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The Forest Castle is a location in NieR:Automata. Formerly a designated World Heritage Site known as Schwanstein Castle, it has long since been claimed by its residing machines as the seat of their kingdom.


The old castle sits opposite the larger forest area. Taking the bridge, the player will need to face off with a Goliath-class machine to access the rest of the castle. Afterwards, a winding yet more direct route from Pascal's village will open up for quicker use.

Points of Interest[]

Forest Castle Access
The castle's access point, located close to Immanuel, will be jammed from time to time; the machines surrounding the terminal should be taken out to reestablish its connection.

Forest Castle Animal Clearing
A small area for forest animals overtaken by machines. It is your job to retake this environment in Turf War.

Forest Castle Chest
Using the surrounding pillars in the courtyard, the player can reach a chest containing the Cypress Stick.

Forest Castle Blacksmith
On a lower level of the crumbled bridge leading to the Royal Chamber, the player can move a large box to reveal Masamune, who can upgrade your weapons to level 4.

Forest Castle Royal Chamber
The peak of the castle where the second Forest King Immanuel survived until it was killed by A2. The player can make a quick escape by jumping out the large window.

Forest Castle Graveyard
During the Treasure Hunt at the Castle sidequest, the player can unlock the door to the graveyard, where a long-dead Ernst is guarded by the Gravekeeper.


  • A scanner model named 4S can be found at the end of the Lower Castle's top floor during Route C. His accompanying quest is exclusive to 9S, and will only have a few words for A2 when interacted with as her.
  • The machines who reside here defend their king in any way possible, using ambushes and tactical manoeuvres to trap any trespassers.
  • Machines in this area drop the Plug-in Chips Anti-Chain DamageDamage AbsorbMax HP Up and Offensive Heal (Small Biped Spear Equipped, Medium Quadruped), Melee Defense (Medium Biped), Ranged Defense (Small Flyer) and Resilience (Goliath Bipeds in the courtyard, Route C/D).

