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Season 1 is the first season of the animated series NieR:Automata Ver1.1a. It has 24 episodes divided into 2 cours, and takes place in Earth following the events that occur with YoRHa No 2B, YoRHa No 9S and YoRHa Type A No A2.

The season premiered on Crunchyroll on the 7th of January 2023, with one cour (12 episodes).

The Anime's 2nd cour/season to air on the 5th of July 2024.

Official Description[]

The distant future, 5012.

The sudden aerial invasion of Earth by <Aliens> and their creations <Machine Lifeforms> led mankind to the brink of extinction. The surviving number of humans who took refuge on the moon to organize a counterattack using <android> soldiers to recapture Earth. However, the war reaches a stalemate as the <Machine Lifeforms> continue to multiply infinitely. In turn, humanity deploys a new unit of android soldiers as an ultimate weapon: YoRHa.

Newly dispatched to Earth 2B joins 9S, the analyst currently stationed there, where amid their mission, they encounter a myriad of mysterious phenomena...

This is the story of these lifeless <androids> and their endless fight for the sake of mankind.[1]


No. Ep. Title Card Title Airdate
1 NAVer1.1a 1x01 or not to Be or not to [B]e January 7, 2023
▶▶Report from Pod 042

Year 5012 AD.
A life form called <aliens> begins to invade the earth. Ever since mankind fled to the moon, there has been a long-lasting battle between <androids> created by mankind and <machine lifeforms> created by aliens.

This aircraft is an accompanying support unit <Pod 042>. In the 243rd Descent Operation which will be carried out from March 10, 11945, he will be in charge of supporting <Yorha Unit> affiliated android <2B>. Since then, he regularly reports missions with <Pod 153>, which is in charge of accompanying the YoRHa aircraft <9S> in the same operation.

2 NAVer1.1a 1x02 city eScape city e[S]cape January 14, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 153

During the search on the ground, we discovered new data not registered in the archive. Transfer to a shared server.

That mechanical life form is an android was on a mission to destroy However, the machine lifeform no longer had the will to fight the androids. The machine lifeform found a small flower. The machine lifeform felt that a mysterious <something> was beginning to be born within it. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

3 NAVer1.1a 1x03 break tiMe break ti[M]e January 21, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 042

YoRHa aircraft 2B and 9S rescued a resistance group that was being attacked by machine lifeforms. The leader of the resistance unit named <Lily> guides them to their residence, the resistance camp.

During his stay at the camp, he obtained information about a special machine life form from the resistance member <Jackass>. We have determined that this information is the same as the investigation missions assigned to both 2B and 9S. Start exploring the desert area with Jackass.

4 NAVer1.1a 1x04 a mountain too High a mountain too [H]igh February 18, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 153

During the investigation in the desert area, several special individuals not found in past record data were confirmed, such as "machine lifeforms that speak words" and "machine lifeforms that look very similar to androids". Details have been uploaded to the server.

In addition, both 2B and 9S received orders from headquarters to search for YoRHa members. It seems that contact with the missing aircraft was lost during a mission on the ground. The origin of the black box signal has already been identified. Start searching for the target at the location.

5 NAVer1.1a 1x05 maveRick mave[R]ick February 25, 2023
▶▶ Report from pod 042

Confirmed trade information between resistance and machine lifeforms in the ruined city area.

Although androids and machine lifeforms have a hostile relationship, it seems that the machine lifeforms they trade with have no hostile reactions or combat intentions.

Together with 2B and 9S, who were requested by Lily to transport materials to machine lifeforms, they begin investigating the area.

6 NAVer1.1a 1x06 Lone wolf [L]one wolf March 4, 2023
▶▶Reports from both Pod 042 and Pod 153

Found data presumed to be part of past records. Transfer to a shared server. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
December 8, 11941. Encounter with androids dispatched to Earth on a certain top-secret mission. These unfamiliar-looking people called themselves the YoRHa Corps. Command that abandoned us. A YoRHa unit with many secrets and many mysteries. But you can't protect your family just by being suspicious.

I hope that my choice, our battle, will be a breakthrough in a long war of attrition. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

7 NAVer1.1a 1x07 Questionable actions [Q]uestionable actions March 11, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 153

In the missions up to this point, we have encountered many mutant machine lifeforms, some of which have even progressed into battle. Each individual information has been uploaded to the server as before. In preparation for future encounters, request information analysis and sharing of results in the bunker.

――― Individual identification signal: <Pascal>'s reaction confirmed ―――

One individual belonging to the village of machine lifeforms seems to be lost. Upon request, start searching in the Forest Kingdom area.

8 NAVer1.1a 1x08 aji wo Kutta? aji wo [K]utta? March 18, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 042

A wanted YoRHa unit <A2> was discovered in the Forest Kingdom area.

The aircraft in question has abandoned its mission and continues to run away to this day, and is designated as a dangerous individual.

Both 2B and 9S receive orders to track and investigate A2 from headquarters. Contact the Resistance and Pascal and start collecting information.

