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YoRHa is an elite military force of advanced androids designed to combat the invading aliens and machine lifeforms. Operating out of their headquarters in the Bunker, YoRHa is led by Command who receives orders from the Council of Humanity.[4]

YoRHa is also used to refer to the advanced android models themselves,[2] sometimes referred to as YoRHa units[5][3] or YoRHa-type androids.[6] Such individuals are distinct from other models of android for their combat prowess and enhanced abilities.

YoRHa Androids[]

YoRHa No 2B YoRHa No 9S YoRHa Type A No A2 YoRHa No 10H Operator 6O 6O Operator 21O 21O


YoRHa androids are classified by their model number followed by a specific model type. These names are often abbreviated; for example, the full name "YoRHa No.9 Type S" can be simply represented as "9S".[7]

Prototype YoRHa models used an inverted naming scheme where model type was placed before model number. Prototype models were commonly referred to by their baseline model number alone. For example, while "YoRHa Attacker No.2" could be shortened to "A2" or "Attacker 2", it could also be represented as "Model No.2" or simply "No.2".[8]

Model number does not necessarily correspond to personality type. Personality data can be applied to specific model types; for example, Type B units are typically aggressive,[9] while Type E units are typically analytical.[8]

Note that certain non-YoRHa androids still belong to YoRHa as an organization, such as Commander White and Instructor Black.[10][11] Such individuals are not restricted to the same naming conventions as YoRHa androids.

Model Types[]

YoRHa Designations

YoRHa Designations

Model types convey the specialized role in which a YoRHa android operates. YoRHa androids are able to "transfer" to a different role type based on request,[12][13][14] presumably by having their data uploaded to a body of another model type.

Known model types include:

  • Type A (Attacker):[15] specialized in close combat with exceptional dash abilities. After the conclusion of the Experimental M Squadron and creation of the Pod system, Type A was integrated with Type G to become the multi-purpose Type B.[16][17]
  • Type B (Battler):[15] all-purpose combat unit combining the melee-based Type A and ranged-based Type G equipment loadouts. This type was developed by utilizing the battle data on Number 2 from the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission.[citation needed] Type B models typically have warlike personalities.[9]
  • Type D (Defender):[15] frontline unit focused on defensive tactics with a priority on squad protection. Equipped with improved physical protection and a defensive barrier to protect against Logic Viruses.[18][19]
  • Type E (Executioner):[15] advanced combat model designed for anti-android usage. Often tasked with destroying incapacitated allies so as to not allow comrades to be comprised by enemy forces. May also be tasked to monitor and eliminate allied forces that exhibit rogue behavior. While the existence of Type E models is common knowledge, they are occasionally assigned to fellow YoRHa squads with a concealed designation for undercover operations.[20] Type E models typically have analytical personalities.[8]
  • Type G (Gunner):[15] specialized in ranged combat, equipped with an advanced model of assault rifle but did not carry close-combat weapons. After the conclusion of the Experimental M Squadron and creation of the Pod system, Type G was integrated with Type A to become the multi-purpose Type B.[16][17]
  • Type H (Healer):[15] specialized repair unit with additional tools for repairing both physical damage and data corruption.[21] At one point were responsible for uploading squad black box data to the Bunker,[22] though this ability appears to have been added to Scanner models as well.
  • Type O (Operator): non-combat logistical model specializing in providing intel to deployed YoRHa units. Collects and compiles command-level data for missions and other operations. An Operator is assigned to each combat unit in the field. Due to their non-combative nature, Type O androids are not permitted to leave the Bunker.[citation needed]
  • Type S (Scanner):[15] reconnaissance model with additional sensor capabilities and comprehensive hacking suite for data aggregation. Tasked with uploading personality data of squad mates to the Bunker in the event of bodily destruction. After the conclusion of the Experimental M Squadron, YoRHa androids with a male body frame were restricted to using the Type S model, citing a lack of squad cooperation.[16]

Characteristics and Behavior[]

NieR-Automata Ver1

Commander White with various YoRHa operator models.

