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Forums: Index > User rights requests > Administrator Request - Anachorite
User Anachorite there is a treasure hidden in Appalachia

Anachorite here. After serving as content moderator for some time, I'm requesting admin rights.

Edit: As of 6/14 I am retracting my request to address the critiques and concerns of my peers. (See bottom of page)--Anachorite (talk) 10:47, 14 June 2024 (UTC)


After much deliberation, I've decided this is the best way to serve the wiki. In a fairly short time, I have undertaken several major page overhauls and original projects, and worked closely with many of my colleagues. My approach is perhaps best exemplified on the Mothman page and related pages. I feel the wiki should be as thorough as possible, and cover everything fans might be interested to learn, approachably and fairly. It is my ambition to pass over each faction and subject, greatly expanding and honing our coverage wherever possible. I scour the farthest corners of the IP, such as integrating content from the Oceania-exclusive Fallout Shelter Online, and I reach out to all kinds of fans for their insight. I'm also committed to expanding our visual coverage of Fallout 76, pushing the game engine to the limit in search of the clearest and most interesting images possible. Further, I concern myself with acutely noting altered/removed content, to minimize confusion and prevent the game's history from being lost.

I greatly expanded the LGBT representation page, and created the page for disability representation, which has flourished thanks to the care of users like Tribal Wisdom, SkyrimsLord13, and Great Mara. I am known for my social consciousness and conflict resolution skills, among those open to discussion. Compassion is my guiding value.

I was voted Nukapedian Editor of the Year by my peers last year. Additionally, in 2023, I attended the Mothman Festival and Goodsprings Festival in person, to talk with specialists, survey the area, and overall deepen my understanding of the source material and its inspirations. I plan to attend both events annually, and I already enjoy VIP status at the Goodsprings event. I would be interested in formally representing Nukapedia at these events.

Discussing and writing about Fallout is my job and much of my life. If it is the will of the community, I would be honored to serve as administrator. I've learned much during my time here, and I am ready for the responsibility. --Anachorite (talk) 00:00, 13 June 2024 (UTC)



  1. Yes Would gladly vote yes PortalSig1 PortalSig2 PortalSig3 00:16, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  2. Yes Groundswell (talk) 00:26, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  3. Yes I don't normally vote. When I do, it's because I'm certain of my choice. S.Shroud 02:05, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  4. Yes Buy a ticket, take the ride. — Arcaneous Arc nuclearhazard 02:18, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  5. Yes I'm sure many people from the clique that all voted no within 180 seconds of one another will characterize this yes vote from me as "biased and brigading", as if the same argument couldn't much more easily be made of them. That out of the way, of the accusations levied against Anach in the comments, only the first is one that I can sort of agree with: the second I feel severely misconstrues her political leanings and obfuscates the nature and topic of the conversations in question, the third is irrelevant since the person in question has resolved things with Anach and admitted they weren't in their right mind when they accused her of this, and the fourth is highly subjective (and, to my amusement, contains