Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bob Spencer is the father to Roy and the husband to his unnamed wife in the Fallout TV series.


Not much is known about Bob's background, but he owned an upper-middle-class family home where he lived with his wife and child.

Fallout TV series[]

The End[]

Bob oversees his son Roy's party while holding a camera and a beer. When Cooper places his son on top of his horse Sugarfoot for a photo op, Frank asks him why Cooper was working kids' parties; Bob answers, alimony. Once Roy sat on top of Sugarfoot, Bob photographed his son, Cooper, and his daughter Janey.

After he takes the picture, Bob asks his wife to take a picture with Cooper as well. She does, and after he takes the picture, Bob asks to take another one while giving his signature thumbs up, but Cooper reluctantly declines. The rejection makes Bob question why since it's what he's famous for, but his wife tries to defuse the situation by asking him to drop it.

As Cooper prepares to leave, Bob calls Cooper a Pinko, who took his money.

Afterward, Bob is seen alongside the birthday party guest in the living room with the camera and singing along with everyone "Happy Birthday" to Roy. Amid this, he takes a photograph and watches Roy blow out the candles on his birthday cake.

Immediately after the bomb drops, Bob carries his son in his arms and heads to the fallout shelter as his wife follows him to it. When they reach the shelter, Frank pleads with Bob to let him inside, but Bob denies him entry and sucker punches him to the ground as his daughter watches.


Bob is very judgemental toward people and hates those who are said to be or are affiliated with anyone who's communist.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Pinko. He took my money." – Bob for rejecting his request to give thumbs up for a photo


Bob Spencer appears only in the Fallout TV series episode "The End."

Fallout TV series characters