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The Blue Ridge Bunkhouse is a location in the Forest region of Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise. It is a checkpoint for the Blue Ridge Caravan Company along Route 88.

Its waypoint can be found west of Vault 76; there is an icon of a pig on the world map. If one visits the road east of it and heads south a little, the bunkhouse can be found on the highway.


Situated along Route 88, this bunkhouse serves as a pitstop for Blue Ridge caravans while passing through the area. According to Johnny Bills, the crew working at the bunkhouse are looking to head out and continue their route soon.[1] In the meantime, the Blue Ridge workers here have been handling shipments[2] and making plans on how to expand company operations in the area.[3]

In particular, Blue Ridge is interested in establishing ties with the Responders at the Whitespring Refuge, in part due to their possession of Lennox's working Vertibird and thus having connections to other markets. The Blue Ridge Bunkhouse's proximity to the Responders outpost at the nearby Gilman lumber mill in the Forest has been a start,[3] and the two factions have begun a mutually beneficial exchange. The Responders use supplies sold by Blue Ridge, and the Responders show their gratitude by sending care packages to the Blue Ridge Bunkhouse.[4][5]


There are two main entrances to the location, including ones facing north and south along the road. The main structure is surrounded by junk walls, with some extra fortifications outside for guards. The buildings at the bunkhouse have two floors, with the ground level meeting at the same level as the road. On the western side of the bunkhouse, there is a power armor station with a random power armor spawn next to Johnny Bills. Nearby is a shaded storage area under the ceiling, with some junk items on a shelf next to an armor workbench. Some other containers are found here, and there is a staircase leading up to the second level. Another smaller area behind the staircase holds two more cabinets and junk items.

Up the stairs, a series of open-air bridges connect the western and eastern ends of the bunkhouse, and a tinker's workbench can be found along the upper walkways, next to a grill. Above the aforementioned area, on the second floor, is a dining area that overlooks the bunkhouse. Heading east, one will pass a weapons workbench next to a 0 locked safe that can be looted. In the upper southeastern corner of the location is a fridge, and heading north from there leads to a room with bunk beds and bookshelves. Another staircase in these quarters leads back down to the ground level. Directly below is an area with a bathtub and sink, next to the brahmin pens, which also hold a cooking station.

Notable loot[]

  • The strategy - Note, on a cart directly across from Johnny Bills.
  • Two potential Vault-Tec bobbleheads:
    • Inside the fridge on the second floor, in the upper southeastern corner.
    • On the left cabinet of the ground floor, in the southwestern corner.

Related quest[]


The Blue Ridge Bunkhouse appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer Craig Bernardo worked on the creation of this location.[Non-game 1]



  1. A Vault Dweller: "What's going on here?"
    Johnny Bills: "We're with the Blue Ridge Caravan Company. This here is a little pit-stop along our route, but we're lookin' to head out again soon."
    (Johnny Bills' dialogue)
  2. Johnny Bills: "What can I do ya for? We're in the middle of a shipment, so I'm afraid no one's here to do business... If you were were lookin' for trade that is."
    (Johnny Bills' dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The strategy
  4. Events of Daily: A Better Tomorrow.
  5. A Vault Dweller: "Who am I delivering to, exactly?"
    Lane Platte: "The Blue Ridge Caravan Company, from Big Bend. They set up a little camp for conducting business in the area. We use the supplies they sell, and it never hurts to show a little gratitude."
    (Lane Platte's dialogue)

