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For the location in NieR and NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..., see Village.

Pascal's Village is a location in NieR:Automata. Home to a group of friendly machines led by Pascal, they thank 2B and 9S for defeating Simone at the Amusement Park, and offer to show them around the area. Its residents are one of several groups cut off from the main network, alongside the Forest Kingdom Machines to the northeast, and are more open to interaction; the Resistance Camp is shown to engage in healthy trade with the village.

The villagers are wiped out in Chapter 14, leaving only Jean-Paul and Pascal as its survivors. Unable to deal with the pain, the latter has A2 either erase his memories or destroy him.


Pascal's village sits at the outskirts of the Forest Kingdom, with the gate to the Forest Castle shut off until after A2 makes her first appearance. The village is first accessed via a bridge connecting to the Amusement Park; later on, the box blocking the shortcut to the City Ruins can be pushed aside.

Characters of Pascal's Village[]

Points of Interest[]

Village Access
The lone access point sits close to the item shops stationed at the village's entrance.

Village Shop
The pair of machine vendors right at the bridge sell weapons and supplies respectively.

Village Hat
This machine spouting nonsense in the name of philosophy has a number of followers for whatever reason, including one with a stilted sense of beauty.

Village Vendor
The head of the village, he acts as the go-to for several story quests and maintains an active curiosity on the old world. After the village is wiped out, he returns and sells the machine parts he finds laying around, if his memory is erased.

Village Family
Approach the Mother Machine after the Deep Cave is revealed for a quest.

Village Sisters
The Big Sister Machine will come calling if the party is close enough. She needs help in finding her little sister lost in the desert.

Village Scientist
Between the village and the amusement park is a brilliant, if strange, fellow with a knack for building intricate machinery that doesn't quite work the way he wants it to. He also sells some items after investing a considerable amount of money in his endeavors.

Village Weirdo
Hack into this machine to discover complex circuitry hidden behind a veneer of ignorance.


  • Pascal's Village is introduced as "Machine Village" when entering it for the first time.
  • The slide that A2 helps build for the Children Machines will remain in the village while replaying earlier chapters.
  • The village and its access point becomes unavailable for travel following Eve's attack in chapter 10.
    • If you play as 9S in Route C during chapter 13 before doing A2's chapters, you cannot access the village's save point until you travel to the village yourself. However, the block closing the iron fence is put back in place and the gate entrance from the Forest Kingdom will be closed. The only way in is through the amusement park entrance.
      • However, the village will already be destroyed and have no residents even if you haven't done chapter 14 as A2. Pascal will also not appear until you wipe his memories in chapter 14. This is likely an oversight from the game developers.


  • The Son Machine from the Recluse questline can still be seen on the mini-map after the village turns on itself. Either the rampant machines couldn't penetrate the lock on the door, or it could just be a developer oversight.

