed with the loot and set herself up in Springvale so she can inject herself into a stupor. 40
Happy 60 Get the caps she owes me and they're yours. Yours to pay me with anyway. He he he he he. 41
MQ01MoriartyFavor02 So, you want me to do your dirty work? Happy 50 Who said anything about dirty work? You need some caps, I'm giving you a way to get 'em. It's just business. 42
Disgust 70 This junkie bitch named Silver borrowed quite a few caps from me... claimed she could start funneling Jet and Psycho to me for a good price. 43
Neutral 50 Problem is she scrammed with the loot and set herself up in Springvale so she can inject herself into a stupor. 44
Happy 60 Get the caps she owes me and they're yours. Yours to pay me with anyway. He he he he he. 45
MQ01MoriartyFavor03 No way, Moriarty. No favors. Disgust 60 Fine. Go find Daddy yourself then. I'll be here when you change your mind. 46
MS11FinDeliverLetterTopic MS11FinDeliverLetterTopic Neutral 50 Here. These letters arrived for you while you were gone. I'm not a fucking post office you know. {mildly annoyed} 47
MS11FinDeliverLetterTopic Neutral 50 Here. These damn love letters have been waiting around for you. {mildly annoyed} 48
MS11FinDeliverLetterTopic Neutral 50 This letter came for you. I run a saloon, not a post office. But does anyone listen? No. Well, go on take the damn letter already. {mildly annoyed} 49
MS11FinDeliverLetterTopic Neutral 50 Another of those damn love letters arrived for you. {mildly annoyed} 50
MegGobDrinks I need a drink. Neutral 50 I used to make Gob take care of this, but what do you need? 51
I need a drink. Neutral 50 I guess now that Gob's gone, someone has to keep you drunks wet. 52
MegMoriartyChoice10a My Dad told me we were born in Vault 101... Surprise 60 Aaahhhh. I see. You know, I heard about the brainwashin' that goes on down there. From some other fella, escaped, oh... five years back. 53
Disgust 80 'All hail the Overseer! We're born in the Vault; we die in the Vault!' And all that other assorted lunacy. 54
Happy 80 Kid, you've got better programming than our own Deputy Weld. You'd best wise up quick. Wouldn't want anyone... takin' advantage of ya. Hmm? 55
MegMoriartyChoice10b Oh, I wasn't born in the Vault? That's complete bullshit, and you know it. Surprise 60 Aaahhhh. I see. You know, I heard about the brainwashin' that goes on down there. From some other fella, escaped, oh... five years back. 56
Disgust 80 'All hail the Overseer! We're born in the Vault; we die in the Vault!' And all that other assorted lunacy. 57
Happy 80 Kid, you've got better programming than our own Deputy Weld. You'd best wise up quick. Wouldn't want anyone... takin' advantage of ya. Hmm? 58
MegMoriartyChoice10c You're wrong. My Dad never would have lied to me. Surprise 60 Aaahhhh. I see. You know, I heard about the brainwashin' that goes on down there. From some other fella, escaped, oh... five years back. 59
Disgust 80 'All hail the Overseer! We're born in the Vault; we die in the Vault!' And all that other assorted lunacy. 60
Happy 80 Kid, you've got better programming than our own Deputy Weld. You'd best wise up quick. Wouldn't want anyone... takin' advantage of ya. Hmm? 61
MegMoriartyChoice10d You're a liar, Moriarty. I know where I grew up. Surprise 60 Aaahhhh. I see. You know, I heard about the brainwashin' that goes on down there. From some other fella, escaped, oh... five years back. 62
Disgust 80 "All hail the Overseer! We're born in the Vault, we die in the Vault!" And all that other assorted lunacy. 63
Happy 80 Kid, you've got better programming than our own Deputy Weld. You'd best wise up quick. Wouldn't want anyone... takin' advantage of ya. Hmm? 64
MegMoriartyChoice1b Huh? My father and I were born in Vault 101... Neutral 50 Is that what your father told you? That you were born in that hole? That HE was born there as well? 65
Neutral 50 Oh, the lies we tell to those we love. 66
Neutral 50 Your father brought you to the Vault right after you were born. To keep you safe, you see. I remember it well you stayed in my saloon, after all. 67
Neutral 50 That's right. Your father, his Brotherhood of Steel friend, and you, the suckling babe with nary a tit to suckle. Sorry about your mom. Truly. 68
Neutral 50 But, life goes on. Daddy lied. Life's full of little disappointments. And now... you're all grown up, and wondering where he's gone to.... 69
MegMoriartyChoice1c You're lying. The Vault's been sealed for 200 years! Neutral 50 Ha ha ha ha ha! God in Heaven, would you listen to yourself? Do you honestly believe that's true? The lies they've put into that head of yours.... 70
