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I don't know what sort of thing you'd want to hear about... There was that one time Janet waved a rolling pin at Martha... Oh, but I suppose that's not really something you should concern yourself with. All in the past now.

Pat Neusbaum is one of the inhabitants of Vault 112 and part of the Tranquility Lane virtual reality simulation, found in Fallout 3.


The proud all-American wife of George Neusbaum and mother of Timmy, Pat is resident 375 of Vault 112, hooked up at lounger 37 for over 200 years. After numerous other simulations, she was finally placed by Stanislaus Braun, her tormentor, in the role of a shy housewife, fretting over her son, though unable to offer more than platitudes.[Non-game 1]

Old Lady Dithers tops her list of worries, as she considers her to be crazy and a potential bad influence on Timmy. However, rather than confront her directly, she wants her husband to break up any potential contact between the two.[1] She also dislikes Mabel Henderson, the local gossip, particularly the way she sticks her nose in other people's business. George enjoys teasing her over it, in fact.[2] What really annoys her is the way Mabel tries to convince her and George to send Timmy to military school to "toughen him up",[3] or pointless complaining about Timmy misplacing his things in her house, but never actually bringing them back.[4]

Her vitals in 2277 are 82 bpm, 121/80 mmHG, 36.6°C or 97.9°F, with 19 breaths per minute and nominal stress levels: Perfectly normal for a woman her age.[5]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).



Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Pre-War casualwear

Notable quotes[]


Pat Neusbaum appears only in Fallout 3.



  1. Pat Neusbaum: "George, I thought I told you to have a talk with Timmy about Old Lady Dithers."
    George Neusbaum: " Hey, aren't you the one who said we shouldn't call her that? That we should show a little respect to the elderly?" or ""Old Lady Dithers"? I thought you were the one who said we should be nice, and refer to her as "Ms. Dithers"."
    Pat Neusbaum: " It's not funny, George. I'm not joking around." or "That's not the point and you know it. Don't try and change the subject."
    George Neusbaum: " Yes, dear. Sorry. Is there a problem? or Okay, okay. Sorry. What's the problem now?"
    Pat Neusbaum: " She's been talking to Timmy again. I want him to stay away from her. She's nuts, and she shouldn't be anywhere near him." or "I saw Timmy talking to her again. I don't want him near her, George. She's crazy, and I don't want it influencing him. You need to say something."
    George Neusbaum: " Okay, I'll have another chat with him about it. I'm sure he was only being polite." or "All right... I'll talk to him about it. She's harmless, anyway. Just old and senile."
  2. George Neusbaum: "What's the latest gossip from Mabel? " or "So, heard anything good from Mabel lately? "
    Pat Neusbaum: "Oh, stop it. You know I don't trust that woman one bit. "or "George, honestly. You know I don't like talking to her. "
    George Neusbaum: " Pat, you know as well as I do that she's where most of our news comes from, one way or another." or "Suddenly you don't have an interest in hearing what's going on in town? I find that hard to believe."
    Pat Neusbaum: "Well I'm not going to go running off to hear what she has to say today. Now find something useful to do." or "I don't have to like that she's such a busybody, do I? Now leave me alone about it."
    George Neusbaum: "Ha ha. All right, dear." or "Okay, okay! Just having a little fun."
  3. Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Timmy Neusbaum?"
    Pat Neusbaum: "Timmy? Oh, he's a good boy. George and I are so proud of him. I don't care what Mabel says; I don't think military school would do him any good at all. I have half a mind to give her that brochure back and tell her just what she can do with it! {indignant}"
  4. Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Mabel Henderson?"
    Pat Neusbaum: "Mabel? She's nice enough, I suppose. A bit of a gossip, maybe. And she never seemed too fond of my boy Timmy. She was just complaining about his rollerskates the other day. Said Timmy left them in her house, and that they were dangerous. If they're so dangerous, why didn't she just bring them here when she came to complain about it?"
  5. Vault 112 terminal entries; Lounger Monitor -- Subject: P. Neusbaum


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.90: "Pat Neusbaum
    Wife of George and mother of Little Timmy, Pat is a shrinking violet who's more than content to give her son platitudes of encouragement, compared to the stern talking-to that George favors. She's worried about her dear little pumpkin: Timmy, not George."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)