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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ashley Ortega.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0072FC49 0072FCA1 Got more work to do, but it'll be worth it.
2 0072FCA2 Plenty of lumber, nails, and food left. That's good.
3 0072FCA3 We got a good view up here.
4 0072FCA4 We're making good progress. Need to let Paige know. Paige is the leader of Ashley's faction, the Settlers
5 0072FCA5 Won't be long and we can call this place home.
6 0072FCA6 Never thought I'd see this much green again in my life. Appalachia is more verdant than elsewhere in the Wasteland
7 0072FCA7 This beats the coal fields back home by a mile.
8 0072FCA8 Appalachia will be a good home to us. A good home.
9 0072FCA9 Better keep an eye out for Scorched. Could be anywhere... The Scorched are zombie-like monsters
10 0072FCAA Those Raiders are feisty, but they won't catch us with our guard down.
11 0072FCAB No one's getting kicked out of my settlement without a damn good reason. Ashley is an exile from his home, so this is personal
12 0072FCAC Paige took me in, gave me a new home. How can I repay him? Paige is the leader of Ashley's faction, the Settlers
13 0072FCAD Without Foundation, who knows what I would have done to survive... Foundation is the capital of Ashley's faction, the Settlers
14 0072FCAE We got a pioneering spirit pushing us forward now.
15 0072FCAF Maybe someday we'll get down there and rebuild some of those workers' cities. Referring to cities in Appalachia hit with labor strife before the apocalypse
16 0072FC4A 0072FC7F We won't turn you away.
17 0072FC80 Don't suppose you have any construction experience?
18 0072FC81 Don't push too hard on the doorframes. Still got some work to do on those.
19 0072FC82 Put your feet up for a while. We don't bite.
20 0072FC83 Ever been down south through those barren towns?
21 0072FC84 Head to Foundation if you need a place to call home.
22 0072FC85 Hope you're not traveling alone out there.
23 0072FC86 Stay as long as you like, but we'll put you to work eventually.
24 0072FC87 Keep idle too long and you'll lose your way.
25 0072FC88 We'll have your back, if you have ours.
26 0072FC4B 0072FC8B You're welcome here, so long as you don't cause any trouble.
27 0072FC8C What can I do for you?
28 0072FC8D Looking for some shelter from the great outdoors?
29 0072FC8E You need something? We're friendly, within reason.
30 0072FC8F Something I can do for you?
31 0072FC4C 0072FC72 Sure thing.
32 0072FC4E 0072FC7C A new home.
33 Nothing's more satisfying than turning this hellish world of ours into a place worth living in.
34 0072FC50 0072FC74 The town I grew up in was part of a little group of towns that all banded together after the Great War.
35 That kept everyone safe and protected for most of my life, but we had to make sacrifices.
36 When food got tight, we drew lots. I got the short straw. They threw me out on my own.
37 Just when I thought I'd have to turn to raiding, I came across Paige's group. They were heading south in search of a new life in Appalachia.
38 Sounded good to me. I joined up and have been with them ever since.
39 0072FC52 0072FC75 My father was a good man. A working man. Sadly he's passed on.
40 They say before the war he fought the power to keep his job and feed his family.
41 Reminds me of some stories I've heard of old Appalachia. I can empathize.
42 0072FC54 0072FC78 You won't get an argument from me on that point.
43 My town wasn't much better... The Bombs lit our coal mines on fire. They've been burning for as long as I can remember.
44 Reminds me of southern Appalachia. Maybe for that reason, I'd like to rebuild that place someday.
45 0072FC56 0072FC70 No, afraid not. I'm from further north. A place they used to call Pennsylvania.
46 Grew up in a small town where my padre used to mine coal.
47 Came to Appalachia with Paige and his group as they moved south to greener pastures.
48 0072FC58 0072FC7A Okay, ask away then.
49 0072FC5A 0072FC71 I think my views align with what you'd expect.
50 The Raiders are violent psychopaths. Steer clear of them.
51 The Brotherhood of Steel is a pretentious, overbearing organization that wants to control the world.
52 The Blue Ridge Caravan Company is a bit shady, but their business helps everyone in the area.
53 And the Responders should be our closest allies. I don't like that they play the neutral party.
54 0072FC5C 0072FC7B We're at odds with the Raiders. That should be obvious... who isn't?
55 We work with the Brotherhood of Steel when we have to, but we won't let them dominate us.
56 We get on well enough with the Responders and Blue Ridge Caravan Company. They provide helpful services to us all.
57 0072FC5E 0072FC73 Alright. Shoot.
58 0072FC60 0072FC7D We have little homesteads here and there, but our biggest settlement is Foundation, southeast of here.
59 That's where we set up shop when we first arrived in Appalachia.
60 Stop by if you're in the neighborhood. It's a sight to behold -- a real town, like before the war.
61 0072FC62 0072FC76 He'll deny it, but Paige in Foundation is the closest thing to a leader we've got.
62 He's in charge of construction, and we do a lot of that. Plus he really rallied us on our way down to Appalachia.
63 He gave me a place to call home. I'd follow him anywhere.
64 0072FC64 0072FC89 We just want to build up this wasteland we call home and make it a safe place to live and raise a family.
65 Nothing more, nothing less. No grand ambition. We just want to live peacefully.
66 0072FC66 0072FC77 Safe travels, wherever you're headed.
67 0072FC68 0072FC6F I can tell you what I know.
68 0072FC6A 0072FCB0 Well, if you want me to.
69 0072FC6C 0072FC79 Of course. What do you want to know?