Neutral 50 Your father brought you to the Vault right after you were born. To keep you safe, you see. I remember it well you stayed in my saloon, after all. 71
Neutral 50 That's right. Your father, his Brotherhood of Steel friend, and you, the suckling babe with nary a tit to suckle. Sorry about your mum. Truly. 72
Neutral 50 But, no matter. That big round door has opened now, hasn't it? Daddy's gone, and you need to know why. Could be I know where, and why.... 73
MegMoriartyChoice1d Tell me what you know! Tell me everything! Neutral 50 Ah, temper, temper. And your father was so reserved. Take after our mum, do we? God rest her soul. 74
Neutral 50 But all least you've got balls. Yeah, I know your dad, met him when you were just a baby, when you two passed through here on your way to the Vault. 75
Neutral 50 You look shocked. You didn't think you were born in that hole, did you? Good Christ, boy. Know the truth, and it will set you free. 76
Tell me what you know! Tell me everything! Neutral 50 Ah, temper, temper. And your father was so reserved. Take after our mum, do we? God rest her soul. 77
Neutral 50 But all least you've got spunk. Yeah, I know your dad, met him when you were just a baby, when you two passed through here on your way to the Vault. 78
Neutral 50 You look shocked. You didn't think you were born in that hole, did you? Ah, Lord.... Know the truth, and it will set you free. 79
MegMoriartyChoice2a I was kidding! Dad talked about you all time. Now really, where is he? <Lie.> Surprise 100 Did he? Well, our time together was brief, but... that is the way of it out here. When a bond is forged, little else matters, hmm? 80
Neutral 50 Well, he did come through here, but he left. I'm truly sorry. But maybe you can catch up to him? 81
Neutral 50 He headed southeast, into the city. Said he needed information from those loonies at the station. You know, Galaxy News Radio, what there is of it. 82
MegMoriartyChoice2b Look, I just want to find my Dad. Do you know where he is? Neutral 50 You seem like a nice kid, so I'm going to be straight with you. 83
Neutral 50 Your dad was here, and now he's not, and yes I know where he went. But what you're asking me for is information, and information is a commodity. 84
Neutral 50 Let's say... 100 caps, and daddy's location is yours. Very reasonable. 85
MegMoriartyChoice2c Let's cut to the chase. How much for you to tell me where my father is? Neutral 50 You catch on quick, kid. That's the way of it out here, for sure. You want something, you take it. Or you pay in cold, hard caps. Say... 100. 86
Neutral 50 Seems a fair price to facilitate a family reunion. Don't you think? 87
MegMoriartyChoice2d Tell me where he is, Moriarty, or I'll beat it out of you! Neutral 50 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, kid... ah... I'll let that one go, chalk it up to youthful arrogance. 88
Neutral 50 Listen carefully. I don't know what Sheriff Simms told you, but this is my town. Simms, he's a facade. An illusion of order I allow to exist. 89
Neutral 50 I was slinging drinks and killing Raiders here in Megaton when the good sheriff was just an idiot kid with cowboy fantasies. 90
Neutral 50 Raise a hand to me, and you'll never leave this town alive. Now, as for your dad... 100 caps, and I sing. 91
MegMoriartyChoice3a I don't have 100 caps. Neutral 50 All right, kid. Let me help you out, you know... for old time's sake. 92
Neutral 50 If you don't have the caps to pay for the information, then maybe you could do a little favor for me. 93
MegMoriartyChoice3aFavorDone I don't have 100 caps. Disgust 60 All right kid. Then I guess there's nothing else we have to say to each other. Come back to me when you have the caps, and we'll talk. 94
MegMoriartyChoice3b All right, Moriarty. Here's 100 caps. Now where's my father? Neutral 50 Excellent! Your dad raised a smart kid. Really no substitute for the love of a father, now is there? 95
Neutral 50 Speaking of dear old dad, he went southeast, into D.C. to the Galaxy News Radio station. Good luck now. 96
MegMoriartyChoice3c No thanks. I'll find out on my own. Neutral 50 So you've said. And yet you came back once... Somehow I think we'll be having this conversation again. I look forward to it. 97
No thanks. I'll find out on my own. Neutral 50 Will you? Well, good luck with that. So far as I know, I'm the only one your Dad told where he was going. 98
Neutral 50 So, when you change your mind, come see me. I'm usually at the saloon. 100 caps... Daddy wouldn't think twice if it were you out there.... 99
MegMoriartyChoice3d 100 caps!? Are you nuts? I don't have that kind of money! Happy 80 Guilty as charged. 100
