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Emil Dale is the director of the movie The Man from Deadhorse in the Fallout TV series.[1]


Emil Dale was a filmmaker who directed the movie The Man from Deadhorse starring Cooper Howard. He was Cadillac Bob's boss at California Crest Studios until Bob was fired for alleged communist sympathies.[1]

Fallout TV series[]

The Head[]

During the scene in "The Man from Deadhorse", was being shot where Cooper's character, the Sherriff, is supposed to kill the villain Joey Toro. Cooper hesitates and, out of character, asks if he really has to kill him, making the director Emil cut the filming. Cooper then asks to speak with Emil, who walks toward him by the set and listens to Cooper's concern over the newly revised script. In Cooper's opinion, he shouldn't kill him, but rather arrest the villain like he normally does. However, Emil mentions that the audience already knows Cooper's a "good man" and would like to see that even a good man like himself can sometimes be driven "too far" sometimes. On the other hand, Cooper argues that such a way isn't his thing and not how he does things.[1]

Cooper then asks Emil where Bob is, and Emil discloses to him that the studio fired Bob. Using Bob's nickname, Cooper asks Emil why "Cadillac Bob" was fired. Emil then leads Cooper outside while explaining that Bob was fired for allegedly being a communist. The news saddened Cooper and complimented Bob as a good writer, and Emil concurred by calling him one of the best. However, Emil continues stating that Bob had to go, making finishing the movie all the more important, citing it's a new kind of Western film, whereas the metaphoric chips are down. Outside, Emil continues trying to coax Cooper into playing out the role where his character shoots the villain in the head. Their conversation is cut short when Cooper spots his wife, Barb Howard, and asks that they continue their conversation after lunch, much to Emil's chagrin, who then talks to his assistant director.[1]


From what was shown, Emil strictly follows the studio's interests. This is displayed when he coaxes Cooper to play out the scene where his character kills the villain in the movie he directed.[1]

Notable quotes[]

  • "You see, it's a new kind of western. The power of the individual when the chips are down. The new America, it's why I'm telling you, so... that's why it'd be really great if you could just... shoot Jorge in the fucking head, yeah?" â€“ Emil trying to coax Cooper into killing the villain in the movie he's directing[1]


Emil Dale appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The Head."

Behind the scenes[]

Mr. Dale shares his uncommon first name with Emil Pagliarulo, lead writer of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Both are widely known for collaborating with a Mr. Howard.



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 3: "The Head"
Fallout TV series characters