9 NAVer1.1a 1x09 hunGry for knowledge hun[G]ry for knowledge July 23, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 153

Communication with 9S, the target of our accompanying support, has been lost.

While acting alone, 9S encounters an aircraft that seems to be <A2> in a submerged city/an abandoned building, and begins chasing it. At that time, it was confirmed that a strong jamming signal was emitted throughout the area. It is presumed that 9S fell into an untraceable situation while the aircraft was recovering communications.

Call 2B for help and start searching.

10 NAVer1.1a 1x10 overZealous over[Z]ealous July 23, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 042

YoRHa Unit 2B has successfully defeated the mutant machine life form <Eve>. With the loss of Eve, the core of the network system, it is speculated that the machine lifeforms in the area will gradually weaken.

9S returns to the bunker to repair the body and overhaul the data. From then on, until 9S's repairs are complete, 2B, together with this unit and Pod 153, will carry out the order to destroy <Adam> given by Command.

11 NAVer1.1a 1x11 headY battle head[Y] battle July 23, 2023
▶▶ Report from Pod 153

Confirmed construction of a new machine lifeform network. It is presumed that <Adam> is responsible for the core.

During the search for Adam, a large-scale runaway of machine lifeforms occurs. It seems that the same phenomenon has been confirmed simultaneously in various places on the ground.

Command has issued an order to intercept enemy machine lifeforms for all YoRHa units.

Currently, many YoRHa units and Resistance are reporting engagements and requesting assistance. Together with 2B, we begin the Resistance Camp rescue operation.

12 NAVer1.1a 1x12 flowers for mAchines flowers for m[A]chines July 23, 2023
▶▶Reports from both Pod 042 and Pod 153

Pod 042 Report: The runaway Adam was hacked by 9S, intercepted by the Resistance, and bombarded with support from the Bunker.

--- Communication error ---

--- Communication error ---

―――Communication with pod 042 is being restored 12 seconds until restoration ―――

―――Communication with Pod 153 is being restored 15 seconds until restoration ―――

From Pod 042 to Pod 153: A temporary communication error occurs due to a large-scale attack from the ground and the sky. Currently undergoing restoration work.
From pod 153 to pod 042: Confirmed the same failure on this aircraft. No abnormalities in the recording system.
Pod 042 to Pod 153: All right. There are no abnormalities in our system at this time. Continue to carry out research missions with accompanying support target 2B and record them.
Pod 153 to Pod 042: All right. This aircraft also carries out missions and records with 9S.

13 (1) File:NAVer1.1a 1x13 reckless braVery.png reckless bra[V]ery July 5, 2024
▶▶Report from Pod 042

The year is 5012. <Aliens> suddenly appear from outer space and begin their invasion of Earth.

Humanity flees to the moon, and the battle between <machine lifeforms> and <androids> continues on Earth for many years.

The year is 11945. The 243rd Landing Operation begins.

After that, <2B> and <9S> of the <YoRHa> unit are engaged in a ground recapture operation.

While on a mission near a ruined city, the Resistance requests a search for a missing android.

2B and 9S consider the possibility that it may be related to an investigation mission from HQ. They begin searching for the machine in question.

14 (2) File:NAVer1.1a 1x14 mission Failed.png mission [F]ailed July 12, 2024
▶▶Report from Pod 153

2B and 9S of the YoRHa unit have succeeded in destroying the enemy machine lifeform's core units, Adam and Eve.

Currently, the machine lifeforms are in a state of temporary confusion.

Seeing this as an opportunity to annihilate the enemy, the Human Army issues an order to all YoRHa units to launch an all-out attack on the machine lifeforms.

This unit, along with 9S, who will be accompanying them for support, will begin the task of overseeing the S-type models participating in this operation.

15 (3) File:NAVer1.1a 1x15 no I in team.png no [I] in team July 19, 2024
▶▶Report from Pod 042

A large-scale invasion operation by YoRHa forces and the Resistance has begun on the ground to eliminate the machine lifeforms.

However, the number of machine lifeform units is greater than expected. Support requests are coming in from each area.

This unit, along with 2B, who is accompanying support, is providing support to the androids on the ground.

--Warning: Enemy EMP attack and virus intrusion confirmed-

--Communication error--

16 (4) File:NAVer1.1a 1x16 broken Wings.png broken [W]ings July 26, 2024
▶▶Report from Pod 153

The machine lifeforms not only infect the YoRHa units on the ground, but also the Bunker through the virus, activating a self-destruct sequence.

As a result, the 13th Satellite Orbital Base Bunker collapses.

2B and 9S avoid contamination and successfully escape the Bunker.

They then begin descending back to the ground to find the remaining YoRHa units and complete their mission.

