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This is a transcript for dialogue with Johnny Bills.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 Be seeing you around. 0072CB08 Ya, well, stay safe out there, ya hear?
2 Any tips for surviving out here? 0072CB15 Get to know the locals. Can't survive out here all on your lonesome. Least not for long.
3 Whether you be buyin' goods from the settlements or sellin' goods of your own, commerce is still king.
4 What's going on here? 0072CB13 We're with the Blue Ridge Caravan Company. This here is a little pit-stop along our route, but we're lookin' to head out again soon.
5 Okay, thanks. 0072CB1A You bet.
6 Do you guys have anything to trade? I could use supplies. 0072CB1E Well, Blue Ridge doesn't sell much of anything itself. We provide protection to the folks that do, though.
7 I do have a few knickknacks on me, but if you're lookin' to do some shopping, head toward one of the major settlements, like Foundation or maybe Crater.
8 I'm surprised there's any "companies" left after the bombs. 0072CB0E Well, we can thank our owner and chief of operations JoanaIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Mayfield for that. Or hey, you can just thank her yourself if you're ever near Big Bend West. Bit of a chuckle
9 She's an expert in adaptability that one. Managed to transform her granpappy's trucking business into a post-war beacon of hope. Proud
10 Th'aint many operations like this out there. And certainly not as many operatin' at our size and reach. Proud
11 Any in particular "locals" I should look out for? 0072CB17 The biggest players are Foundation and the Crater. They may hate each other but they both love caps. A bit cynical
12 The Whitespring is home to the Responders and all other sorts... plenty of places to do business there. You can find them at that fancy golf course.
13 There's also them Brotherhood of Steel, but uh... Well, we don't get along so well, and we keep our distance. I'd reckon you ought do the same. A but uneasy
14 Wait, I can set up my own shop? 0072CB0A Sure, I've seen some of you Vault types selling all manner of goods. What with them "camps" or what have you. Unsure what black magic lets player's sell things in their player camps
15 'Course, you could also sell your ill gotten gains to any vendor in town, but you can pick your own price if you're sellin' from your own homestead.
16 Now how you go about doin' that is probably some Vault-Tec secret or somethin'. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. in over his head, waving the conversation off
17 Where or what is Foundation? 0072CB09 Foundation is a settlement in the mountains way south of here. Safe spot to sell goods or just rest for a spell.
18 Salt of the Earth types, lookin' to rebuild the world as it once was. Maybe a little naive, but good folk none the less.
19 Can you tell me about the Crater? 0072CB14 If you've got grit, the Crater is a decent spot to make a few caps. If you don't got grit, it's a good place to lose your caps... or your life. emphasis on LOSE.
20 It's a whole town of Raiders, so do what you will with that information. You'll find 'em up North, in some crazy spaceship lookin' wreckage.
21 The Whitespring? Responders? Not familiar with those. 0072CB07 Well, the Whitespring is a big fancy hotel from way, way back. For a while, it was a ghost town of robots and Feral Ghouls.
22 But not too long ago, the Responders-- a group created to assist those in need after the bombs-- well, they took over the place.
23 Turned into a sort of hub of commerce and wasteland assistance. Definitely stop by. Friendly folks and safe shelter. Can't ask for much more now, right?
24 Can you tell me more about the Brotherhood of Steel? 0072CB12 Don't know how much I can tell. Boss lady tells us to keep our distance, and I do. Gladly. Not a subject he enjoys
25 Seem like self-important thugs totin' around some unwarranted authority. They're holed up in this mountain fortress. Really completes "the look." Not a fan. "The look of a evil villains" he means.
26 Bad news in my book. Seem like the kind of folk that'd shoot ya dead then give you a ticket for wastin' their bullets. No thank you.
27 Thanks for all the information. 0072CB1F Always happy to help a wanderer in need. Anything else ya want to know?
28 And what's YOUR story, old timer? 0072CB0F Me? Ah, who cares what my story is. Pre-war dinosaurs like me are still a dime a dozen. Waving it off
29 But.. since ya asked... I've been working with Blue Ridge since the trucking days. Joana's Granpappy hired me, god rest his tired soul. Coming around to revealing that he's more than happy to tell his tale
30 I ain't exactly fit to guard a caravan on my owns anymore, but I've still got plenty of know-how to share with the youngin's.
31 Got my name from all them dollar bills linin' my pockets back in the day... I was a regular millionaire, I tell you what. Trying to pull a fast one
32 [INT 4+] A millionaire? That doesn't add up. 0072CB19 Ha! Saw right through me. Okay, maybe I got my name from all them bills I was owin', but the war washed that debt away. Not upset, he doesn't mind if people call him out
33 But let's you an' me keep that one a secret. Friendly
34 Thanks for sharing, Johnny. 0072CB0C And thank you for carin'.
35 Let's talk about something else.
Actually, I had a different question.
0072CAE8 Mm-hmm, whatchu need? Friendly
36 Are you guys hiring? I'm looking for work.
Have any leads on work?
0072CAE9 Blue Ridge is always happy to pay a few caps to keep guns pointed in the right direction. Welcoming
37 If you're interested, head down to the Big Bend Tunnel, east entrance. There's a real cheery fella named Vinny Costa that can set you up with work. Vinny is grumpy, not cheery
38 Ain't the most glamorous job, and it's a fair hike from here, but we'll pay ya right.
39 I'll mark it on your map, just in case.
40 What is the Blue Ridge Caravan Company?
The Blue Ridge Caravan? What's that?
0072CAEA We're a modern interpretation of what you'd call a trucking company back in the day. Cept instead of 18-wheelers, we're drivin' Brahmin. Thinking through this explanation as he's giving it
41 We've got clients from all over that we provide protection to, along with knowledge of safe routes and good places to set up shop. Pretty proud
42 Our base of operations in Appalachia is just outside the Big Bend Tunnel, quite a ways south from here.
43 0072CA6E 0072CAF8 Hey there. You're lookin' greener than Bloatfly piss. Little lost, are ya? The player is a newbie (thus green). Friendly
44 0072CAF9 Don't mind us, just givin' the Brahmin a break. Friendly
45 0072CAFA I'd stick to the roads if I were you. Friendly advice
46 0072CAFB Hey there, traveler. Friendly
47 0072CAFC Oh, I can smell the Brahmin on you. Bet you've done your share of runs through Big Bend. Good on ya. Recognizes a fellow veteran, impressed
48 0072CA6F 0072CB1B What can I do ya for? We're in the middle of a shipment, so I'm afraid no one's here to do business... If you were were lookin' for trade that is. Friendly
49 0072CB1C You're that rookie Vinny mentioned. Mighty kind of ya to help out the youngbloods like that. Need somethin'? Recognizes the player
50 0072CB1D I'm thinkin' Brahmin are twice as strong as Pre-War cattle... Havin' two heads and all. Muscles just doubled up, like lasagna. That there's science. Friendly, maybe joking? ... Maybe?
51 00732681 00732684 Keep the line movin'!
52 00732685 This is a better workout than truckin' ever was.
53 00732686 Gonna get a big ol' bowl of soup back at Big Bend.
54 00732687 Where's the next stop again?