a glaring typo). DirtyBlue929 (talk) 02:23, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  6. Yes Anachorite, whom I refer to as Pond, has done nothing but show me kindness, even when I initially didn't reciprocate it. When I was impulsive, irrational and heated, she was the exact opposite. She was always trying to get me to the other side, she was always believing in me, and she was always there for me. I'm inclined to vote yes to her adminship request, not purely because she's now a close friend of mine, but because she has demonstrated such a passion and drive for a series we all love, striving to improve the wiki with her knowledge of the series. That, and the fact she has been the spark for overall positive changes in the wiki's community. AnalogBreakdown (talk) 02:44, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  7. Yes Anachorite handles things in a constructive, community-forward fashion, and brings a great deal to discussions. She works well with a moderation team, and she's willing to have thorough discussions with people, both in order to best determine the source of a conflict, and any possible recourse, if needed. She brings a constructive and positive presence to the Wiki, which will only spread if she's promoted. ketherphorbia (talk)
  8. Yes Anachorite has shown herself to be quite an in-depth scholar with very refreshing takes on the Fallout franchise, critical of its flaws while also bringing a occult perspective that make her insight on the good bones within a given controversial piece of fiction a joy to hear. She also invites a variety of contrasting perspectives to her discussions which make them all more enriching, which i think is a great attitude for the Fallout franchise in particular. FalloutCalderaCilantro (talk) 3:11, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  9. Yes First time I've logged in here for a while, but I felt it was worthwhile. Anachorite is a good egg, and deserves this position. Good people like her are what this community needs. Zealous Champion (talk) 03:35, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  10. Yes Skysteam (talk) 03:46, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  11. Yes Anachorite has shown me genuine kindness and respect. Not only has she done incredible things for Fallout through her work, but also through the encouragement she has given to others who also love Fallout. It's thanks to Anachorite I'm back on my feet learning more about my favorite game and finally making the steps to share it with others. KraashTanner (talk) 05:01, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  12. Yes Anachorite has put a lot of effort into researching more obscure things like Fallout Shelter Online and Project V13, and delves into stuff like the Mothman lore in Fo76 and the occult/supernatural side of the series. Her posting about her discoveries is the reason why my interest in 76 was renewed after a poor first impression of the game, and I think others are intrigued by her discoveries too. That intrigue directly leads into traffic to the wiki, and eventually new users (like me). I think she has a very strong passion for unearthing the hardest-to-find information, and the wiki will greatly benefit from someone like that. Ghostchibi (talk) 08:15, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  13. YesGolbolco (talk) 13:30, 13 June 2024 (UTC) I vote yes. I absolutely adore the recent expansion the wiki has received for LGBTQ and disability topics.
  14. Yes I vote yes for this always. If you think I shouldn't, FIGHT ME! Wa113nan0
  15. Yes Mediponee (talk) 17:41, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  16. Yes Sure thing buackaroo talk 04:23, 14 June 2024 (UTC)


