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Fallout Wiki

Captain Zachary Lloyd was a U.S. Army officer fighting in Alaska during the Battle of Anchorage in the year 2077.


Captain Lloyd was a member of the U.S. Army security detachment for Anchorage, Alaska, and one of the soldiers fighting the Chinese invaders when they first attacked the Alaskan town. He was the commanding officer of the artillery outpost, and expressed shock at the brutality of the initial bombardment and later grim determination to keep fighting until they were overrun by what he saw as endless Chinese reinforcements.[1][2]

Captain Lloyd later evacuated the base along with Henry Hodges, sneaking past the Chinese invaders. Hodges was shot several times during their escape, but Lloyd treated his wounds and injected him with painkillers. Lloyd left Hodges inside a refinery, then ventured into the yard outside to continue fighting the Chinese invaders.[3]


Zachary Lloyd is mentioned only in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage.

