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Mountainside cabin[1] is an unmarked location in Appalachia in 2102.


Located in the Savage Divide region on a mountainside near the railroad between R&G Station and The Whitespring Station. The nearest location The Vantage. This location is one of 36 places where the memory blackout effect of Nukashine can transfer.

There is a well-preserved wooden hut in the location. The hut is sparsely decorated and in disarray. A table with an empty bottle of Nukashine , a couple of chairs, a refrigerator without a door and a bed to rest on, a wood-burning stove, a radio and a bear skin on the floor. A washbasin, several decayed paintings, and a flag on the wall. Two pickup trucks are parked near the hut, one of which has a canoe. Rusty SUV near the cliff. Behind the hut hangs a carcass of radstag and a shot target. A little to the southwest there is an outdoor toilet with a skeleton inside.


Mountainside cabin appears only in Fallout 76.



  1. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide, pag. 449: Atlas of Appalachia – Savage Divide: Zone C: 125. Mountainside Cabin. "The low rock cliffs above the railroad is home to a cabin with some junk left by previous scavengers."