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Now take the Platinum Chip, go down to that bunker or whatever it is, and destroy whatever gizmo-happy brahmin shit you find.Caesar

The Securitron vault is an unmarked location within the Fort in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas.



Constructed by Mr. House at some point during his preparations for the Great War, he situated the entrance to the vault in a hidden section of the weather monitoring station atop Fortification Hill. Along with hiding it behind a false floor panel, House also ensured that the only means to open the panel and access the vault was by using the platinum chip. He then filled it with a massive army of his Securitrons and the technology to create more if needed.


Sometime before 2281, when the Chairmen leader Benny hijacked a Securitron and reconfigured it, renaming it Yes Man, to aid in his takeover of the New Vegas Strip, he gained access to Mr. House's data network via Yes Man and there he discovered the presence of non-standard hardware in both the Lucky 38 and in the vault, below what was now called "the Fort" after it was taken over by Caesar's Legion. After also learning about House's expensive attempts to recover the platinum chip as well as some of the chip's true function as a data-storage device (while still unaware about the true contents of the vault itself), Benny saw his chance to put his plan into action and used Yes Man to track the Courier's route so he could ambush them and steal the chip.

Once he had the chip, while Benny initially intended to dig under New Vegas and break into the Lucky 38 to use the hardware there, he kept the knowledge of the vault as a contingency should his plans go awry.


After opening the doors inside the station and entering the metal doors stamped with the sigil of the Lucky 38, there is a room with a smaller version of Mr. House's main terminal as well as a terminal reflecting the status of the vault's security.

Heading down the stairs and killing or sneaking by the first protectron, three terminals can be found through the first door straight ahead. These can be used to deactivate the turrets and protectrons via Average and Hard locks, respectively, while the third terminal for the sentry bots is unusable. The hallway past has three doorways, one leading forward, one going into an empty pod bad, and a third that's inaccessible but can be opened by interacting with the junction box below the switch (requires 60 Repair); behind it are four sentry bots.

Going through the first doorway leads to a long room with windows on either side, looking out into a big room where House's army of Securitrons are on stand-by. A turret sits in the far corner while a pair of protectrons are waiting for intruders to attack. The door at the other end leads to stairs, guarded by another turret, down into an engine room. More protectrons occupy the area while there are four doors, all leading to different objectives. The doors to the south, southwest, and north lead to active generators and in each room, a power regulator that must be destroyed during Render Unto Caesar if aligned with the Legion. The last door to the west goes up to the systems room with two turrets and the console to take the platinum chip during The House Always Wins II if aligned with House.


  • Mr. House's terminal will show up as a friendly mark on the radar even if he has been killed and doesn't show up on the screen.
  • The vault is irradiated and one will constantly be taking +1 rads/sec while inside.
  • After leaving the vault during any of the related quests, it will be permanently locked and cannot be accessed again; the only way to reenter the vault is if Mr. House is killed and one is not following the Legion or Independent questlines.
  • At the bottom of the first set of stairs, there is a door to the right that requires a 60 Repair skill level to access. This room has four sentry bots ready to attack, although if the Courier hasn't set off the security feature by destroying the generators, they will remain non-hostile.
    • If any of the generators are destroyed after fixing the door to the room with the sentry bots in it, the sentry bots will immediately begin to hunt down the Courier.
    • Sometimes the sentry bots will open the door after activating the army of securitrons, but will not attack unless provoked.
  • After activating the securitron army, the noise of moving hydraulics will sound throughout the vault.
  • If one chooses to destroy the generators, warnings will begin to play after the first one is destroyed. Once all are destroyed, radiation will leak in and the building will begin to explode and collapse.
  • Should one enter the vault after obtaining the platinum chip but without talking to him at the Lucky 38 first, House will have unique dialogue.[1]
    • He will also have unique dialogue if one enters the vault without ever interacting with him, e.g. never entering the Lucky 38 when first arriving at the Strip.[2][3]


The securitron vault appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 If saving before activating the securitrons and then reloading the save once done, the ones at the windows will stay activated (which includes the soldier faces). [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 When entering the vault, sometimes the door to the room containing the sentry bots will be already open. [verified]
  • PCPC Xbox 360Xbox 360 If the platinum chip is taken after entering the securitron vault, then Yes Man is installed, the player character is unable to talk to him in the vault. [verified]



  1. Mr. House: "Well! You're here ahead of schedule! I suppose it's just as well... This is where I wanted you to end up, after all. I knew I could rely on Caesar to give you back the Platinum Chip."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  2. Mr. House: "Quite an honor you spurned, my invite. You would be the first person to set foot inside the Lucky 38 in over 200 years. But... you still wound up here, right where I wanted you. I knew I could rely on Caesar to return the Platinum Chip to you."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  3. Mr. House: "I do wish you'd come and met with me at the Lucky 38 when you first arrived on the Strip. Or after [Benny fled/you killed Benny], even."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)