Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

This user was a Patroller of Nukapedia, but this vet is still on the lookout!Wiki
Golden BottlecapThis user was the Best Newcomer of 2013!
FoS radroachThis user is a hyperfixicada and emerges every few years to satisfy the urge to edit!
Gametitle-VBThis user is knowledgeable about Van Buren.
Gametitle-FOBOS2This user is knowledgeable about Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2
PV13This user is knowledgeable about Project V13


Hi all. Been gone a while, as per, sorry. But I've come back!

Good to see there's still a lot of enthusiasm around the Wiki!
-- Insert welcoming profile... ...quiet, but nice :) --

If I can be of any assistance, leave a message on my talk page and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Current projects[]

To do

Derived stats overhaul[]

Completing and expanding upon a Wiki project that lost momentum with the advent of Fallout 4. As I was a main participant and it being my first delve into more technical editing more often, I am compelled to pick up where we left off. I am happy to say this pet project has kept me focused and on a mostly steady learning curve.

Off hold[]

  • Cancelled games project - An ancient, and gargantuan, pet project that looked at fleshing out and corroborating what we know about the Fallout universes that never were. See: The ultimate checklist for a progress overview

What rhymes with shoes, and often gives you the blues? That's right, it's time for the cashews!Three Dog

010011110110111001100101 thousand article edits! - 21/08/2013

Patrollership! Hard work pays off. - 23/08/2013

100 days and counting! - 29/10/2013

NotY nominee?! Thanks for the nomination 69.l25, thanks for the second Peace'n Hugs and thanks to anyone who votes for me! - 30/11/2013

5000 article edits! Merry Christmas! - 25/12/2013

Best Newcomer Award 2013! Happy New Year! - 01/01/2014

Golden Bottlecap
Although we've had tons of new talent enter the wiki this year, the board feels that Tribal Wisdom has truly deserved the Golden Bottle Cap.

On the leaderboard! It's not a competition, but hey. - 07/01/2014

200 days and counting! - 06/02/2014

300 days and counting! On the home stretch! - 17/05/2014

One year of editing without missing a day! - 10282 edits (8501 article) 6050 achievement points - 21/07/2014


Nnnooooooooooo! One's attention slipped and the edit streak ends at 668 days - 20/05/2015

User status: Inactive - 16/04/16 -27/06/20

10000 article edits! - 01/07/20

Top ten (10th) on the leaderboard! Only took seven years as well - 28/07/20

15000 article edits! - 30/08/20

Top five (5th) on the leader board! Took less than seven years this time - ??/??/20
User status: Inactive - 21/11/20 -17/02/24

20000 article edits! - 18/02/24

Promotional consideration for this news program has been paid for by the Ultra-Luxe. The Ultra-Luxe: live life in the lap of luxury.Mr. New Vegas