YoRHa androids can have a variety of hair colors, including tones not common in humans such as white and red. They typically have blue eyes and wear black uniforms or armor. The only unit in YoRHa who does not follow this clothing code is the the Commander, who wears white. Due to their heavily reinforced combat frames, a YoRHa android is about two and a half times the weight of a healthy human of equivalent size. It is implied no YoRHa unit is able to swim because of their frames' weight, needing their Pods to rescue them whenever falling underwater.

Combat androids are typically supposed to have a personality defined by their unit class, but in practice YoRHa models display a wide range of personality types similar to their human creators. Units with the same number all share a common base personality construct,[citation needed] though their experiences can radically alter this in practice.

YoRHa units can perform most actions a human could, including sleeping, eating and drinking, though these are not required and performed only as and when the unit feels like it. Their body structure does mean that certain foods, particularly oily fish, will seriously compromise their functionality.[23] The combat chassis is largely self-cleaning with only occasional replacement of filters needed to maintain peak performance, although some units prefer to bathe regularly as they enjoy how it feels. There is apparently also some aspect of their function that requires them to breathe, since it is possible to strangle a YoRHa unit.[24] They cannot naturally reproduce and are not fitted with any kind of genitalia by default.

It is known that combat and killing creates a pleasurable sensation for YoRHa androids: some unscrupulous non-YoRHa models have used data gathered from combat androids to synthesize "electronic drugs" that replicate this feeling.

The main distinction between YoRHa androids and the other Resistance androids remaining on the Earth's surface are their Black Boxes. These devices, derived from machine lifeform power cores, function as a combination of power cell and memory module, effectively being the unit's brain and heart. The device appears to have some kind of wireless link to the unit it belongs to as both 2B and 9S were shown still functional while holding their Black Boxes in their hands on two occasions, though it is unclear how long this state could be sustained. Data can be synchronized from the Black Box to the Bunker, allowing a unit to effectively survive their own death with all of their memories up to the point of their last backup intact. In addition, the data can be transmitted and uploaded to a stored android body. This is shown to be a process of transferring rather than copying with no discontinuity in consciousness, the android perceiving it as if they had been teleported to the new body's location.

The energy stored within the Black Box can also be unleashed in a devastating explosion: while this is usually performed by touching two Black Boxes together, a single YoRHa unit is capable of initiating the destruction of their Black Box.[25]

A common phrase used as a greeting, salutation, and dismissal in YoRHa is "Glory to Mankind," which often is given out at the end of high profile messages as well as those from the Council of Humanity itself. The slogan also appears on YoRHa weapons, messages, and screens when they are not in use, all as a constant reminder of the androids' purpose. It is normally said in a salute with one's left hand placed flat over their chest.

YoRHa models have superior combat abilities to previous android lines, and also boasted complete resistance to the Logic Virus when first deployed, though the machines quickly adapted.


YoRHa combat models typically use high-tech bladed weapons in their missions, though the manipulator system used by combat units (called the near-field combat system, NFCS) to control their weaponry can in practice interface with virtually any object, from a purpose-built weapon to a discarded iron pipe. The manipulator fields produced by NFCS take the form of a series of glowing, translucent halo-like rings along the length of whatever the field is holding, and allow movement in ways that would be impossible if the android handled weapons with only their hands.

Combat models usually wear clothing in the ancient human Gothic Lolita style, though they can be issued heavy body armor for more dangerous missions. Their garments are not just clothing and supplement the unit's functionality, with the skirt worn by B-models and the pants of S-models being part of the unit's heat dissipation system.[26] They typically wear a black visor resembling a blindfold that is equipped with a variety of sensors, though their eyes are perfectly functional without it. As Operator models are strictly non-combat units, they do not wear a visor and instead wear a veil that covers their mouth. It is unknown if this veil serves a purpose or is simply decorative.

Insertion of troops and heavier combat is handled by single-seat SSTO aircraft referred to as "Flight Units," which can shift form from a powerful fighter craft to a bipedal mech for all-aspect combat: the unit also uses the legs of the bipedal mode as landing gear.