17 (5) TBA TBA
18 (6) TBA TBA
19 (7) TBA TBA
20 (8) TBA TBA
21 (9) TBA TBA
22 (10) TBA TBA
23 (11) TBA TBA
24 (12) TBA TBA



  • Every episode of the series, other than Episode 12, ends with a post-credits scene featuring live-action puppets of the characters adapting the various endings of the game, along with several new original endings.
  • Every eyecatcher of the series has short lines of UTF-8 hexdecimal code appear for a few seconds. These hidden messages also appear very briefly during certain scenes, and when translated to text reveals various words and phrases in Japanese related to the story.

Differences between the game and the show[]

  • In episode 3 when 9S is asked what's inside his fanny pack, he replies that it's a secret.
    • later during episode 11 it is revealed that what 9S kept inside his signature fanny pack was actually a Type-4O Fists, an event that does not occur in the game.
  • During episode 7 in the fight between A2 and 2B, A2's sword ends up breaking, an event that does not occur in the game. However, during episode 12 in a scene where machines are sending data transmissions across the landscape, A2 can be briefly seen holding the Type-4O Blade again, likely a spare or replacement.
  • Grün Goliath machine that you killed with a missile in the game never happened on anime.

Lily as the Resistance Leader
One of the massive changes in the anime is the leader of the Resistance. In the game, the Resistance leader is an android named Anemone. We don't know much about her in the game, just that she had a history with A2. During the Pearl Harbor Descent before the events of NieR:Automata, Anemone was part of the Resistance led by her higher-up Captain Rose.

They met up with A2 (known as No.2 during that time) and three other YoRHa members to destroy a machine server in Mt. Ka'ala. The mission was successful, but most of that team died for the cause. Lily was part of that team and perished. Anemone was the only survivor until she heard about A2 in the events of NieR:Automata. Anemone took on the role of leadership for the remaining Resistance.

In the anime, it is Lily that becomes the next Resistance leader after the Pearl Harbor Descent mission. The Pearl Harbor Descent story was told in the form of a YoRHa (Stage Play), but now it can be read in the YoRHa: Pearl Harbor Descent Record Manga.

Lily was known as a lover android: a model that provided comfort for the commanding officer at the time before the Resistance. But said officer abused Lily to the point of almost breaking her, causing Rose and other members to save Lily and form the Resistance. Now Lily leads her androids with a refound strength.

  • Lily's weapon was originally Rose's and was given to Lily as a parting gift and passage of the mantle of leadership.

A More Concerned Commander White
In the video game, it does seem that Commander White puts the mission before the safety of her own units. She had a cold tone and rarely shows care for the YoRHa androids she sent into battle.

There are times when Commander White does show some compassion or worry, but not exactly in the game. Those moments are spread throughout other NieR content, like the orchestral concerts or short stories.

In the anime, Commander White does have a side that she doesn't show anyone. We see those moments when she is talking to the Council of Humanity, which is really just a part of Project YoRHa, which was created to gaslight androids into believing that humans are still alive. Commander White expresses great concern when she has to send her units on suicidal missions and when YoRHa is not allowed to provide support. She is just as much a puppet as the other androids, and the anime shows us this perfectly.

Adam's Revenge Instead of Eve's
There are two unique machine lifeforms that take on the appearance of androids: Adam and Eve. If you're religious, those names probably sound familiar to you. The "elder brother," Adam, has a high interest in humanity, going as far as to mimic them in order to understand them.

From reading books to eating apples to dressing in clothing, he has Eve partake in his interests as well. Even though all Eve wants to do is spend time and play with his "elder brother." In the game, 2B battled against Adam in the Copied City he created so she could save 9S. He disconnected himself from the machine network in order to experience death if 2B kills him.

He gets his wish and dies with her sword pierced through his stomach. Adam even says that death feels "dark and cold" before he passes. Eve learns of Adam's death and proceeds to get revenge on the androids, seeing the world as meaningless without his brother.

In the anime, these events proceed much differently. 2B walks through a space resembling a church, an area that is not present in the game, before breaking through a door. She and Adam then fight in a replica of the Library, which only appeared in the Tower in the game, he had created in his Copied City, and just before his death, Eve intervenes and takes the killing blow. While 2B gets to take 9S home to repair him, Adam mourns over the loss of his "younger brother." It's then that he realizes how much he took his brother for granted.

The only family he had is gone and can never return. Filled with rage, he is the one who takes revenge on 2B, 9S, and the other androids in a plot to destroy them for killing Eve. Adam causes the other machines on the network to go haywire and eat away at the Resistance members.

  • The Become as Gods arc was replaced with become Eve.
    • Pascal wasn't present the entire time they were in the factory.

These are only the major changes made throughout the anime. There were some little add-ons and changes as well, like both 2B and 9S killing Adam with 2B's sword at the finale. Or Emil, not being a traveling shop, but his head merged into a tree, and he is treated almost like a god by Pascal and his village.

  • It is Emil who awakens Pascal's free will, and after a while forms his village around a tree with Emil's head, an event that does not occur in the game.


Cour 1 / 1nd Season
Cour 2 / 2nd Season

Cour 1 / 1nd Season
Cour 2 / 2nd Season


