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Clancy Manor is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia in Fallout 76.


Hidden within the forests on the edge of the Toxic Valley, Clancy Manor was abandoned for most of its post-War history, though it was briefly made into a raider stronghold.[Non-game 1] It was reoccupied in 2103 as a haven for the resurgent Cult of the Mothman, who upended the manor with cultist decorations.


Clancy Manor is a large two-story manor house which has been fortified post-War. The furniture throughout the house is either covered by dust cloths or in a state of disrepair. The first floor contains a large combined dining and living area which connects to a kitchen. There are several teddy bears in this room, including a bubblegum bear and Quantum bear, in the boxes. Before the Wastelanders update, they were set up as if they were filming a cooking show, but have since been moved against the wall.

The second floor can be accessed via a set of stairs inside the house or a makeshift ramp outside. There is a tinker's workbench in a room on the second floor, as well as a shelf containing tools and assorted junk. Stairs lead up to the roof on the outside of this floor. In addition to crafting, behind the manor's rear porch is a chemistry station.

As of Wastelanders, the manor has undergone a dramatic transformation, as the cultists turned it into a fortified strongpoint, decorated with trees, bushes, and bones of all sizes. Mothman egg clutches are spread throughout the main house, while outposts surrounding the manor are used by cult sentries.

Notable loot[]

  • Cultist - Redemption - Holotape, in the upstairs bedrooms, on the western side.
  • Chapter 7 - Holotape, on a shelf in the kitchen.
  • Rodney's poem - Note, on a barrel in the corner of the second floor.
  • Potential Vault-Tec bobblehead - On the roof of the manor, on a wooden board between one of the sets of two dorm windows.
  • Potential magazine - On the west side of the upper living area, in the room where part of the walls are makeshift wood, by the locked safe (1) on the narrow shelf of the low cabinet.
  • Two potential recipes:
    • On the kitchen counter, to the left of the sink.
    • On a counter in the kitchen.
  • The manor is an excellent location for crystal, with a total of 18 crystal liquor decanters present, along with several magnifying glasses and broken cameras.

Related quest[]


Clancy Manor appears only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer Craig Bernardo worked on this location's conversion into a Cult of the Mothman retreat with the Wastelanders update.[Non-game 2]


Before Wastelanders[]



  1. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p. 354: "02. CLANCY MANOR
    A historic home was once commandeered by Raiders and is now home to even less desirable residents. Aside from the Teddy cooking show in the kitchen, check the Tinker's Workbench upstairs for some excellent junk. Then inspect the roof."
    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)
  2. Craig Bernardo - Fallout 76: Wastelanders