Pod153 Pod142

YoRHa Pod systems, 042 (left) and 153 (right).

For fire support in ground missions, YoRHa units can be assigned a small AI companion referred to as a Pod. These hovering devices are primarily used to carry ranged weapons, but also serve as an additional assistant to the YoRHa unit, dealing with trivial mission-related issues and general questions to save contacting Operators. Pods may offer advice against an android's current course of action, but ultimately must obey all direct orders from the unit they were originally assigned to, even those that go against YoRHa command's directives. They possess substantial databases including historical records, and additional sensing gear, enhancing the capabilities of YoRHa units without requiring them to carry the additional systems themselves. They are also equipped with a series of manipulator limbs for handling delicate objects or performing repairs, a variety of medical supplies such as staunching gel and Logic Virus vaccines, and a powerful searchlight to assist their android companion in navigating dark areas visually. The firing interface for the Pod is provided by the android's far-field combat system (FFCS). The Pod also allows their companion android to partake in the human activity known as "fishing," though it is unclear if this is a result of deliberate design.

A YoRHa android's internal architecture is modular and can accept plug-in chips to enhance the capabilities of the unit, allowing them to customize their capabilities to suit a wide variety of potential missions. The chips are hot-swappable by units in the field. The only necessary component is the main OS chip which handles core functions such as their Black Box interface, NFCS and FFCS, and an android can selectively enable or disable their additional sensors (their system chips) as they see fit. Removal of a YoRHa android's OS chip results in death.[27]

Prototype YoRHa models were equipped with an experimental Berserk Mode ("B Mode") on a temporary basis. Due to usage difficulties, the ability was later discontinued and replaced with a Self-Destruction mode intended for security purposes.[28]

YoRHa Organization[]


The Commander serves as the supreme authority over the YoRHa forces, coordinating all of their military efforts to retake Earth.

YoRHa also operates a number of ground bases across the world, including rocket launch facilities to send supplies to the orbital bases and the moon. YoRHa also has a surface fleet with at least one large aircraft carrier, Blue Ridge II, and an escort vessel, and maintained a number of powerful coastal defense batteries to prevent large aquatic machines from making landfall.

Other android forces of the Army of Humanity on Earth cooperate with the YoRHa forces, though they do not appear to be under YoRHa's direct command.


The stated purpose of the YoRHa organization and its androids is to serve the Council of Humanity and reclaim Earth from the aliens and their machine lifeforms. This would ultimately allow the surviving humans on the moon to return to Earth.

In actuality, the Council of Humanity was created as part of Project YoRHa: the organization does not exist, and humanity was extinct before the aliens even arrived on Earth, following the failure of Project Gestalt. Knowledge of humanity's extinction was affecting morale among the androids fighting on the surface, and so a false narrative about humans surviving on the moon was created, along with an elite force of androids to spread this message. This was masterminded from the facility called the Bunker.

Once this was achieved, a final plan was set into motion to destroy any evidence of the deception by allowing the Machine Network access to the Bunker, wiping out Project YoRHa. A new line of even more powerful android models would then be produced to continue the fight against the machines, they and the older androids on Earth all now believing that they were fighting for humanity.


Origin and Development[]

After the Army of Humanity's 8th Descent Operation in 11732, conflicts with the machines began to become lengthy battles requiring multiple descents. The change in complexity was a stark contrast to previous operations, which were brief and decisive skirmishes.[29] With android morale sharply decreasing, the Next Generation Combat Unit Project was significantly altered to become Project YoRHa.[30]

Experiments with harvested Machine Cores began, eventually leading to the destruction of Kaguya, the Army's sixth orbital base and research facility, in 11810.[31] After the new orbital base, the "Lab" was created five years later, research resumed and resulted in the creation of Black Box technology in 11928.[32][33]

