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Lily-Leaf Sword is a weapon in NieR and NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139.... It is good to buy as a replacement for the Nameless Blade at the beginning of the game, if enough Gold has been acquired.

The Nirvana Dagger also exists as a free alternative; access to the Lost Shrine, however, will remain unavailable until Yonah leaves the village during the storyline.


"A narrow sword once owned by a woman of such impossible beauty that men begged her to take their lives."
— In-game description


  • Purchased from the Blacksmith in the Village for 2,400 Gold.

Weapon Story[]

I love him with all my heart, as he does me. When we cross paths outdoors, he sends signals with his eyes that only I can understand. He treasures my gifts so much, he keeps them locked away in a safe. Oh, I couldn't ask for a better lover!

I can't believe this! My best friend deceived the love of my life and stole him from me! One moment he was there, and the next he was gone—all that remains are some of my gifts, which are scattered across his empty room. Everything else of value has been sold at the village marketplace.

This will not stand. He hasn't abandoned me, he's just being tricked by that woman! I know he still has feelings for me—he must! I'm far more beautiful than she is, and he knows it! Oh yes—he knows. But I must make him see the truth, and quickly. I have to get her away from him! I have to kill her! Kill! Hurry up and kill!

Consumed by her madness, the woman slaughtered the young husband and wife, hacking them with such force that the blade of her sword warped. The woman then went into hiding, leaving behind only clumps of unrecognizable meat and a sword with a horribly bent blade. But no matter how many smiths attempted to repair the sword, it never again retained its original shape.

I love him. From the bottom of my heart. And I know he loves me too. Every time our eyes would meet, I could see the looks he'd give me. And I could hear him telling me to keep this hidden from everyone, and to hide all my feelings and gifts for him. I kept them locked away in my room. He was my one and only.

I don't believe him. The one I thought was my friend seduced and stole him away from me, and he just disappeared and left me all alone. All that's left was me, and all the things I hid away and never gave him. I sold them all off in the market.

I can't forgive him. He was taken away from me against his will by that woman. He still loves me, I know it, and I have to make him realize how much better and prettier and nicer I am than she ever will be! I just have to get rid of her! I have to find her, beat her, maim her, and rip her to pieces!!!

Blinded by rage and jealousy, she took off after the young and naive couple, and stabbed and beat them until her sword was warped and bent from the abuse. The next day, she was nowhere to be found, and sticking out of the pile of meat and flesh that was once a couple of humans, stood the twisted blade. Countless blacksmiths forged and remade the sword, but no matter how hard they tried, it would never regain its former shape.