  1. No I do not believe that Anachorite has demonstrated the maturity or skills necessary to perform the tasks of an administrator. She unfortunately has gotten into many conflicts with other users and consistently displayed unprofessional behavior in interacting with those users, including in her role as a content moderator. Rather than de-escalate these situations, she escalates. Savior DJ (talk) 01:11, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  2. No See comments: 寧靜 Fox 01:10, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  3. No Anachorite's behavior on the discord has led me to believe Admin might not be a good idea at this time. Maybe some day in the future. Admin is more than just being good at editing. I appreciate your work on the wiki despite my no vote. Jon the Don -JBour53 (Talk to my consigliere) 01:13, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  4. No I have to say, you haven't proven capable of being a rights holder by any measure. You've openly admitted to adding your personal political bias to our wiki pages, you don't understand our policies, and you've openly attacked anyone who doesn't agree with your political views, stating you want to make them feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. You are the last person who should be running for admin; you should be resigning. I will certainly be resigning if this vote passes.intrepid359FO76NW Overseer6/12/24 7:14pm CT
  5. NoLLxMystic (talk) 01:15, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  6. No Per everyone else. Sigmund Fraud 01:34, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  7. NoVarvendale (talk) 02:14, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  8. No I can't in good faith vote yes for someone I've seen, repeatedly, escalate drama on several occasions in the past few weeks. It's no way for a member of staff to behave, let alone one who now wishes to gain further rights. I also see no reason as to why said user needs administrator rights, and no explanation has been given in that regard - particularly as this user already has Content Moderator rights which, prima facie, seem sufficient. I'm not compelled that administrator rights are required for Anachorite to work on Nukapedia, whether it be on the Discord or via editing. While I appreciate all the work done for our Wiki, and acknowledge the effort, this unfortunately does not call for an extra set of rights to be awarded for that reason alone. urbanange1 Maker's breath! 08:41, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  9. No This is not a user rights request, it is a trophy case. This forum is full of achievements and accomplishments, but not once is it elaborated on why Anachronite needs rights or what they would do with them. It would appear that this is a request for rights as a sort of reward rather than a plan on how to potentially improve the wiki via the administrator role. User tools are not an entitlement, the rationale for requesting them should be much greater than the sum of one's past achievements. All that said, major component of being an administrator is moderation capability. An administrator is not only a janitor for our pages, but supposed to be someone who de-escalates and prevents conflict. Anachronite does not do this. Almost every discussion I have seen them involved in showcases overly argumentative and outright hostile behavior toward parties that they do not agree with. This is not isolated to the server either; they also seem to leave rude edit summaries quite often which is unbecoming of a member of our editing staff. In addition, Anachronite has openly admitted to politicizing our content and inserting personal bias into pages. This is a huge red flag for a potential administrator or any level of editor. We as a platform are meant to convey objective, encyclopedia-style content that allows for people to interpret information for themselves. Although we have content that is inherently political, inserting bias on such pages for any reason is simply antithetical to the point of this website. I have also seen little rationale for supporting this individual, beyond anecdotal personal stories of friendship and kindness, qualities which I myself have not witnessed on display. While I am sure these tales are accurate, I have seen nothing but toxic behavior from this individual and cannot support their request. Laat the Survivor RangerSequoia (talk) 12:47, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  10. No " Administrators/system operators have access to the same tools as moderators, and in addition can block users. " Anachorite, from what I've seen of you (even though we rarely cross paths in our editing), personally I like you a lot and your passion for the subject. However, I agree with Laat, user rights is not a trophy case. Nowhere in the petition is it stated the need or use for the additional right of being able to block users. Also, I have seen the history that others are mentioning in their votes. Given that history, the length of time involved with the wiki (~125 edits May-Dec 2022, very active starting Jan 2023), and that patroller rights have been held since Oct 2023 and mod only since May 2024, I would like to see a longer period in the current role to develop more of a history consistently showing the conduct expected of an admin, using main space talk pages and user talk pages to dispute changes and engage with users in a professional manner, continue your detailed edit summaries that you've started in the last week or two, and being a good example for other users. One more thing, and you may already be doing this now (but didn't in the past), please work on edits in a sandbox or offline, use show changes and preview to review first, and then batch post the changes all at once. All that being said, Please do come back and apply for this role again in the future, but I'm sorry, for now my vote is no. - AngelaStuff2 (talk) 14:35, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  11. No Road Warrior-NCR Patriot (talk) 15:59, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  12. No You've been doing a great job as content moderator, and from the interactions I've had with you in the Discord and the way other people talk about you, I can tell you're a wonderful and kind person. However, this vote is not about your qualities as a person, but as a potential admin, and your request does not explain why you need the administrator tools, or what you are going to do with them. You also admitted that you insert your personal bias into articles, and even though I personally agree with most of your opinions, I think it's an important quality for an editor, especially an admin, to be unbiased at all times. For these reasons I cannot vote yes at this time, but I have confidence that you will continue to grow as an editor, and should this vote fail, I would happily support you if you try again in the future. The Appalachian Mandalorian insignia 16:46, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  13. No Enclavesymbol 06:13 PM 06/13/2024 (EST)
  14. No Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of the content and projects you've spearheaded, not least for the obscure parts of Fallout esoterica. I'm not deeply involved in the community side of things, so I can't speak for any of that (but from our limited interactions I don't think you're a bad pick! We've had our very minor squabbles and those get cleared up amicably). I'm mainly concerned about the turnaround, as one month from comod to admin seems a little quick in any case. I'd definitely support you in a future vote, with more of a moderation track record. FDSMDP (talk) 09:54, 14 June 2024 (UTC)