Sometime prior to 11932, YoRHa-type androids were designed by Zinnia, the Army of Humanity's Chief of Research and Development.[34][35][Note 2] Due to their possession of Black Boxes, it was decided that YoRHa androids were to be prohibited from exhibiting emotions as a means of preventing them from acting like the "venerable" humanity.[36] The new android models were approved for production in April 11932,[2] and stationed on the Lab for monitoring and developmental purposes.[37] Numerous prototype models were constructed, including No. 2, No. 4, No. 9, and No. 21.[38]

In July 11937, No. 9 discovered the existence of Project YoRHa and the truth about Black Boxes after restoring deleted files. He became furious and, within a few dozen hours, rigged the Lab facility with incendiaries and began to murder members of the crew. The attack resulted in the destruction of the YoRHa prototypes and damage to the orbital base.[3][38] However, prior to the event, No. 9 installed a backdoor into the Bunker's schematics to be accessed near the conclusion of Project YoRHa.[39][40] Plans for the Bunker, YoRHa-type androids, and orders for their automated production were also sent to the server on the moon.[39] By August 2, the first official YoRHa model was constructed and sent to Earth.[3]

First Deployment[]

Construction of YoRHa's orbital base completed in November 11940, and an android called White was appointed commander.[41] On December 8, 11941, prototype YoRHa androids were deployed for the first time as part of the Pearl Harbor Descent Operation.[42] Different model types participated in the operation, including Attacker, Gunner, and Scanner models YoRHa Type A No.4, YoRHa Type G No.16, and YoRHa Type S No.21.

While the operation was intended to push back the machine forces, its primary purpose was to gather combat information of the experimental YoRHa models to improve future iterations.[43] The group of 16 units was assaulted while descending from orbit, leaving four to cooperate with the Resistance and complete the mission.[42] Only one YoRHa model survived, YoRHa Type A No.2, who was decided by Command to be either captured or executed by the yet-developed Type-E division.[43]

Due to the desertion of A2 having been sparked by an emotional response, it was further reinforced for emotions to be prohibited for YoRHa units.[36] Sometime after the mission, the Attacker and Gunner models were also integrated into the singular Battler model.[15][44] Similarly, due to usage difficulties, Berserk mode was discontinued and replaced with a Self-Destruction mode for security purposes.[28] The naming scheme of production models was changed, with model type now proceeding an individual's numerical personality type.[15]

2B and 9S Production[]

In January 11942, YoRHa androids 2B and 9S were manufactured.[45][46] Being a high-end model, it was determined that 9S had a higher risk of uncovering confidential data such as that related to Project YoRHa. As a result, 2B was assigned to monitor and execute 9S should such an event occur,[47][48] after which a "blank" type nine personality would be uploaded into a new body. Over the next 3 years, by March 11945, 48 occurrences of contact had occurred as part of this cycle.[45] Though outfitted as a Type E model, 2B operated under the guise of a Type B so as to not arouse suspicion from 9S.[47][49]

Experimental M Squadron[]

In March 11942, a group of experimental YoRHa units called "M002" was created and joined a similar "M001" group to form the YoRHa Experimental M Squadron,[46] led by an android called Black.[50] Despite most YoRHa androids utilizing an adult female frame, units in M Squadron were equipped with either adolescent male or adult male frames.[51] As ordered by the Council of Humanity, the Squadron was formed as a stress test to observe the operational effectiveness of YoRHa units in increasingly-dire situations.[52][50] The Squadron was often destroyed by the end of each operation, with No. 9 Type H using his greatly-expanded storage capacity to gather and store consciousness data.[52][53]

Near the end of the experiment, No. 2 Type E was assigned to join M Squadron under the guise of a Type D and dispose of the group members.[20] However, a mutiny was attempted in May, primarily by units from M002.[46] The attempt failed and caused the Squadron’s transport to crash,[54] with the survivors recovered by standard YoRHa Squadron units including 2B.[44] Recovered units were fully reformatted, which included the deletion of consciousness data.[16][55]

