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Lord Ashur! The slaves are rioting, and someone's armed them! We need you out here, and fast!

Krenshaw is Ashur's second-in-command of the Pitt in 2277.


After the betrayal and departure of Wernher, Krenshaw became Ashur’s second-in-command.[1][2][3] He is in charge of maintaining The Pitt’s security and peace, with particular focus on defending against Trogs and preventing a rebellion by the slaves without culling too many of their population. He is also in charge of maintaining the floodlight generator rig that protects Haven from being overrun by Trogs.[Non-game 1] Duke is currently vying for his position.[Non-game 2]

When the Lone Wanderer gains their freedom by successfully winning a set of fights in the arena, Krenshaw congratulates them on their accomplishments and relays that Ashur wishes to see them, also providing them with "gifts" from him, those being their previously confiscated items.[4][5][6]

Krenshaw has growing concerns that the slaves plan to revolt and is also worried that the auto axes they manufactured will be used in their plan to overthrow the Pitt raiders. When the Lone Wanderer first arrives in Haven, Krenshaw and Ashur are seen debating the issue, during which Krenshaw becomes frustrated at Ashur's lack of concern over it. However, he ultimately wins Ashur over, and the two construct a plan with which to address the situation, with Ashur advising Krenshaw to put his guards on alert and keep an eye on Midea, as any important occurrences would be sure to go through her.[7] Shortly after departing Haven, the uprising began, prompting Krenshaw to contact Ashur over the intercom for assistance.[8]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
This character drops a finger upon death (Lawbringer).


  • Unsafe Working Conditions: Krenshaw is present during the speech Ishmael Ashur gives to the slaves prior to the player's participation in The Hole. After the fights, Krenshaw informs them that Ashur wishes to talk.
  • Free Labor: Krenshaw can be heard arguing with Ashur when taking the elevator up to Haven, and leaves when Ashur promises to handle the situation. Krenshaw does not like that Ashur is holding an audience when the city is in danger, but reluctantly follows orders. Should one choose to steal Marie, Krenshaw will be the first raider outside to start firing at the player.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Raider armor The Pitt (add-on) Assault rifle or
combat shotgun or
10mm submachine gun

Notable quotes[]


Krenshaw appears only in the add-on The Pitt for Fallout 3.


  • PCPC If one chooses to kill Krenshaw in Haven with an energy weapon such as the Metal Blaster before he has completed talking with Ashur then his ash pile may not be lootable. [verified]
  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 If one talks to Krenshaw while he is talking to Ashur, they will not finish their conversation, making the quest impossible to complete. [verified]



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Yes, I do. He's the one who brought me here."
    Ishmael Ashur: "I appreciate your honesty. It's a rare virtue in this age. Wernher was my lieutenant until he betrayed me and escaped justice. And if I know him, he brought you here to steal something very dear to the city. Do you intend to follow through with his plan? Feel free to be honest. Please, don't be intimidated by the turret behind you."
    (Ishmael Ashur's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "I met the man, but he seemed like trouble, so I steered clear. <Lie.>"
    Ishmael Ashur: "[FAILURE] Is that so? My second-in-command Wernher betrays me, works with slaves to escape justice, and then you magically appear among the slaves in my city? Next you'll claim he didn't send you to steal from me."
    (Ishmael Ashur's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Never heard of him. Why? <Lie.>"
    Ishmael Ashur: "[SUCCESS] Wernher used to be my second-in-command, until he betrayed me. He was exiled to the slave pens, but he escaped not too long ago. I believe he's planning to strike at the city again, and may be working with the slaves to do it. You've had a lot of contact with them, so maybe you can hunt him down and put an end to him. Do it, and I'll name you my lieutenant on the spot."
    (Ishmael Ashur's dialogue)
  4. Krenshaw: "Well now, aren't you quite the scrapper? Congratulations. You've done well. Ashur wishes to see you. The guards will be told to allow you to pass."
    (Krenshaw’s dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "He just expects me to jump to attention?"
    Krenshaw: "No, he expects you to accept his courteous invitation. Or at least to guess what would happen if you keep him waiting. You'll find him in Haven, his tower in Uptown. Take the northeast exit from here and look for the tallest building in town. Oh, Ashur also said that he has a few gifts for you. You'll find them in the container behind me. Enjoy. And don't keep the man waiting."
    (Krenshaw’s dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "Where can I find Ashur?"
    Krenshaw: "He watches over the city from Haven, his tower in Uptown. Take the northeast exit from here and look for the tallest building in town. Oh, Ashur also said that he has a few gifts for you. You'll find them in the container behind me. Enjoy. And don't keep the man waiting."
    (Krenshaw’s dialogue)
  7. Krenshaw: "I'm telling you, they're planning something!"
    Ishmael Ashur: "And I'm telling you, I've got it covered. I'll be with you, right after I maintain some order and dispense a little justice."
    Krenshaw: "And I suppose you'll follow that up by raising the dead?"
    Ishmael Ashur: "No, but I may heal the infirm later in the week. Time permitting, of course."
    Krenshaw:"Sir, we've had sightings of Wernher back in the city, and there's been an increase in chatter between slaves."
    Ishmael Ashur: "Workers."
    Krenshaw: "What?"
    Ishmael Ashur: "We call them "workers." Helps with morale, reminds them they might earn their freedom, someday."
    Krenshaw:"Whatever we call them, they've been gathering makeshift weapons."
    Ishmael Ashur: "All right, all right. Put your guards on alert, tell them to be on the lookout for anyone loitering too long downtown. And keep a watch on Midea at all times - anything big happens, it's bound to go through her. Now, I've got a very important meeting with our new friend, so if anything big comes up, you use the intercom."
    Krenshaw:"Yes, sir!"
    Ishmael Ashur:"Okay, break's over."
    (Krenshaw and Ashur’s dialogue)
  8. Krenshaw: "Lord Ashur! The slaves are rioting, and someone's armed them! We need you out here, and fast!"
    (Krenshaw’s dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.81: "Krenshaw:
    Krenshaw is Ashur's right-hand man and is in charge of maintaining the peace, or as close to a violent suppression of Pitt Slaves and Trogs as he can manage without culling too many of the worker population. He also maintains the floodlight generators in Uptown; plunging this area into darkness would spell doom, as the Trogs would overrun Haven.""
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.70: "Duke:
    A stuck-up Raider with delusions of grandeur, he's vying for Krenshaw's position and has the rifle prowess to back up some of his plans. He knows the history of the place and of Ashur, and he doesn't mind sharing it with you, telling you all about this motley crew."