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The Lucky Hole Mine is a location in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia.



The mine was originally owned by the Lucky Hole Mining Company.

At some point no later than March 2061,[1] an old woman asked the under-staffed security team for a tour of the Lucky Hole Mine. She was turned away, and angrily muttered to herself as she left.[2] Shortly thereafter, the mine was ordered to cease operations by its parent corporation. Immediately following this development, the old woman returned with a group of people. Again, she requested a tour of the mine, and again, she was turned away.[3]

After this, people were seen lurking around the premises at night, and locks were found smashed. Before long, the security team left an entry on their terminal explicitly surrendering the decommissioned mine to this group out of fear.[4]

The smuggler's stash note indicates that people named Claire and Gavin were living in the mine in late 2077. The note also contains a 6-digit code, which corresponds to the locked door within the mine. The smugglers stockpiled survival goods here in anticipation of the coming War.

The War[]

On October 21, 2077, the Cult of the Mothman gathered for a sermon, where the preacher announced a ceremony in Point Pleasant to summon the red-eyed Mothman, a herald of disaster.[5][6] The following day, the preacher told the congregation that Brother Charles received a vision from the Mothman (later alleged by the Enlightened to be the Wise Mothman), warning him that fire and flood would destroy the town within a day. The Mothman compelled the group to seek high ground to save themselves.[7] The cult resolved to gather on the rooftops of Point Pleasant and wait for the flood which had been foretold.[7]

A group including Brother Charles then abruptly traveled from Point Pleasant to the Lucky Hole Mine across the state and took shelter there. As the Great War rained fire on Appalachia, the Cult of the Mothman settled into the mine.


A Mothman Museum employee named Jeff Lane remained in Point Pleasant after the War.[8] At some point he made his way to the mine in hopes of becoming a "conduit" for a higher power he called "the Interloper."[9] He became obsessed with the concept after first hearing of it from a storyteller he believed to be mad.[8] The storyteller told him the creature was sleeping below the earth, and Jeff came to believe it had "chosen" him for a higher purpose.[9]


76 Cultist pondering scripture

While the cult waited for the fallout to settle, some among them "turned to darker worship," and began to worship a being they called the Firstborn of the Wood, under the guidance of a figure known only as the First Priestess of the Wood.[6][10] The Firstborn, better known as "the Interloper," is said to have bled from its branches, and created a spring to hydrate its followers. Some cultists, Charles among them, rejected these new Wood-worshipping practices, and left the safety of the mine to form an opposing sect, the Enlightened.

The First Priestess of the Wood eventually died, and her casket was enshrined in the central chamber, elevated prominently between the chapel and the springs. A human skull was placed on this casket, neatly arranged with radstag antlers, evoking the form of an antlered human. Those loyal to the Priestess continued to address her and deliver blessings unto her posthumously.[10]

Post-Plague period[]

By 2102, all humans in Appalachia had died or fled due to the Scorched Plague. The mine was infested with vermin. Mole miners could also be encountered scavenging here.

In 2103, the Followers of the Winged One returned to the region and reclaimed the mine.

In 2104, the Enlightened would claim that it was Charles himself who originally led the group to the mine, but this has not been substantiated by contemporary evidence.


The Lucky Hole Mine's exterior consists of industrial outbuildings, assorted machinery and vehicles, abandoned huts with makeshift bedding, and a hangar covering the entrance to the mine.

The mine opens into a staging area, which includes a bed and a cooking station up the stairs, a power armor station in the storage room below and the locker rooms with various mining-related loot. Throughout the entirety of the mine, lead and crystal ore veins are found that can be mined to obtain lead ore and crystal ore, respectively. The following corridor leads to a junction, with corridors branching off left and right.

The lefthand corridor is obstructed by a security door closed from the other side, so the player character needs to pass through the righthand tunnel. The winding tunnel eventually leads to another junction. The southern direction leads to a mining corridor that terminates in a passageway that leads eastwards, into the dark chapel. The coffin of the First Priestess is elevated in the middle of this chamber, past the pulpit of the chapel section. Beyond this altar is an underground spring, centered around a Towering Might totem. Beneath a small waterfall, the eyes of a mostly-buried cyclopean statue peer into the chamber. Additionally, three freshly dead settlers can be found in the spring.

FO76 Interloper worshippers

An ore-rich area is visible above the waterfall. To get there, approach the hallway on the left side of the chapel. Immediately within the passage, dense vines hide a narrow path on the right wall. Proceeding into this tunnel will take you to the chem lab, which allows access to the ore chamber.

To the left when entering the chem lab is another hidden passage, which leads to the lair of the Firstborn of the Wood. Five large statue faces and five bone-tree effigies watch over this chamber, which hums with strange ambient noises. The floor of the chamber is littered with bones, decayed bodies, and empty glass jars, as well as a few loose weapons.