After the experiment was concluded, it was decided that future YoRHa combat androids would be primarily developed based on female frames, citing a lack of "organizational cohesiveness" in male models despite an improved attack strength. Additionally, all preexisting male-type YoRHa androids were repurposed as Scanners.[16] The usage of Attacker, Gunner, and Healer type models were reevaluated, and with the implementation of the new Pod support units, the former two models were officially discontinued.[16][17]

243rd Descent Mission[]

This YoRHa operation began on March 10th 11945,[56] with a small reconnaissance mission deploying from the thirteenth orbital base, aimed at locating a Goliath-class unit detected in the vicinity of an abandoned factory. The six-unit YoRHa combat force was detected entering the atmosphere and virtually wiped out by long-range fire from an Engels-type Goliath. 2B survived this assault, while a second unit, 11B, was listed as missing in action rather than killed outright. 2B joined up with a 9S unit which had been deployed prior to the main unit to gather intel.

2B conducted ground recon while 9S assisted her using his Flight Unit, the two finding the facility had been repurposed to mass-produce machine lifeforms but failing to discover the Goliath until it reactivated and combined with two Marx-class Goliath units. While 2B and 9S succeeded in defeating their target, 9S was critically damaged in the process, and several more Engels units emerged to attack. This prompted 2B and 9S to detonate their Black Boxes, wiping out the machines with 9S losing his memories of the mission. 11B meanwhile had in fact survived the ordeal, but had been so severely damaged during the initial assault that she eventually expired alone within the facility.

Following this, 2B and 9S were reactivated in the Bunker, and ordered to scout the nearby city and investigate reports of unusual activity among the machines. Specifically, reports from the Resistance that many local machine lifeforms were exhibiting a strange torpor, trundling around aimlessly and only becoming aggressive if attacked. 9S, at that point a reset-to-default personality who thought he had never met 2B before, found it odd that he was paired up with a combat model for a routine recon mission.


Model Types[]

Type A

Type B

Type D

Type E

Type G

Type H

Type O

Type S

Unknown Types


  • The kanji used to write "YoRHa" in Japanese (寄葉) means "passing leaf."
  • YoRHa Soldiers wearing blindfolds and Operators wearing masks over their faces is a reference to the "three wise monkeys," a Japanese pictorial maxim embodying the proverbial principle "See no Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil."
  • Humanity being revealed to be extinct and the Council being a lie is hinted at before it is confirmed in Automata's second playthrough, when one of the Operators in the Bunker in contact with the Council noticed that they don't respond after reporting the aliens being deceased and the existence of Adam and Eve.
  • According to Yoko Taro, the unusual capitalization in "YoRHa" is meaningful, unlike the capitalization of NieR which was done simply to make the logo look more interesting. He refuses to be drawn on precisely what this meaning is, saying it is "a secret."
  • Several of the dates related to YoRHa's history correspond with events in World War II. Respectively, the dates given for the following are exactly ten thousand years after a real event.
    • December 8th, 11941: the Pearl Harbor Descent and the United States declaration of war on Japan.
    • January 30th, 11942: the construction of the first 9S unit and the Battle of Ambon.
    • June 5th, 11942: the rise of the submersible machine-city Atlantis and the scuttling of the Japanese aircraft carriers Hiryū and Akagi during the Battle of Midway.
    • August 7th, 11942: the android assault against Atlantis and the beginning of the US campaign on Guadalcanal.
    • August 1st, 11944: the 215th Descent Operation and the Warsaw Uprising.
    • March 10th, 11945: the 243rd Descent Operation and the US Army Air Force's firebombing of Tokyo.
    • April 7th, 11945: the offensive by the Engels-type Goliaths in the ruined city that uncovered the alien spacecraft and Operation Ten-Go, the suicidal naval operation that resulted in the sinking of the battleship Yamato.
    • May 2nd, 11945: the sinking of Blue Ridge II, death of the Behemoth unit Grün, and the Soviet victory in the Battle of Berlin.
    • June 26th, 11945: the fall of the Bunker, rise of the Machine Tower, and the formation of the United Nations.
    • August 6th, 11945: the launching of the Ark and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
    • September 2nd, 11945: the end of the 14th Machine War and the surrender of Japan that ended World War II.