  1. Neutral I find a recent edit summary on Art Deco Sculptures misrepresenting a new user edit warring over adding speculation, which we do not allow, to the page and not following our policies as, "We left this locked for months because one new user tried to add an accurate and relevant observation 2 or 3 times, huh?" to either be deliberately obtuse or outright ignoring the issue. And frankly, as someone who would be responsible for making sure content policy is followed as an admin, I found that comment to be rather insulting. Great Mara (talk) 01:55, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
  2. Neutral Sorry, I don't think that you're quite there yet. Although I will say everything is politics, and the counter claims made in the conversations that are behind the no votes are not apolitical. Aiden4017 (talk) 11:42, 13 June 2024 (UTC)

Excluded votes


This is a difficult vote for me. It's difficult because, yes, you have put in a lot of work into the wiki, and you clearly have passion. However:

  • You say you have conflict resolution skills, yet I have seen nothing but the opposite from you. In every conflict I've ever seen you get involved in, in which you have been in many, you have, self-admittedly, gotten carried away to the point where you have apologized for your actions. In many of these conflicts, mods have had to step in and include you in their warnings. On top of this, on numerous occasions I have seen you state that you cannot handle and/or understand certain situations due to your autism/social anxiety
  • In one of these recent conflicts, you made it very clear that you intend to politicize this wiki and its content to the point that you have made unilateral political changes to our articles without utilizing the necessary discussion/vote steps put into place by the community. Even when this was pointed out, you doubled down, and made it additionally clear that you intend to chase out any users that do not fall within your political sphere of personal beliefs, to the point of insinuating that anyone not comfortable with your specific brand of editing to be Nazis/white supremacists
  • One of our users, has put forth multiple complaints to the staff recently that you are one of a small group of users that has been stalking his social media and even harassing him on his Youtube account. Until this has been properly investigated/disputed, I can't in good faith vote for an admin that potentially resorts to these tactics against our users
  • Frankly, having gone through your edits before, I don't believe that your editing or social skills are on par with the quality that we should expect from our admins. After Kate, we should be raising our expectations, and I don't feel as if you've mete them yet. 寧靜 Fox 01:25, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
I resolved my conflict with Eden, you can ask him about it. Two very worrying screencaps of his social media were sent to me, and I shared them with the mod team. I never investigated his social media past verifying the publicly listed twitter in his bio. You are misrepresenting a very simple situation that I resolved with the user in question personally. I will not cover topics like fascism, slavery, oppression, and representation under the pretense of "neutrality" over decency, but I am always willing to discuss room for improvement. Further, I cannot endorse our other colleague's position that 'the Far Left is associated with bigotry and mass murder,' or that 'reverse racism' poses a threat to our community, and he is unwilling to proceed with the conversation from this point. Those who can stop insulting and indicting me for long enough to speak to me tend to find me agreeable. Many blessings. --Anachorite (talk) 01:40, 13 June 2024 (UTC)
I sometimes walk away from conversations that are unproductive, and I sometimes doubt my own perceptions due to my autism. I am always willing to return to matters of contention, and I don't share your feelings that this self-awareness makes me categorically unfit for the role. In my time here I have worked through several disagreements over the space of more than one conversation and come to a place of mutual understanding despite my autism. Thank you for your perspective.--Anachorite (talk) 01:51, 13 June 2024 (UTC)

I find it curious that the first five votes were all from the same clique, all of which were cast in five minutes. Comes across as brigading, especially the fact that the names I'm seeing were the ones that were arguing that calling problematic behavior "white" was reverse racism. One of them specifically had issues with me using the words "cis" and "hetero" in the same manner too. Just an observation. AnalogBreakdown (talk) 02:44, 13 June 2024 (UTC)

I find it curious that you would point this out. Aren't you and Blue close with Anachronite? That doesn't qualify for a brigade. No, it needs to be more substantial, like joining the discord server and expressing the explicit intent of supporting Anachronite... Or users gone for years coming out of nowhere to vote for this... Now that we mention it, two of the other yes voters have existed for less than a week, and one only has a single edit outside of this forum, and it is to a page Anachronite is mostly responsible for and keeps a close eye on... Wait, what was that about brigading? Laat the Survivor RangerSequoia (talk) 13:03, 13 June 2024 (UTC)

...It does seem appropriate to point out that Intrepid's accusation that I want to "make people feel unwelcome" alludes to a discussion in which I suggested we use a Pride icon on the Discord year-round, like the Datamining Discord, as a statement to homophobes that this is not a place for them. That is the suggestion which caused this massive disagreement.--Anachorite (talk) 02:54, 13 June 2024 (UTC)

While not a part of my own judgment or my vote on this rights request, I must say that Intrepid's comments on his vote seem incredibly unhelpful and overdramatic - I don't think it's productive to threaten to resign pending the results of a vote in this space. One can express their reservations without proclaiming that their own rights are contingent on the results. Frankly, that should be kept to yourself if you intend upon doing that, otherwise it just seems like you're asking for attention. LaymansReign (talk) 02:57, 13 June 2024 (UTC)


As of 6/14 I am retracting my request to address the critiques and concerns of my peers. I also believe we may have found a path forward in the form of the restored mediation channel on the discord, where I would be more than happy to address outstanding grievances and clarify misunderstandings, with the goal of making the community safer, friendlier, and more intellectually whole. This forum was a productive discussion nonetheless and I appreciate everyone's time and engagement. If and when it seems appropriate and necessary I will submit my request again.--Anachorite (talk) 10:47, 14 June 2024 (UTC)
