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Settler's Ridge is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise. It is an outpost for the Settlers of Foundation, with this settlement being led by Ashley Ortega.

It can be found halfway between the waypoints of Vault 76 and Anchor Farm to the northwest.


Settler's Ridge is one of several homesteads and communities established by the Settlers of Foundation.[1] It was built by the Settlers to serve as a "new home" and as a "place worth living in."[2] Settler's Ridge is also where once-famous Boston baseball player Nathan Broadhurst retired to after failing to find his fiancée in Charleston. Broadhurst left behind his baseball bat and autobiography in the homestead to inspire future generations.[3]



Notable loot[]


Settler's Ridge appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer Ryan Johnson worked on the geography, layout and art of this location, in addition to writing the notes found at Settler's Ridge. Johnson received layout design guidance from Craig Bernardo, art approval from Andrew Collins (who also worked on the lighting), while Christopher Marshall wrote the character of Ashley Ortega.[Non-game 1]



  1. A Vault Dweller: "Where are the Settlers based?"
    Ashley Ortega: "We have little homesteads here and there, but our biggest settlement is Foundation, southeast of here. That's where we set up shop when we first arrived in Appalachia. Stop by if you're in the neighborhood. It's a sight to behold -- a real town, like before the war."
    (Ashley Ortega's dialogue)
  2. A Vault Dweller: "What are you building out here?"
    Ashley Ortega: "A new home. Nothing's more satisfying than turning this hellish world of ours into a place worth living in."
    (Ashley Ortega's dialogue)
  3. Nathan Broadhurst's autobiogrophy