  1. YoRHa is mentioned as an organization by the prototype No.9 in the prologue of NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys.[1] The prologue takes place sometime between the approval of YoRHa unit production and the destruction of the sixth orbital base, occurring in 11932 and 11937, respectively.[2][3] Note that it is unclear when the organization itself was created in relation to this time period, as it may have been created prior to the approval of YoRHa-type androids.
  2. YoRHa-type androids must have been designed sometime prior to 11932, when their production was approved.[2]


  1. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Prologue." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.7
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "11932." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "11937." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  4. "Your next mission is to gather additional intel on the individual known as "Pascal." This order comes directly from the Council." - Commander White (NieR:Automata)
  5. "Analysis complete: Data set contains information about YoRHa unit A2." - Pod 042 (NieR:Automata)
  6. "2B! That' android! A YoRHa-type android!" - 9S (NieR:Automata)
  7. "Characters: 9S." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.12
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 [Top Secret] Model No.2 (NieR:Automata)
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Characters: 2B." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.11
  10. "Characters: Commander." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.18
  11. "Flashback." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.236
  12. "She personally requested to have her equipment transferred to a B-model for the drop, after which she joined the battle as 21B before going missing." - 21O Unit Data (NieR:Automata)
  13. "I'm so worried... Maybe I should talk to one of the operators and request a model change." - Operator (NieR:Automata)
  14. "Fighting isn't really my thing, but they assigned me to combat duty anyway. Wonder if I can transfer to being an operator..." - YoRHa Soldier (NieR:Automata)
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 "Q12." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.283
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 6." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.224
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 "Character Profiles: A2." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.21
  18. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 1." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.26
  19. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 4." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.134
  20. 20.0 20.1 "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Flashback." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.242
  21. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 2." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, pp.43-44
  22. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 4." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, pp.116-117
  23. NieR:Automata Ending: aji wo [K]utta
  24. NieR:Automata Endings: flowers for m[A]chines and or not to [B]e
  25. YoRHa Stage Play
  26. Yoko Taro, NieR:Automata Dinner Talk Show. This is the official explanation for the loss of these items when 2B and 9S self-destruct.
  27. NieR:Automata Ending: fa[T]al error
  28. 28.0 28.1 "Q32." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.286
  29. "11732." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  30. [Top Secret] Project YoRHa (NieR:Automata)
  31. "11810." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  32. "11815." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  33. "11928." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  34. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Prologue." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.4
  35. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Prologue." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.9
  36. 36.0 36.1 "Q16." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.284
  37. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Prologue." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.7
  38. 38.0 38.1 "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Prologue." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, pp.1-20
  39. 39.0 39.1 "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Prologue." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.19
  40. [Top Secret] YoRHa Disposal (NieR:Automata)
  41. "11940." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  42. 42.0 42.1 "11941." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.280
  43. 43.0 43.1 Pearl Harbor Descent Summary (NieR:Automata)
  44. 44.0 44.1 "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 6." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.221
  45. 45.0 45.1 "The Sound of the End" Screen Projection: NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018.
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 "11942." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.281
  47. 47.0 47.1 "The 9S type is a high-end model. They knew you'd discover the truth eventually. But the model designation "2B" was just a cover. The official 2E. Number 2, Type E. They were a special class of members designed to execute YoRHa units." - A2 (NieR:Automata)
  48. "Scene 1: 9S", "Precious Things - May 5th, Daytime." NieR Music Concert: The Memories of Puppets.
  49. "Q17." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.284
  50. 50.0 50.1 "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Flashback." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, pp.243-244, 246
  51. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 1." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, pp.24-25
  52. 52.0 52.1 "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 5." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, pp.170-172
  53. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Chapter 2." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.44
  54. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Flashback." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, p.252
  55. "YoRHa Boys Ver 1.05: Epilogue." NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys, Square Enix Books, pp.229-230
  56. "11945." NieR:Automata World Guide Volume 2, Dark Horse, p.281