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek with Helena is a weekly blog, starting on Thursdays, where everyone can guess where Helena has been this week.— Created by Peace'n Hugs
  • Winner Thursday picture Helena Week 3! - 07-08/11/2013
Kings end slide 02
You have been given a very fashionable Elvis outfit.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
A special outfit, very popular in trendy hairgel commercials. Greets
  • Winner Friday picture Helena Week 4! - 15/11/2013
Brahmin Skull
You have been given a collection of skulls and bones.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
The latest Wasteland design trend, especially for you. It's also very handy to use for ... uhm ... uhm..? It's very handy! Greets
  • Winner Saturday picture Helena Week 5! - 23/11/2013
You have been given a recently polished 5-ball.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
A nice orange ball, can be used if you have enough other balls to play pool, and otherwise it can still be used to support the dutch football team on the next World Cup! Greets
  • Winner Sunday picture Helena Week 6! - 02/12/2013
Cooking stove
You have been given an oven.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
A nice pre-war oven, offered to you without guarantees. May contain food that has been in it for decades as a free extra!. Greets Helena cannot be held liable for any health issues following consumption of food that has any link with the oven.
  • Winner Thursday picture Helena Week 9! - 20/12/2013
Shovel icon
You have been given a shovel.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
The perfect too for a great treasure hunt! Enjoy it! Greets
  • Winner Friday picture Helena Week 10! - 28/12/2013
You have been given a pair of irradiated authority glasses.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
A nice pair of authority glasses! They did see some nukes go off (from maybe a bit too close), and it isn't unthinkable some ghouls nezrby tried them on before, but they are still in acceptable condition. Enjoy them! Greets
  • Winner Friday picture Helena Week 11 - 05/01/2014
Stealth Boy
You have been given a stealthboy.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Comes in handy whenever you are planning to do a task that isn't too much apreciated by those around you. Enjoy it! Greets
  • Winner Thursday(I) picture Helena Week 15 - 30/01/2014
Lakelurk meat
You have been given lukelurk meat.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
If you're able to survive the smell of it, you might as well get the idea to eat it. Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 10:41, January 30, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Friday picture Helena Week 15 - 02/02/2014
You have been given a cazador.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Whatever you do, don't look into its eyes Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 10:41, January 30, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Thursday (I) picture Helena Week 38 - 12/07/2014
You have been given a pet coyote.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
A cute little coyote puppy! Congrats on finding where Helena has been this week! -- Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 17:43, July 12, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Friday (I) picture Helena Week 38 - 12/07/2014
Vikkis bonnet
You have been given Vikki's bonnet.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
The bonnet of an extremely dangerous gangster, maybe better not to wear it around law enforcement. Congrats on finding where Helena has been this week! -- Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 17:43, July 12, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Thursday (II) picture Helena Week 40 - 26/07/2014
Bobblehead Explosives
You have been given an explosive bobblehead.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
I wouldn't try pulling the pin if I were you ;) Congrats on finding where Erika has been this week! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 16:47, July 26, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Saturday picture Helena Week 40 - 26/07/2014
FO3 mirelurk cakes
You have been given a Mississippi Quantum Pie.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
I can't really imagine how it tastes, but I hope you like it! Congrats on finding where Erika has been this today! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 16:47, July 26, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Friday (I) picture Helena Week 41 - 02/08/2014
Giant mantis nypmh
You have been given a giant mantis nymph.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Not sure what's dangerous about it, it seems even a shoe can solve this issue. Anyway, congrats on finding where Helena has been today! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 16:00, August 2, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Thursday (I) picture Helena Week 42 - 07/08/2014
You have been given a light machine gun.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
It isn't in mint condition, but it can still deal a blow. Anyway, congrats on finding where Helena has been today! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 19:58, August 7, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Saturday picture Helena Week 42 - 09/08/2014
FO3 Sugar Bombs
You have been given Sugar Bombs.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Sugar Bombs breakfast cereal, now with a free Captain Cosmos decoder ring!!! Congratulations on finding where Erika has been today! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 17:31, August 9, 2014 (UTC)
  • Winner Friday (I) picture Helena Week 44 - 24/08/2014
You have been given some Vipers.
Your efforts and diligence have not gone unnoticed, and you have been given a small token of appreciation.
Some crazy quasi-religious raider-tribals with a profound shamanistic nature. I have no clue what you could possibly do with them, but I hope you do. Congratulations on finding out where Helena has been today! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 15:05, August 24, 2014 (UTC)

Gather, all. May the creator guide my words and help me speak true...Jason Bright

Icon disambig Disambiguating the disambiguation's
Majority complete (on going)
An unofficial project to update and standardize the disambiguation pages, creating a comprehensive catalogue to put lost souls on the right path once more.

The following requires updating, so bear with me, but for those who are interested head over to my sandbox for an up-to-date status on individual projects, thanks!

Logo FOV Van Buren content

Burham Springs characters - Yes
Denver characters - Yes
Jericho characters - Yes

Van Buren epithets - Yes

FOBoS2Logo FOBOS2 content completion Nearly complete - See sandbox for details

Gametitle-TAR TAR content completion

27 of 28 characters
4 of 4 locations - Yes
4 of 4 factions - Yes

Community projects: Fallout Wiki:Projects

See also: The testing ground (below)

Treasure State[]

One day I'll start this...

Maintenance manual Nominated for deletion Broken redirects Double redirects New pages
Dead end pages Uncategorized categ. Uncategorized files Uncategorized pages Wanted categories

The testing ground[]

Derived stats overhaul and Project Ares[]

Test subjects[]

To do

Notes and practice space for pre-FO3 infobox stats and for creating solutions to the sometimes complex relationship some characters, especially companions, have with their derived stats. Many stats are only "derived" for critters and robots as well as a few exceptional individuals, and are otherwise acquired exclusively with armor. These stats, in humans and ghouls, are instead additional resistances relavant to the derived stats section as fixed parts of their being.

