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Pitt raiders are unnamed members of the ruling faction of the Pitt in 2277.

Interactions with player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character drops a finger upon death (Lawbringer).

Effects of player's actions[]

  • Before entering the Hole, Pitt raiders and guards will show the Lone Wanderer little respect and often call them "scab" and "slave". Following the player character's success in the Hole, their demeanor will change and begin to respect them more and more.
  • If one chooses to free the slaves by killing Lord Ashur and his followers during the main questline, then no more Pitt raiders will respawn afterward, making the special Pitt raider armors they wear limited in quantity.

Other interactions[]

  • If one's Intelligence is high enough, they may refer to the player character as "professor"; likewise, they comment on one's Strength if it is high enough. After completing the fights in The Hole, they may refer to the player character as "newbie".


Pitt raider[]

The first time Pitt raiders of the generic variant are encountered is in the Capital Wasteland when answering Wernher's radio signal. In the Pitt itself, they are guarding every area except for the steelyard. Generic Pitt raiders are marginally stronger than standard raiders; they also have slightly superior armor and equipment.

The three Pitt raiders sent to pursue Wernher into the Capital Wasteland may be equipped with metal armor, making them somewhat tougher than average.


Guards are found in the Pitt's Downtown and the Mill, watching the slaves. They are armed with 10mm SMGs and tire irons and wear one of the Pitt's raider armor variants.


If one manages to lure any friendly rendered raiders (such as any raider encountered through a random encounter or any raider that followed them from the nearby satellite towers) towards where one finds Wernher fighting with Pitt raiders, the Capital Wasteland raiders will actually shoot at the Pitt raiders, and leave Wernher alone.

Notable quotes[]


Pitt raiders only appear in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.

