Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Sutton Red Rocket is an unmarked location in the Forest region of Appalachia.


Once a nuclear coolant replenishment, fuel, and service station before the Great War, the Red Rocket station now sits abandoned and uninhabited save for some Scorched, mole rats, and radrats.


On the corner of Main and 3rd Streets, the gas station has a tinker's workbench and a stash box. There is a tripwire trap next to the tinker's workbench. Inside the building are assorted junk and consumable items including a box of Sugar Bombs on one of the shelves. There is a toy rocketship next to the cash register and an operable Juke 'n Jive jukebox in the corner.


The Sutton Red Rocket appears only in Fallout 76.

