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Fallout Wiki

Sandra is a character in the Fallout TV series.

Fallout TV series[]

The Radio[]

When Adam and Tommy return home, Adam calls out to Sandra that they're home. Unnerved, Adam calls out to his daughter again as the Ghoul continues to eat his meal at the table, and Sandra appears to give him a glass of water. The Ghoul thanks Sandra. He then implies that Adam thought he killed and ate his daughter, which he laughs off as Adam requests that Sandra wait outside, and she complies.

Sandra is indirectly mentioned when Adam tells Tommy to tell the Ghoul what he wants to know or else he'll kill them all.


Not much is known about Sandra's personality, but she acted in a cordial and mild-mannered way when she served the Ghoul a glass of water.


Sandra appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The Radio".

Fallout TV series characters