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Vault 32 is a location and Vault-Tec Vault in Los Angeles, California in the Fallout TV series.



Part of a network of the Three Vaults near Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Vault 32 was directly connected with Vault 31 and 33. However, direct contact between the populations was limited - officially to prevent the spread of threats, but with the ability to come to each other's aid in times of need.[2] The Vault remained sealed after the Great War, only exchanging population and necessary supplies with its sister Vaults. For decades, the dwellers were told that the surface was uninhabitable, but encouraged to prepare themselves for the eventual Reclamation Day.[3]

Civil war[]

The situation was stable for over two centuries, as entire generations were born, lived, and died underground. However, a crisis struck in 2294,[4] as the dwellers of Vault 32 learned that they were actually guinea pigs, rats in a maze, existing solely for the purpose of Bud Askins' eugenics[5] project at Vault 31. To breed a class of super-managers that would inherit the Earth after the nuclear holocaust, Askins devised an experiment with Barb Howard,[6] where selected graduates of his Bud's Buds executive training program would be placed in a state of suspended animation in Vault 31, and then cross-bred with selected candidates from Vaults 32 and 33, all under Bud's supervision, as the robobrain overseer of 31.[7] In essence, 32 and 33 were just breeding pools.[5]

To keep the populations docile, all overseers of 32 and 33 were thawed junior executives from Vault 31, wakened periodically, and transferred to the Vaults, before replacing their predecessors through unknown means (there is no direct explanation given, but the "simplest" would be to count the ballots by computer, allowing Bud to guarantee his candidate always won). The consistent selection of overseers from Vault 31 was not a secret. Still, none of the dwellers truly questioned it, ascribing it to the superior education and resources of Vault 31, as well as the slogan "When things look glum, vote 31."[8] It's not clear how the dwellers learned of the secret, but Overseer Ian Jackson was tortured to death and his staff hanged. At the same time, the resulting violence across the Vault led to widespread loss of life as they split into factions and started killing each other or committing suicide. Graffiti painted on the walls was a stark reminder to others that the dwellers knew the truth and what was inside 31, promising death to Management (Askins' eugenics project).[9] The anti-Management faction appears to have prevailed and attempted to force their way into Vault 31, using whatever tools they had at hand, including blowtorches and other construction equipment. However, the revolt ultimately failed, with the dwellers perishing at the Vault door.[10]

Askins restricted communications between Vault 33 and 32,[11] to cover up the incident, and did not inform Hank MacLean, the overseer of 33, of what happened beyond noting Jackson's passing. This allowed Lee Moldaver to use Rose MacLean's Pip-Boy to open the door to Vault 32,[12] and infiltrate Vault 33 while posing as the next overseer of Vault 32, explaining the sorry state of her crew as a result of wheat blight that hit their crops.[13]


FOTV Vault 32 crop field

Norm and Chet investigate Vault 32

The Past Vault 32 paint job

Norm looking at the freshly painted Vault 32

Following the attack on Vault 33, Moldaver retreated with the captured MacLean through Vault 32, burying the passageway behind her. However, Norm MacLean and Chet managed to gain access to the Vault while everyone was distracted with Stephanie Harper's labor. They discovered that the Vault wasn't wiped out by raiders, as believed, but collapsed in a civil war. Realizing what was happening,[9] Betty Pearson, the re-elected overseer of 33, after consulting with Bud Askins, decided to resettle Vault 32. One part was to keep the experiment running, another was to split potential troublemakers apart, such as Norm and Chet. In the meantime, Askins arranged to clean up Vault 32, removing the bodies and restoring the largely superficial damage of the civil war.[14]

Like before, the "interim" overseer was chosen according to the experiment's rules: It was Stephanie Harper, the latest Vault-Tec executive to be thawed at Vault 31.[15] Other dwellers sent to Vault 32 were Woody Thomas and Davey, and a dozen more.[1]


FOTV Vault 32 Entrance

Vault entrance

Vault 32 is similar in layout to Vault 33, with some exceptions. Its surface entrance is not located near the Santa Monica beach, but inland, near a drive-in theater and concealed beneath a pair of railroad bridges.[16]

It has a similar atrium to 33's, except instead of raising corn, its principal crop was wheat, with the soil tilled using tractors.[9]