Extreme infoboxing FO1/2[]

Extreme infoboxing FOT - Lancelot[]

Lancelot derived stats data

|derived ={{Derived stats FO4|hp=xxx|ac=xx|acmod=xx|ap=x|melee damage=x|carry weight=xxx|cwmod=x|crit chance=x|poison resist fo1=x|prmod=xx|rr=xx|rrmod=xx|dr=x% {{tooltip|(xx%)|Modified by armor}}|[SPECIAL]mod=x}}{{derived stats|bonus damage=x|healing rate=x|skill rate=xx|perk rate=x}}
<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|xx|Modified by armor}}|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|gasrmod=xx|gasdtmod=xx|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=xx|eldtmod=x|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=xx|exdtmod=xx|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=xx|fdtmod=xx|er fot=xx|edt=0|ermod=xx|edtmod=xx}}


  • Increased/Reduced derived stats are not uncommon pre-FOT. In FO1/2 this can be attributed to "hidden" bolstering or hindering modifiers to reflect certain individuals. These appear to have been done at developer discretion.
    • While there are some characters in FO1/2 with increased Armor Class all other instances have been modified by "hidden" NPC armor and clothing modifiers. See: Armor templates tab for details.
  • In FOT almost all derived stats are completely inherent by "race"/creature and modifiers are attributed to traits/perks allocated to characters.
    • FOT super mutants have a 20% boost to their poison and radiation resistances; ghouls have a 10% boost to Poison Resistance and a 40% boost to Radiation Resistance. These stack on top of their Endurance stats.
  • Healing Rates are disabled for non-player characters in FO1, FO2 and FOT, excluding companions/recruits.
    • This calls into question whether they are worth having in infoboxes.
      • In a similar vein, Perk Rates, and Skill Rates (excl. FOT recruits), are totally inactive for non-player characters in all three games. From my own digging it appears that while they have been calculated correctly and could have some small value, they are not actually drawn from implemented data and are probably completely redundant.
  • Things to remember when using stmod= pre-FO3:
    • Doesn't scale for pre-FO3 Carry Weight but can be easily corrected with cwmod=x.
    • For Melee Damage calculations the value must be double that of the true Strength increase/decrease.
  • Damage Threshold is not typically a derived statistic pre-FO3, it is almost exclusively an additional resistance dictated solely by armor.
  • Energy Resistance replaces laser and plasma resistance in FOT.
  • After extensive work on the the derived stats template rrmod= and prmod= are fixed, and additional resistances have a comprehensive and standardized format.
    • Further alterations would over-complicate a template already stretched over too many games.


'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|0|Modified by armor}}|laser resist=0|ldt=0|lrmod=1|ldtmod=1|plasma resist=0|pdt=0|prmod=1|pdtmod=1|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=1|eldtmod=1|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=1|exdtmod=1|emp resist=0|empdt=0|emprmod=500|empdtmod=0|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=1|fdtmod=1}}


'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|1|Modified by armor}}|gas resist=1|gasdt=1|gasrmod=1|gasdtmod=1|electricity resist=1|eldt=|elrmod=1|eldtmod=1|explosion resist=1|exdt=1|exrmod=1|exdtmod=1|fire resist fo1=1|fdt=1|frmod=1|fdtmod=1|er fot=1|edt=1|ermod=1|edtmod=1}}

The following contains templates for armor and clothing as well as extracted Armor Class modifiers unavailable to the player



Human armor

Raider armor[]

Raider armor data

|dr=0|drmod=20}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt=0|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=25|edtmod=0|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=20|exdtmod=0|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=10|fdtmod=0}}

Leather armor[]


|dr=0|drmod=25}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|2|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=25|edtmod=0|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=10|eldtmod=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=20|exdtmod=0|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=15|fdtmod=0}}

Vandal armor[]

Vandal armor data

|dr=0|drmod=25}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|3|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=30|edtmod=1|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=25|exdtmod=1|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=17|fdtmod=1}}

Leather armor Mk II[]

Leather armor Mk II data

|dr=0|drmod=25}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|3|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=30|edtmod=1|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=10|eldtmod=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=25|exdtmod=1|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=17|fdtmod=1}}

Reaver banding[]

Reaver banding data

|dr=0|drmod=25}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|3|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=30|edtmod=2|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|gasrmod=15|gasdtmod=3|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=25|exdtmod=3|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=17|fdtmod=3}}

Greater banding[]


|dr=0|drmod=35}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|4|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=45|edtmod=4|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|gasrmod=40|gasdtmod=4|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=30|exdtmod=4|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=20|fdtmod=4}}

  • -15% Sneak where necessary.

