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We don't talk about that, geez, what's the matter with you? You should go now. Goodbye, Goosey— Ben to Lucy MacLean

Overseer Benjamin, or Ben, is the overseer of Vault 4 in 2296 in the Fallout TV series.


Benjamin's ancestors were survivors of the Great War who were accepted into Vault 4 by its original dwellers, scientists who adopted a policy of accepting refugees from the wasteland for use as test subjects. These subjects were put under genetic experimentation, including hybridization with radiation-resistant species. For example, Benjamin's maternal great-uncle, Peter, was (allegedly) turned into a gulper by the experiments. The test subjects eventually managed to break free and overthrow the scientists, and they have ruled the Vault ever since, continuing the Vault's refugee policy but for truly benevolent reasons.[1]

Fallout TV series[]

The Trap[]

While Lucy and Maximus are eating, they are introduced to him by Birdie. They are disturbed by his one eye, but do not wish to offend him by saying anything. He tells them to stay out of level 12 and mentions the Vault only has one foosball table.

Later, Lucy talks to Ben in his office about toilets. He refers to her as Goosey because her name is Goosey on his data sheet. Ben claims to be open-minded and discusses how troublesome surface refugees can be with their smelly food and weird ideas. When Lucy asks about level 12, he shuts down the conversation and orders her to leave.

The Radio[]

He and Birdie handcuff Lucy when they catch her in level 12. They explain to Lucy what the Vault's experiments are about.

Later, Ben sentences Lucy to death by exile and gives her two weeks of survival supplies.


FOTV Overseer Benjamin


Polite and amenable on the surface, he secretly thinks little of the NCR refugees who have come to populate his birthplace. In the company of another Vault Dweller, he disparages the "surfies" as smelling bad and having strange, barbaric customs.

Despite harboring this ugly prejudice, he is not known to use his power as the overseer to mistreat or ostracize the immigrant population, and he stands out in the setting as a particularly benevolent and merciful ruler. His highest priority is keeping the grotesque post-human mutants of Level 12 secure and comfortable, especially because he has family among them. When Lucy disfigures an innocent caregiver while intruding on Level 12, her punishment is to be released unharmed with two weeks of supplies, a measure that Benjamin considers extreme and borderline cruel.

Some of the other Vault 4 natives wear clothing that hides their mutations, but the overseer does not. He appears to be oblivious when Lucy displays alarm at his own mutation, as if unaware in the moment that his appearance and concept of normalcy may be considered confusing or off-putting to outsiders. Benjamin is overall characterized as a highly hypocritical, naïve man who is nonetheless guided by compassion and a strong concept of human rights.


Benjamin appears in the Fallout TV series episodes "The Trap" and "The Radio."



  1. Fallout TV series, season 1 episode 7: "The Trap"
Fallout TV series characters