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Chinese remnant soldiers are ghoulified Chinese survivors of pre-War PLA operations on US soil, appearing in Fallout 3.


The surviving remnants of Chinese military operations on United States soil are ancient ghouls, who were once spies, intelligence agents, and special operations soldiers left to fend for themselves after the Great War ended the Sino-American War. Two hundred years later, a handful of these ghoulified, stranded soldiers[Non-game 1] remain at Mama Dolce's, their former cover operations, maintaining a stronghold against any and all intruders. Dead, mummified soldiers may be found out in the wasteland as well, still manning listening posts eg. at Taft Tunnel or Broadcast tower KT8.[Non-game 2]

Despite two centuries of isolation, the remnants are still committed to communism and fight with the name of the likely long-dead Chairman Cheng on their chapped lips,[1] with hatred of Americans still burning in their hearts.[2] It appears that they still fear discovery, as they fight specifically to ensure they remain unnoticed, taking extra precautions to prevent enemies from escaping[3] and taking no prisoners. No survivors means no problems.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

FO76 Raider Hostile
This character is always hostile with the player.

Other interactions[]

  • The remnant soldiers are encountered at Mama Dolce's, numbering about a dozen, split between regular soldiers, sergeants, and officers. Five are found in the Processed Foods section, another six in Food Distribution, along with the unique Chinese remnant captain.
  • Two dead Chinese remnant spies are located in an underground sewer near broadcast tower KT8. Another spy cell is found in Taft Tunnel, during the flight from Project Purity.


Due to the way the spawns are structured, the following loadouts are default ones, and the actual weapon depends on which marker spawns the soldier. There's a special Chinese sniper spawn in Arlington, on the outside of Mama Dolce's, who carries a sniper rifle instead of the regular weapon, and two more in the courtyard of Mama Dolce's, which carry a sniper rifle and a missile launcher respectively.
Name Race SPECIAL Level HP Inventory Related quest/encounter Form ID Ref ID
Chinese remnant captain Ghoul
4 5 4 1 3 5 5 10 70 1 Mama Dolce's encryption key
1 5.56mm round
1 Chinese assault rifle
1 dirty Chinese jumpsuit
1 Chinese officer's sword
- 000AC3D8 000B3021
Chinese remnant officer Ghoul
4 5 4 1 3 5 5 7 55 1 dirty Chinese jumpsuit
1-28 5.56 mm rounds
1 Chinese assault rifle
- 000AC3D4 -
Chinese remnant sergeant Ghoul
4 5 4 1 3 5 5 4 40 1 dirty Chinese jumpsuit
1-28 5.56mm rounds
1 Chinese assault rifle
- 000AC3D0 -
Chinese remnant soldier Ghoul
4 5 4 1 3 5 5 1 25 1 dirty Chinese jumpsuit
1-10 10mm rounds
1 Chinese pistol
- 000AC3C7 -
Chinese remnant spy Dead Ghoul
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 0 1 dirty Chinese jumpsuit - 0003923F 00039244


Chinese remnant soldiers appear only in Fallout 3.


See also[]


  1. Chinese remnant: "For Chairman Cheng!"
    Note: All types use the same generic dialogue.
  2. Chinese remnant: "Die Americaaannnn!!"
    Note: All types use the same generic dialogue.
  3. Chinese remnant: "Spread out! Don't let them escape!"
    Note: All types use the same generic dialogue.
  4. Chinese remnant: "Empty your clips! No survivors!"
    Note: All types use the same generic dialogue.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.48: "CHINESE REMNANT SOLDIER
    Very few Chinese Remnant Soldiers are left 200 years after being stranded here. All are Ghouls, and although they fire an excellent Small Gun, they are prone to fleeing. The Sergeant and Officer class are better at combatting your attacks."
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Chinese Remnant Army
    The Chinese Remnant faction is just that: the last, scattered remnants of Chinese military operations in the United States. These spies, intelligence agents, and special-ops soldiers were abandoned on foreign soil and have been kept alive these long years as irradiated Ghouls. There numbers are extremely few, and you are unlikely to encounter them in any numbers unless you should stumble across their cover operation from years ago, somewhere in the bowels of D.C...."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)