Neutral 50 Tell you what kid, I'm gonna help you out... for old time's sake. 101
Neutral 50 If you don't have the caps to pay for the information, then maybe you could do a little favor for me. 102
MegMoriartyChoice4a 300? What the hell? You said it was 100 caps! Neutral 50 I did say it was 100 caps. And as I recall, you said no. So now I'm saying it's 300 caps. What will you say this time? 103
MegMoriartyChoice4b I'm sorry, but we had a deal for 100 caps. Neutral 50 Oh, no no no. I offered a deal for 100 caps. You declined. So now I'm offering a new deal for 300 caps. 104
Happy 50 But why worry about trivialities when your father's safety could be at stake? 105
MegMoriartyChoice4c This is ridiculous. Forget it. Happy 50 Didn't you say that last time, too? I have a feeling you'll be coming back again. 106
MegMoriartyChoice5a Okay, let's just take a step back. 100 caps was reasonable, wasn't it? Neutral 50 Well, I suppose it was. All right; because I'm such a softy, I'll honor our original agreement. 107
Neutral 50 Your dad came through here, all right. Didn't stay long, though. Said he had some important business to attend to, and headed off to the city. 108
Neutral 50 Something to do with Galaxy News Radio. Guess that'd be the place for you to start. Good hunting, and thanks for the caps. 109
Okay, let's just take a step back. 100 caps was reasonable, wasn't it? Neutral 50 I'm reasonable, but I'm not crazy. How can you bargain with me and not have the caps? 110
MegMoriartyChoice5b Fine, 300 caps. Now spill it. Happy 30 Nothing like the sound of caps jingling in your pocket is there? Always brightens my day. 111
Neutral 50 And to brighten your day, here's what I know. Your dad said he was headed southeast, into the city. He was aiming for Galaxy News Radio. 112
Happy 50 No idea what he wants with them, but you can ask him all about it when you find him. Good luck with that, by the way. 113
Fine, 300 caps. Now spill it. Anger 30 Oh, come on now. Are people in your Vault so gullible that you think I'd fall for this? {annoyed} 114
Neutral 50 You don't have the caps, so you don't get the information. I'm not stupid. 115
MegMoriartyChoice5c I don't have 300 caps. Happy 30 Well, that's a shame for you, isn't it? You don't have the caps, and I guess I don't have the information. Disappointment all around. {mocking} 116
MegMoriartyChoice6a Fine, here's your 100 caps. Happy 70 Now that wasn't so difficult was it? 117
Neutral 50 Your dad came through here, all right. Didn't stay long, though. Said he had some important business to attend to, and headed off to the city. 118
Neutral 50 Something to do with Galaxy News Radio. Guess that'd be the place for you to start. Good hunting, and thanks for the caps. 119
MegMoriartyChoice6b Yeah, yeah. Here, take your 100 caps. I hope you choke on them. Surprise 70 How can you be so rude when I'm going to provide you with such a useful public service? {Very mocking tone} 120
Neutral 50 Your dad came through here, all right. Didn't stay long, though. Said he had some important business to attend to, and headed off to the city. 121
Neutral 50 Something to do with Galaxy News Radio. Guess that'd be the place for you to start. Good hunting, and thanks for the caps. 122
MegMoriartyChoice6c Forget it. I'll come back. Neutral 50 I'll be here. 123
MegMoriartyChoice6d Wait a second! I handled Silver for you, and you still want me to pay? Disgust 80 It's called economics, kid. You got something I want and I got something you want. Nothing's free. 124
Disgust 70 I told you the favor would earn you some caps if you really took care of it. Now, fork 'em over! 125
MegMoriartysBuy I want to buy a drink. Neutral 50 No problem at all. I'll take care of you until that lazy zombie wakes up to do his job. 126
I want to buy a drink. Neutral 50 Tell it to Gob, he'll get you whatever you need. 127
I want to buy a drink. Neutral 50 Then you need to talk to Gob. Don't worry, he doesn't drip into the drinks... much. 128
MegTLMoriartyFavor Look, I need a way to get some caps or I'll never have the money to pay you. Neutral 50 If you're looking for a handout, you can forget it. But if you're looking for work, there's a favor you could do for me. 129
Neutral 50 If your successful, it'll provide the caps you need to pay me. 130
I took care of Silver for you. Neutral 50 Good. I hope she got what she deserved. 131
MegTownEnd That's all I needed to know. Neutral 50 If you say so. 132
MegTownFatherChoice What was it you said about my father, again? Neutral 50 It's like I said, kid. Your dad was here for a bit, but didn't stay long. Said he was going to the Galaxy News Radio station. Southeast, in D.C. { } 133
