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Fallout Wiki

George Yaffe was an employee of the Vault-Tec Corporation in the Fallout TV series.


George Yaffe was a Vault-Tec employee who worked in and around Hollywood. He and Sarah Clements received Cooper Howard, a famous actor, at a Hollywood studio when he was convinced to film an advertisement for Vault-Tec on the urging of his wife Barb, one of the company's executives. Cooper told them that he had never filmed any ads before this one, which George and Sarah laughed off. Later, after Cooper put on a Vault jumpsuit for the ad, he asked them if it was protective against radiation. Barb gave George and Sarah a side-eye, and they hesitated before Sarah claimed that the jumpsuit did, in fact, do so. They proceeded to watch Cooper pose for the ad.[1]

George was later accepted into Vault 31 as part of Bud Askins' experimental pet project and cryonically frozen, surviving the Great War. He was later de-frozen and sent into Vault 33 in one of the Triennial Trades. He became Vault 33's overseer from 2121 to 2125, succeeding Ava West.[2] The overseer who came directly after him is unknown, and the next known overseer of Vault 33 was Patricia Peters.


George Yaffe appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The Head".



  1. ↑ Fallout Season 1 Episode 3: "The Head"
  2. ↑ Fallout Season 1 Episode 5: "The Past," ~18:55
Fallout TV series characters