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This is a transcript for dialogue with Krenshaw.


DLC01KrenshawDirectionsA Where can I find Ashur? Neutral 50 He watches over the city from Haven, his tower in Uptown. Take the northeast exit from here and look for the tallest building in town. 1
Neutral 50 Oh, Ashur also said that he has a few gifts for you. You'll find them in the container behind me. 2
Neutral 50 Enjoy. And don't keep the man waiting. 3
DLC01KrenshawDirectionsB He just expects me to jump to attention? Neutral 50 No, he expects you to accept his courteous invitation. Or at least to guess what would happen if you keep him waiting. {Euphemisms barely covering threats} 4
Neutral 50 You'll find him in Haven, his tower in Uptown. Take the northeast exit from here and look for the tallest building in town. 5
Neutral 50 Oh, Ashur also said that he has a few gifts for you. You'll find them in the container behind me. 6
Neutral 50 Enjoy. And don't keep the man waiting. 7
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Well now, aren't you quite the scrapper? Congratulations. 8
Neutral 50 You've done well. Ashur wishes to see you. The guards will be told to allow you to pass. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Go away. 10
GREETING Happy 25 We could use more like you around here. {Approving, but not exactly warm.} 11
GREETING Anger 15 Do you mind? I've got a lot to do. {Busy} 12


DLC01Q3Scene01 DLC01Q3Scene01 Anger 50 I'm telling you, they're planning something! {In the middle of a heated debate, pounding on the table on "planning"} 13
DLC01Q3Scene04 DLC01Q3Scene04 Anger 25 And I suppose you'll follow that up by raising the dead? {Irritated mockery of Ashur's confidence} 14
DLC01Q3Scene06 DLC01Q3Scene06 Anger 25 Sir, we've had sightings of Wernher back in the city, and there's been an increase in chatter between slaves. {Frustrated, and tired of joking. Pounding on the desk at "Sir"} 15
DLC01Q3Scene08 DLC01Q3Scene08 Surprise 25 What? {Interrupted and suddenly confused} 16
DLC01Q3Scene10 DLC01Q3Scene10 Anger 50 Whatever we call them, they've been gathering makeshift weapons. {Irritated and dismissive of the correction} 17
DLC01Q3Scene14 DLC01Q3Scene14 Anger 10 Yes, sir! {As a soldier receiving orders. Saluting smartly.} 18
DLC01SceneInterrupt DLC01SceneInterrupt Anger 50 Can't you see I'm busy? 19