Vault 32 appears only in the Fallout TV series.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Steph's biography on Amazon once mentioned her husband Bert came from Vault 32, but this was later removed.
  • While the fate of the original Vault 32 residents is being investigated, a television is seen playing the in-universe equivalent of the famous real-world "rat utopia" experiments (this clip can be seen in the Vault Seller's Survival Guide episode "Bud's Buds!"). In these experiments, communities of rats were given unlimited access to the necessities of life, leaving the rats to want for nothing. Ultimately, rather than achieving overpopulation, the rats stopped socializing, mating, eating, or raising their young. Some became extremely hostile and violent. Without any real hardship, the rats lost the will to live, leading to the extinction of the community in short order.
    • Conversely, the in-game result of the experiment, as shown on the television, was that the rats became overpopulated and ultimately killed each other in the struggle for resources. This could feasibly be the reason for why Vault 32 failed, in conjunction with their discovery of the Vault 31 experiment and the possible crop failure claimed by Moldaver.
  • The existence of Vault 32 was first known in 2022 via leaked set photos, which went viral on social media. However, these photos are unable to be uploaded to this wiki for legal reasons.[17] The first official appearance of Vault 32 in any show-related material was at the Fallout display at CCXP 2023, where cast and crew members including Jonathan Nolan and Walton Goggins were also available for interview. The display included an interactive Vault tour including staff members in Vault 32 jumpsuits. The tour included a game in which winners would be allowed to "enter" Vault 33, and losers would be sent to Vault 32 instead.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 7: "The Radio"
  2. Betty Pearson: "We must remember how good we have it here in Vaults 31, 32 and 33. Three democracies in three vaults. Separated to prevent the spread of threats, but connected to aid one another in times of need. We are the lucky ones. We are the light burning in the darkness. And we will carry on until the day we bring that light to the surface."
    ("The Past")
  3. Hank MacLean: "Good evening and welcome to the proud denizens of Vault 32. We are bonded not just as neighbors but by a shared duty. To keep the candle of civilization lit. While the rest of the world has been cast into darkness. Soon, if our measurements are correct, radiation levels on the surface are dropping fast enough that the next generation, Lucy and Monty's children, will be able to recolonize."
    ("The End")
  4. Norm MacLean: "Whatever happened here happened a long time ago. The last bio-signal detected was two years ago."
    Television: "This rodent colony is called a mouse utopia. Inside, the mice enjoy all the amenities... all the food they can eat, all the padding they can sleep on... but eventually, overpopulation occurs. The mice fight for the once bountiful food, the once endless space. They eat each other in their desperation to survive."
    Chet: "So, if they were already dead when the raiders got here, who killed them? I mean, it looks like they strangled each other with their hands. It just doesn't make any sense."
    ("The Ghouls")
  5. 5.0 5.1 Norm MacLean: "So what's Vault 32 and 33? Just people to be controlled?"
    Bud Askins: "What? No! When you put it like that, it sounds downright morally questionable. They're our breeding pool, the ultimate expression of HR R&D. Genetically selected to breed with my Buds to create a class of super managers. People with positivity, people who make lemonade. People who will inherit the Earth after we've wiped the surface clean."
    Norm MacLean: "We wiped the surface clean?"
    ("The Beginning")
  6. Barb Howard: "Bud here has an idea for three interconnected vaults. But we need more ideas. We need your ideas. Because it was the spirit of competition that made our companies great, and I propose we bring that same spirit of competition to our solution. We have over a hundred vaults spread across America. Enough for each of you to claim several, where you can play out your own ideas for how to create the perfect conditions for humanity. Whatever you want to do, no one needs to know. And may the best idea win. "
    ("The Beginning")
  7. Norm MacLean: "Is this where my dad's from?"
    Bud Askins: "You'll never find out. Oh. He's gonna find out. These are Bud's Buds. My Buds. America outsourced the survival of this country to the private sector. But it would have been insane to keep a failed nation alive. So, we kept Vault-Tec alive instead. A well-trained staff of highly supervised junior executives from my own assistant training program. Because the future of humanity comes down to one word: Management."
    ("The Beginning")
  8. Norm MacLean: "You don't think it's weird that we always elect an overseer from Vault 31? They did the same exact thing in Vault 32."
    Chet: "Honestly? No. By all accounts, Vault 31 has more resources, a better education system, and you know, they got that phrase."
    Norm MacLean: "When things look glum, vote 31."
    Chet: "Shh. It's a powerful slogan."
    Norm MacLean: "You think 200 years of coincidence comes down to a slogan?"
    Chet: "You might as well be asking why everyone prefers Jell-O cake to apple pie. I don't know why, they just do."
    Norm MacLean: "So, if it's not at all worrisome, why are we whispering?"
    Chet: "Because we just snuck into a vault filled with dead bodies. Not to mention Steph's from Vault 31."
    ("The Past")
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 4: "The Ghouls"
  10. Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 5: "The Past"
  11. �� Vault 33 communication log: "Accessing Vault 32 Records... ACCESS DENIED"
    ("The Ghouls")
  12. Vault 32 Overseer's terminal: "Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
    Accessing Log...
    LOG ID: A2.981.C2A.01
    Validating Emergency Responder Certification... ......request timed out.
    Authorizing Emergency Access... done.
    Accessing Vault Door Control Interlink... done.
    External Key Access: [User Key/PB ID: MacLean, Rose]
    The Vault Door is now opening... Vault Door Status: [OPEN] |
    LOG ID: A2.980.C2A.00"
    ("The Ghouls")
  13. Hank MacLean: "Welcome, neighbors from Vault 32. I am Hank MacLean, overseer of Vault 33."
    Lee Moldaver: "Lee Moldaver, overseer of 32. Thank you for your hospitality."
    Hank MacLean: "Oh, we were sorry to hear of Overseer Jackson's passing in your telegrams."
    Lee Moldaver: "When blight hit our wheat, we lost a lot of good people, but this trade will help us get back on our feet."
    Hank MacLean: "Yes, well, as arranged, we offer you seed and parts for machinery."
    Lee Moldaver: "In exchange, we offer you a breeder."
  14. Betty Pearson: "Thank you for coming, everyone. It is important to me for us all to see this place together. As a community. As a family. So that we can heal together and rebuild together. What is happening here? Now, I spoke with the overseer of Vault 31 and we agreed these vaults of ours are too sacred to leave empty. Which is why I am announcing a resettling campaign. Some of us will stay home to rebuild 33. Others will be moving into Vault 32 in the coming weeks to start anew."
    ("The Past")
  15. Betty Pearson: "And now we say goodbye to all those who are leaving us for Vault 32. Each of them have been chosen for their agreeability, stick-to-itiveness, and all of the other qualities that make for a successful pioneer. And of course, every vault needs an overseer. Which is why I have conferred with the high council. And we are proud to announce as interim overseer of Vault 32, Stephanie Harper. And with that, now our friends become neighbors. Good luck, 32ers."
    ("The Radio")
  16. Fallout TV series, Season 1, Episode 4: "The Ghouls": Visible during the end credits.
  17. RPS: Vault images emerge from the set of Amazon's Fallout TV show (archived)