Metal armor[]


|dr=0|drmod=30}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|4|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=37|edtmod=3|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=10|eldtmod=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=25|exdtmod=4|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=15|fdtmod=4}}

Metal armor Mk II[]

Metal armor Mk II data

|dr=0|drmod=35}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|4|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=45|edtmod=4|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=10|eldtmod=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=30|exdtmod=4|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=20|fdtmod=4}}

Greater banding[]

Greater banding data

|dr=0|drmod=35}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|4|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=45|edtmod=4|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|gasrmod=40|gasdtmod=4|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=30|exdtmod=4|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=20|fdtmod=4}}

Tesla armor[]

Tesla armor data

|dr=0|drmod=35}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|4|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=85|edtmod=15|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=10|eldtmod=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=20|exdtmod=4|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=45|fdtmod=7}}

Midwestern Brotherhood power armor[]

Midwestern Brotherhood power armor data

|dr=0|drmod=55}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|13|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=50|edtmod=16|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|gasrmod=30|gasdtmod=5|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|elrmod=10|eldtmod=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=50|exdtmod=10|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=60|fdtmod=13}}

  • Note to self, Percy still needs this template

Ghoul and super mutant armor

Ghoul and super mutant armor

Ghoul armor


|dr=0|drmod=20}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt=0|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=25|edtmod=0|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=20|exdtmod=0|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=10|fdtmod=0}}

Superior ghoul armor


|dr=0|drmod=25}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|3|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=25|edtmod=1|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=20|exdtmod=1|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=15|fdtmod=1}}

Plating mutant armor


|dr=0|drmod=30}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|4|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=37|edtmod=3|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=25|exdtmod=4|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=15|fdtmod=4}}

Spiked mutant armor


|dr=0|drmod=35}}<hr />'''Additional resistances ({{tooltip|DR/DT|Damage Resistance/Damage Threshold}}):'''{{derived stats|dt={{tooltip|4|Damage Threshold modified by apparel}}|er fot=0|edt=0|ermod=45|edtmod=4|gas resist=0|gasdt=0|electricity resist=0|eldt=0|explosion resist=0|exdt=0|exrmod=30|exdtmod=4|fire resist fo1=0|fdt=0|frmod=20|fdtmod=4}}

Leather armor NPC variants[]

FoT Leather armor maleFoT Leather armor femaleFOT Stitch ingameFoT Stevie ingameFoTMP StevieFoT Jo ingameFoT Stein ingameFoTMP JoFoT Box ingameFoT ClariseFoT Kevin ingameFoT Stoma ingameFoT Rebecca ingameFoT Karl ingameFoT Stumpy ingameFoT DebbieFoT Beth ingameFoTMP FarsightFoT Trevor ingameFoTMP Kevin

Metal armor NPC variants[]

FOT MetalFoT Beth MPFoT Stumpy MPFoT Stein MPFoTMP Kate

To do




There is relatively little work needed for Fallout 4, many smaller tweaks and smoothing out of formatting, but far less complex than previous games.

  • Many stats are no longer %ed, making it a necessity to use the {{derived stats FO4| template.
  • All xx[SPECIAL]mod= become redundant post-FNV except on very rare occacsions where the stars align. Even then it is questionable.
  • There is a very niche "need" for a negative xx[SPECIAL]max=, but is probably ultimately unnecessary; reverting to my original long-form solution is probably for the best.

Minimum derived stats for level 1-4 base-game raiders:


|derived ={{Derived stats FO4|hp=30|ap=50|dr=0 {{tooltip|(2+)|Modified by armor}}|er=0 {{tooltip|(0/1+)|Modified by armor}}|rad resist=0 {{tooltip|(0→2/15)|Modified by armor}}}}<!-- Minimum modified stats -->

  • This excludes raiders with fixed outfits.
  • Maximum modified Damage Resistance is largely unpredictable, but maybe I can work it out

Modifiers for the common radstag hide outfit, athletic outfit, undershirt & jeans, Flannel shirt and jeans combo:


lkmod=1}} ([[Undershirt & jeans (Fallout 4)|Undershirt and jeans]] only)

|dr=0 {{tooltip|(0/1/2)|Damage Resistance modified by apparel}}}}