I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him? Neutral 50 My God... It's you. The little baby boy, all grown up. Persistent little bastard, ain't ya? Then and now, it would seem. It's been a long time, kid. { } 134
Neutral 50 Oh, your daddy passed through here, all right. Here and gone. Got what he came for, and then left. I'm assuming you'll do the same, correct? 135
I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him? Neutral 50 My God... It's you. The little baby girl, all grown up. Persistent little flower, ain't ya? Then and now, it would seem. It's been a long time, kid. {Emphasis on second "I" asterisks will be removed after the line is voice acted.} 136
Neutral 50 Oh, your daddy passed through here, all right. Here and gone. Got what he came for, and then left. I'm assuming you'll do the same, correct? 137
I did your stupid favor. Now can you tell me where my father is? Happy 50 You took care of our little lost lamb, eh? I knew I could count on you. { } 138
Neutral 50 How about you just hand over 100 caps and we'll call it even. 139
Can you tell me where my father is now? Neutral 50 You got memory problems, kid? You ain't getting somethin' for nothin'. So pony up the 300 caps, and THEN we'll talk. { } 140
MegTownMegaton What can you tell me about Megaton? Neutral 50 Stay the fuck out of my business, don't go where you don't belong, and buy your drinks here. That's all you need to know. { } 141
MegTownRumors What's the word around town? Neutral 50 I own a saloon, kid. Rumors are part and parcel. So I'll give you this one for free... 142
Neutral 50 Not sure if you've met her, but Lucy West, that pretty young thing? She's afraid. Of what, of who, I couldn't say. But you can feel the fear on her. 143
MegTownWasteland Know anything about the area outside Megaton? Neutral 50 The Wasteland? Why the hell would you want to go out there? Listen to me, lass, Megaton has everything you could possibly need. Why go anywhere else? 144
Know anything about the area outside Megaton? Neutral 50 The Wasteland? Why the hell would you want to go out there? Listen to me, lad, Megaton has everything you could possibly need. Why go anywhere else? 145
MegTownWhatDoYouDo What do you do around here? Neutral 50 I keep these yokels knee deep in booze and poon. They keep me knee deep in caps. It's a fair trade, if you ask me. 146
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Happy 60 I'm being reasonable. I'm also being a businessman. 147
Disgust 50 The information about your father must be worth quite a bit to you, otherwise you would never have come back. 148
Disgust 80 With the rise in demand comes the rise in price. The offer is 300 caps, and it stands. 149
SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 You seem like a nice kid, so I'm going to be straight with you. 150
Neutral 50 Your dad was here, and now he's not, and yes I know where he went. But what you're asking me for is information, and information is a commodity. 151
Neutral 50 And, like any commodity, it must be sold at a reasonable market price. So, what's reasonable? Let's say... 100 caps, and daddy's location is yours. 152


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 A little bit of caps for so much information... think about it. { } 153
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Careful in D.C. now. Those Super-Mutants can be a prickly bunch. Heh heh heh heh heh. { } 154
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Now, get the fuck out of my face. {Friendly and joking... maybe.} 155
I have to go now. Neutral 50 And so now we part. {mildly sarcastic} 156
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Don't let me keep you. {Sarcastic. He doesn't care if he keeps you, loser.} 157
I have to go now. Neutral 50 I await our next meeting with bated breath. {mildly sarcastic} 158
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Go! { } 159
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Jesus give me strength... { } 160
I have to go now. Neutral 50 It's why you love me, Nova dear. { } 161
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Awww... No one loves you more, sweet lass. And don't you ever think any differently. Now quit yammering and get back to doing what you do, hmmm? { } 162
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Well then. Until next time. 163
HELLO HELLO Happy 70 Yeah, what the hell do you want? 164
HELLO Happy 70 You want something or you just looking to get your ass beat? 165
HELLO Disgust 70 This better be important. I'm a busy man. 166
HELLO Disgust 80 So, what is it now? 167