Backtracking through the narrow corridor, there is a locked security door inside. The code is 238963 and can be found in the smuggler's stash note in the hut outside the mine, nearest to the entrance. There are several duffle bags of pre-War money and some shotgun ammo.


Notable loot[]

Holotapes and notes
  • Smuggler's stash - Note, outside the mine in the wooden cabin closest to the mine entrance, on a metal shelf.
  • He agrees - Note, found on a desk to the right when entering the mine.
  • The Chosen - Holotape, found on the raised area close to the entrance, next to a sleeping bag.
  • His birth - Note, found further into the mine by two sleeping bags on a wooden crate.
  • His blood - Note, on a table in front of a red locked door halfway into the mine.
  • His home - Note, found past the locked red door to the right and by an oil lantern and two-floor mats.
  • His springs - Note, further into the mine by a pool next to the lit candles.
  • His Priestess - Note, on top of the coffin altar in the main cultist shrine at the end of the mine.
  • Wastelanders Chapter 7 - Holotape, on a table in front of a red locked door halfway into the mine, next to His blood.
  • Wastelanders Chapter 8 - Holotape, on the wooden lectern by the coffin altar.
  • Wastelanders Cultist - Redemption - Holotape, on a table in the hidden room next to a chalkboard.
  • Four potential Vault-Tec bobbleheads:
    • In the hidden chem laboratory inside the mine, on the bottom lip of the chalkboard.
    • In the hidden chem laboratory, by the chalkboard, on the metal table with the beakers.
    • In the hidden chem laboratory, on top of a control panel.
    • On a shelf of the wooden lectern by the coffin altar, below the Lucky Hole key.
  • Potential magazine - In the dead-end tunnel at the end of the mine, at the main cultist altar with the pews, on the lectern.
  • Power armor chassis - Inside a chained room that can be accessed by going upstairs and dropping off the edge of the platform.
Other loot
  • Cultist blade - Two can be found attached to the wooden lectern by the coffin altar at the end of the mine.
  • Ritual bindings - Inside a yellow container within the hidden room next to the altar shrine. The room is accessed via a small tunnel, obscured by some foliage when taking the first tunnel to the right out of the altar room (17 steps along the tunnel on the right).
  • Cultist dagger - On a control panel in the hidden room.
  • Ritual mask - On top of a control panel in the hidden room.
  • Lucky Hole key - On a shelf of the wooden lectern by the coffin altar.
  • Potential power armor mod - In the same chained room where power armor may be located, to the right of an explosives crate, on a shelf.
  • Lead ore in large quantities (ca. 300 with Excavator power armor). Lead ore nodes appear on the walls of the cave system, and in the mine carts scattered about the location.
  • Crystal ore in large quantities (ca. 120 with Excavator power armor).
  • 3-4 Buffout and sometimes other chems in the hidden room behind the altar, on the shelves near the chemistry bench.


76 wounded cultist 2
  • A hostile, high-level mothman will sometimes appear on the cliff at night. In this event, the cultists guarding the door will gather outside to worship it until sunrise, allowing players to easily sneak in.
  • There are several spots where the cultists may collapse, grab their chests, and breathe heavily in a "wounded" animation.
    • They may collapse for a short time against the blue shipping container outside the mine.
    • If the cultist lying on Jeff Lane's bedroll in the foyer is provoked, then returns to an idle state, they may lay down on the stairs and writhe in pain until disturbed again.
    • Deeper within the mine, a cultist may alternate between excitedly pondering over the note His blood and lying down against a nearby locked door.
  • Another cultist can be seen performing this "excited pondering" animation over the holotape Chapter 8 in the hidden chemistry chamber.
  • One cultist may spawn in the hidden laboratory chamber preceding the lair of the Firstborn of the Wood, and repeatedly use the chemistry station.
76 cultist ghoul eating
  • Cultists standing in the exterior doorway to the mine entrance may produce a large bowl of noodles and eat it standing up.
  • Strange sounds can be heard in the lair of the Firstborn.
  • One totem in the lair is mounted on a large obelisk grave marker. This asset is seen at cemeteries elsewhere in the game world.
  • The "giant head" sculpture originally designed for Fallout 4 is first deployed here. Its eyes can be seen in the natural spring past the church area.
    • A matching sculpture, smaller but with the same dirty texture, was later seen behind a velvet rope at the Neapolitan.
  • Occasionally, a single super mutant will enter the mine several seconds after the player, and engage in combat with the cultists in the foyer. What causes this is unclear.
  • There was once a radroach on the wall opposite Jeff Lane's small camp. In Wastelanders, it was replaced with a cultist sleeping on the sleeping bag. Other radroaches near the foyer remain as they were.


The Lucky Hole Mine appears only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

Level designer Craig Bernardo worked on the changes made to this location with the Wastelanders update.[Non-game 1]




