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Defender Rococo Rockfowl, at your service. Might want to watch your head around here, miss.

Defender Rococo Rockfowl is a member of the Brotherhood Outcasts in 2277.


Heavy-weapons specialist Rococo Rockfowl guards the bridge from the Fairfax ruins from regular raider incursions, operating in a laid-back manner belying his competence. The son of an avid reader, his father chose the name Rococo for his son after reading the Encyclopedia Atomica (Volume VIII Radiology-Saskatchewan).[1][Non-game 1] Apart from perimeter defense, he is also often paired with Defender Morgan for special operations.[2]

Rockfowl claims to have no quarrel with Elder Lyons himself or with Lyons' branch of the Brotherhood, but simply sees Lyons' actions as a departure from their basic duties and therefore, not his style.[3]

Daily schedule[]

Defender Rockfowl patrols the highway overpass next to the entrance to Fort Independence.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).

Effects of player's actions[]

Rockfowl will attack if the Lone Wanderer decides to start a fight with the Outcasts.



  • Defender Rockfowl patrols the highway over the entrance to Fort Independence. Because this is very close to the raider-infested Fairfax ruins, Rockfowl may spot one of the raiders inside the ruins, causing him to run inside for a fight. This draws out all the other raiders and initiates a large firefight that Rockfowl may not survive without the player character's assistance.
  • He is one of the rare named NPCs in the game that respawn after being killed.

Notable quotes[]


Defender Rococo Rockfowl appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

Defender Rockfowl's field report is recorded by a different voice actor than Rockfowl's in-game voice. Protector Casdin's field report, similarly, is also recorded by a different voice actor.


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Rococo Rockfowl? How did you end up with a name like that?"
    Rococo Rockfowl: "Pop had an encyclopedia. He was real proud of it. Encyclopedia Atomica, Volume VIII, Radiology - Saskatchewan. I must have read it about a thousand times. I wonder if they ever wrote a sequel?"
    (Rococo Rockfowl's dialogue)
  2. Fort Independence Field Report 2
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "How do you feel about the Brotherhood of Steel?"
    Rococo Rockfowl: "I used to like serving with them, I really did. But, you know, the technology has to come first. Elder Lyons was nice and all, but we don't rescue technology by being nice. He was wasting my time, and my Pop didn't raise me to have my time wasted. So when Casdin left to continue the mission, I followed."
    (Rococo Rockfowl's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.68: "Defender Rococo Rockfowl
    Guarding the bridge from Fairfax Ruins is heavy-weapons specialist Rockfowl, who deals with regular Raider incursions in a rather laid-back but extremely competent manner. His father was a voracious reader and named him after reading the Encyclopedia Atomica (Volume VII Radiology-Saskatchewan)."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)