Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Merge with Raider.[]

I think this page should be merged with Raider because there already is a heading called 'Capital Wasteland' Raiders. Does anyone object? --Dthvirus 16:54, 29 March 2009 (UTC)

I think that the Pitt Raiders are too unique to just be called the same as any raiders. They have unique armor, weapons, and obviously they all come from the Pitt. They should have their own page, but they should atleast be mentioned on the Raiders page.

I believe that pitt raiders should not be merged because A- they are different from normal raiders. B- Thery are not in the capital wasteland. C- They are stronger and different from normal raiders

I have to add to your comment this:
D- Pitt Raiders can NOT be Mesmerized. EVER. SON OF A BI- What did they do for this download, just forget the script for the mesmetron?

How do you expect them to find their way to Paradise Falls from The Pitt? Kris (talk) 16:37, July 15, 2010 (UTC)

I agree that this should NOT be merged. Pitt Raiders are similar, but distinct enough to rate their own page. Kris (talk) 16:37, July 15, 2010 (UTC)

Mistake on the Page[]

I was reading the page and it says that the Pitt Raiders that pursue Wernher wear Metal Armor. However, for me (I'm using PS3) this isn't true as they were wearing Ordinance and Throwdown Armor. This may be a minor thing but no one should expect that they will wear Metal every time. Should it be changed?--KnightNapier 18:17, November 12, 2009 (UTC)

I agree. Two of the raiders I found at the radio tower wore metal armor, not all three. I think their armor is random.--Hollow Points 21:29, November 16, 2009 (UTC)Hollow Points

Pitt raider off course.[]

360- No attempt at the Pitt or Werner yet this time round. Not even been near Werner`s Wasteland cell.

  • Met a friendly female Pitt Raider just standing west of vault 106 by the Alien Ammo cells. Gets the usual bad mouthing as if in the Pitt. Strength 9.''Boy, you got some arms on you scab
  • She followed me back to Magaton armed with an Auto Shotgun, and all I get is more abuse. "If you're so damn smart, how'd you end up here? Huh?!" " which about sums up living in Megaton. She is dressed in Raider Bombshell armour.I can`t get rid of her without killing her. She is sat in my chair outside my Megaton house, eating and saying "get out of my face.
  • sorry for the ramble but thought some might find this unusually amusing as she is also s bad mouthing all the other residents as well
  • After several days exhausing her repertoire of bad mouthing this more colourful figure has finally left Megaton, heading north.
  • New note.By interrupting her as she was about to leave it is possible to alter the program and the second time she stayed outside my house at Megaton 78 days after which interupting the NPC made no difference.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 06:50, June 14, 2013 (UTC)