HELLO Disgust 70 If you need something from me, spill it. 168
HELLO Disgust 70 Information I got... but it'll cost you. 169
HELLO Neutral 50 You got a lot of nerve wearing that badge in here. 170
HELLO Neutral 50 You got somethin' to say? 171
HELLO Neutral 50 Well, look who's starin' at me. 172
HELLO Neutral 50 Start talkin' or start walkin'. Your choice. 173
HELLO Neutral 50 (whistling a tune) {whistling to the tune of an Irish folk song, like Christmas in Kilarney, or Danny Boy. Something of that nature.} 174
HELLO Neutral 50 (whistling a tune) {whistling to the tune of an Irish folk song, like Christmas in Kilarney, or Danny Boy. Something of that nature.} 175
HELLO Neutral 50 (whistling a tune) {whistling to the tune of an Irish folk song, like Christmas in Kilarney, or Danny Boy. Something of that nature.} 176
HELLO Neutral 50 Gob. These people aren't nearly drunk enough. Fix it. {Tense and angry.} 177
HELLO Neutral 50 Gob! {Screaming.} 178
HELLO Neutral 50 I want a word with you, zombie. 179
HELLO Neutral 50 Nova, love. A word... 180
HELLO Neutral 50 A moment, Nova. NOW. 181
MS11SimmsMurderedSay MS11SimmsMurderedSay Anger 50 Gob! {yelling at his slave to get to work} 182
MS11SimmsMurderedSay Happy 50 Well, that's been a long time coming. Good riddance. {glad to see his rival murdered} 183
MegatonHelloResponse MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 And a hello to you, lass. 184
MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 And a hello to you, lad. 185
MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 Yeah, yeah... 186
MegatonHelloResponse Neutral 50 Hello to you. 187
MegatonTalk1 MegatonTalk Fear 50 What did you say to me? WHAT did you say to me? Did I give you permission to speak, you disgusting corpse? 188
MegatonTalk Fear 50 Well I'll be! I could have sworn I heard this corpse speak! But that's impossible. Dead men don't talk, do they? They LISTEN. They OBEY. 189
MegatonTalk Fear 50 What is it NOW, Nova, dear... 190
MegatonTalk Fear 50 Does the pampered princess seek an audience with her king? 191
MegatonTalk2 MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 These floors are filthy, you useless fucking zombie! Next time you sweep, put your back into it. 192
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 Christ almighty, Gob, if I told you once I told you a thousand times. Do something about that... oozing. You're scaring off my customers! 193
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 Have you been Jetting again? For Christ's sake, lass, you're half the earner when you're on that junk. NO... MORE... CHEMS. Got it? 194
MegatonTalk2 Neutral 50 Nova... You're a beautiful girl. Everyone knows that. But Jesus, put a smile on! If you can't be happy, at least look the part. 195
MegatonTalk3 MegatonTalk3 Neutral 50 Shut yer gob, Gob! Ain't that why I named you that to begin with? Cause you talk too goddamn much? Now get your rotting ass back to work! 196
MegatonTalk3 Anger 50 Jesus Christ, what did I just tell you? Get back to yer job while you still have one! 197
MegatonTalk3 Anger 50 I remember a time when you screwed more and complained less, Nova dear. Ah, but for the good old days. 198
MegatonTalk3 Anger 50 *Sigh* Nova, lass. What happened to you, girl? Where's the fire? The enthusiasm? You've got such talent! You used to enjoy your work... 199
MegatonTalk3 Anger 50 *Sigh* Our heavenly Father put you on this earth to test me, is that it? 'Dear Lord, save me from the whinings of thine whore who doth complaineth!' 200
MegatonTalk4 MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 All right, all right! Stop your pathetic sniveling and just do what you're fucking told. { } 201
MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Gob? If I hear one more excuse come out of that rotting mouth, I'm going to sew it shut. Okay? There's a good zombie. { } 202
MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Oh, Nova. I've always trusted you to do the right thing, haven't I? If I didn't... you'd be dead. {sinister but charming} 203
MegatonTalk4 Neutral 50 Fine. But if we have this conversation again, I'll be forced to turn off the charm. {sinister but charming.... he is talking to someone, and then raises his voice and makes like he's speaking to the heavens.} 204


Attack Attack Neutral 50 Time for you to die, lad. 205
Attack Neutral 50 Time for you to die, lass. 206
Attack Neutral 50 Keep tryin'. 207


NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 It's been a long time since I kicked an ass. 208
StartCombat Neutral 50 I might just fight you bare handed. 209
StartCombat Neutral 50 No quarter will be given, my friend. 210