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Fallout Wiki

Thunder Mountain substation TM-02 is a location in the Cranberry Bog region of Appalachia. It is located north of Watoga and south of drop site G3.


A power substation connected to the Thunder Mountain Power Plant, it is surrounded by a fence but can be accessed by a gate to the south or multiple gaps in the fence. A deathclaw can be found fighting some giant ants in the fenced area.

A small shed is in the southwest corner of the substation. It contains a Teddy Fear wearing a colander as a hat and playing with a pair of drumsticks, some tools, and a desk with a broken terminal on it. A junk pile that can have a junk extractor placed on it sits just outside the substation's fence, near the power box for the substation that can be energized by powering up Thunder Mountain Power Plant.

Notable loot[]

  • Potential workshop plan - Near the work shack on the right, on a yellow charging table.


Thunder Mountain substation TM-02 appears only in Fallout 76.

