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[Q]uestionable actions is the seventh episode of season 1 of the NieR:Automata Ver1.1a anime series.


Adam and Eve continue to accrue knowledge until Adam decides to visit the "Playground". Meanwhile, 2B and 9S remain on standby as they haven't been given new orders yet. Pascal then approaches them, asking them to help save a missing villager who wandered into the Forest Kingdom, a nation of similarly independent but highly hostile Machines. 2B and 9S agree to investigate and travel to the Forest Kingdom with Pascal, where they find all of its inhabitants massacred by an unknown assailant. Exploring the castle more, the group learns that the Forest Kingdom's original king had died over a century ago, and his followers carried on his legacy by transferring his memories into an infant machine which they protect to this day. They are able find the missing villager who was hiding with a surviving Forest Kingdom soldier, and the two of them have decided to marry, confusing 9S. The group then heads to the infant Forest King but are too late to prevent it from being killed by No. 2, now identified as the fugitive android A2. 2B and A2 briefly clash until A2's sword breaks, and she decides to withdraw. 9S asks A2 why she would betray YoRHa, but A2 retorts that it was YoRHa that betrayed her before taking her leave.

Alternate Ending: Pascal is teaching a lesson to a class of Machine children until A2 suddenly arrives and kills him. With Pascal's death, his followers go berserk and destroy all androids on Earth.



  • Screenplay: Morimachi Yako
  • Storyboard: Ryoji Masuyama, Tomohiko Ito, Yuki Matsuo
  • Show: Kosuke Madoka
  • Chief Animation Director: Jun Nakai
  • Painting Supervision: Nao Muramatsu, Naomi Suda, Rina Ogawa, Keizo Ichikawa, Yasuyuki Sasakawa, Tomoko Katatoro, Mina Ito, Kaori Higuchi, Makoto Makabe, Yuichi Sugiyu, Koko Hayashi, Minami Yoshida



  • The discussion with Pascal about removing/changing ones parts and how many you can change before you lose your identity is the same as the "Ship of Thesesus" Thought experiment/paradox.

