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Fallout Wiki

Whoops, didn't mean to bug you, Miss Pwincess. Sowwy.

Biwwy or Billy is a child in Little Lamplight in 2277.


Biwwy is a young boy with a slight speech impediment, which makes it hard for him to pronounce the L and R sounds. He used to be on the scavenging team in Little Lamplight but was recently kicked out of it because none of the other kids could stand being around him. He's still generally avoided by most and leads a slightly sad, lonely existence, lurking in the alcoves of the Great Chamber and playing with his Wazer Wifle.


Biwwy (or Billy) doesn't seem to have any friends, as everyone finds him annoying, possibly because of his speech impediment and apparent hyperactive nature.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Other interactions[]

Biwwy (or Billy) wields a unique laser rifle called the "Wazer Wifle" which can be bought from him for 500 caps or 250 with sufficient points in the Barter skill. If one has the Child at Heart perk, the Wazer Wifle can be obtained for free.



  • Biwwy (or Billy) seems to be unaware of his speech impediment, as he thinks that the Lone Wanderer "talks funny."
  • If the player chooses to use Child at Heart to obtain the Wazer Wifle, Biwwy does not appear to realize the Lone Wanderer is not a "fewwow kid" like him.
  • If the Lone Wanderer asks about the way to Vault 87, Biwwy will speak without the impediment.

Notable quotes[]


Biwwy appears only in Fallout 3.


  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 There is a glitch in which Biwwy (or Billy) is found in the nearby pool of water, unable to be engaged in conversation. A possible workaround is to shoot at him and cause him to become hostile and flee. Return later and the bug will be fixed. [verified] This can be fixed by opening the console (~), and typing prid 61799 followed by moveto player. The character should be teleported out of the water onto dry land right next to you, and the Wazer Wifle can then be obtained. Console gamers can leave the Great Chamber and return later, Biwwy or Billy may have spawned somewhere reachable.
  • On PC, a second Biwwy may spawn trailing behind the first. He will speak to the Lone Wanderer as if meeting them for the first time and his Wazer Wifle will be obtainable infinitely.




  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.62:
    A nine-year-old boy with a slight speech impediment, Biwwy was recently kicked off the scavenging team because no one could stand being around him. He's still generally avoided by most and leads a slightly sad, lonely existence, lurking in the alcoves of the Great Chamber and playing with his Wazer Wafle, although he's got no cause to use it anymore."