Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

//New File 2/6/2001

Demo characters[]


// Demo Character names [added 14-10-00 by Ed]

name_CORE_stealth = {Ghost}
desc_CORE_stealth = {Use the stealth character's sneak skill to get close to the enemy or scout out a position.}

name_CORE_sniper = {Bullseye}
desc_CORE_sniper = {Move the sniper to a medium range and let him pick the enemy off one by one.}

name_CORE_smg = {Strom}
desc_CORE_smg = {Use the SMG in medium to close combat situations.}

name_CORE_medic = {Doc}
desc_CORE_medic = {The medic is an all-round combatant, but is best kept to the rear of combat to provide much needed medical support.}

name_CORE_shotgun = {Shredder}
desc_CORE_shotgun = {The shotgun is a devastating close range weapon, although slower than most others.}

name_CORE_shotgunb = {Blastoid}
desc_CORE_shotgunb = {The shotgun is a devastating close range weapon, although slower than most others.}

// Demo Character names [added 13-11-00 by Ed]

name_CORE_stealth2 = {Shade}
desc_CORE_stealth2 = {Use the stealth character's sneak skill to get close to the enemy or scout out a position.}

name_CORE_sniper2 = {Deadshot}
desc_CORE_sniper2 = {Move the sniper to a medium range and let him pick the enemy off one by one.}

name_CORE_smg2 = {MisterT}
desc_CORE_smg2 = {Use the SMG in medium to close combat situations.}

name_CORE_medic2 = {Quack}
desc_CORE_medic2 = {The medic is an all-round combatant, but is best kept to the rear of combat to provide much needed medical support.}

name_CORE_trapper = {Bloodhound}
desc_CORE_trapper = {The trapper excels at both spotting and placing traps. Analyse an enemy patrol's path, then place traps where they are likely to step.}

name_CORE_grenade = {Boomer}
desc_CORE_grenade = {A grenadier is best sent in early to soften up the opposition. Be careful where your grenades may land as they damage EVERYONE in their radius.}

// Screenshot Character names [added 18-10-00 by Ed]
name_CORE_ghost = {Ghost}
name_CORE_bullseye = {Bullseye}
name_CORE_storm = {Strom}
name_CORE_doc = {Doc}
name_CORE_bloodhound = {Bloodhound}
name_CORE_boomboom = {Boom-Boom}




// Character names

name_CORE_nardo = {Nardo}
desc_CORE_nardo = {Nardo is really great, such a nice chap and all.}
name_CORE_narg = {Narg}
desc_CORE_narg = {Narg is a loser.}

name_CORE_lakin = {Lakin}
desc_CORE_lakin = {Lakin's time was spent sneaking around the camp and stealing his adversary's prized possessions. A born thief that shows his soft side with his healing skills.}

name_CORE_ivan = {Ivan}
desc_CORE_ivan = {Ivan lives to have his armour covered in blood, even if it's his own. Years of physical training and head butting resulted in a hard body but soft brain.}

name_CORE_rex = {Rex}
desc_CORE_rex = {A bastard child of a Brotherhood Paladin and a one legged prostitute. Rex is a fairly smart soldier who was born to carry a gun.}




// Generic names

name_CORE_raider = {Raider}
name_CORE_tribal = {Tribal}

name_CORE_dog = {Dog}
name_CORE_wolf = {Wolf}
name_CORE_roach = {Cockroach}
name_CORE_brahmin = {Brahmin}

// Added 28-11-00
name_CORE_bos = {Warrior}
name_CORE_citizen = {Civilian}
name_CORE_vault0 = {Vault 0 Citizen}
name_CORE_ghoul = {Ghoul}
name_CORE_mutant = {Super Mutant}
name_CORE_freak = {Super Freak}
name_CORE_reaver = {Reaver}



// Robot Names
name_CORE_behemoth = {Behemoth}
name_CORE_hover = {Hover Bot}
name_CORE_humanoid = {Humanoid Bot}
name_CORE_lifter = {Load Lifter}
name_CORE_pacification = {Pacification Bot}
name_CORE_scurry = {Scurry Bot}
name_CORE_security = {Security Bot}
name_CORE_repair = {Repair Bot}
name_CORE_explode = {Destructo Bot}
name_CORE_tracks = {Tank Bot}



// Critter Names
name_CORE_bdc = {Big Cockroach}
name_CORE_ldc = {Small Cockroach}
name_CORE_deathbaby = {Baby Deathclaw}
name_CORE_deathclaw = {Deathclaw}
name_CORE_rat = {Giant Rat}
name_CORE_lizard = {Komodo}
name_CORE_radscorp = {Radscorpion}
name_CORE_wasp = {Giant Wasp}

//end 2001-01-24


Starting characters[]



name_CORE_prefab1 = {Mick}
desc_CORE_prefab1 = {Mick is not the brightest tool in the box, which is probably why he volunteered for the BOS. They took him because he is handy with a gun. Reasonably strong and agile, he has the potential to become a good frontline soldier.}

name_CORE_prefab2 = {Snake}
desc_CORE_prefab2 = {Snake was found wandering the wastelands by Brotherhood scouts. It transpired that there had been a spate of robberies in his old village. Snake was the culprit. He had two choices; starve to death in the wastelands or have both hands removed. It turns out he has a third choice, serve the BOS.}

name_CORE_prefab3 = {Peter}
desc_CORE_prefab3 = {Peter trained under his father who was a medicine man for a small village. One day he was out of the village gathering herbs when the raiders attacked the village and wiped out his family. He now heals for the BOS in the hope that they will make the raiders feel some of his pain.}

name_CORE_prefab4 = {Betty}
desc_CORE_prefab4 = {Betty is the youngest of a family of 10. She inherited her mother's good looks and steady hand, but also her father's exceptional eyesight. She is a gifted markswoman at range, but lacks the fast reactions needed for close quarter combat.}

name_CORE_prefab5 = {Wilma}
desc_CORE_prefab5 = { Wilma is the oldest of a family of 10 and specialises in the martial arts. She is only a novice in most disciplines but already knows a hundred ways to kill a man. Coupled with an exceptionally light step she can get in and kill when most heavier stronger men would fail. }


Special encounter characters[]


// More encounter names
name_CORE_farmer = {Farmer}
name_CORE_hermit = {Hermit}
name_CORE_trader = {Trader}
name_CORE_merchant = {Merchant}
name_CORE_guard = {Guard}
name_CORE_highwayman = {Highwayman}
name_CORE_bandit = {Bandit}
name_CORE_cannibal = {Cannibal}
name_CORE_slaver = {Slaver}
name_CORE_mercenary = {Mercenary}
name_CORE_bountyHunter = {Bounty Hunter}
name_CORE_villager = {Villager}
name_CORE_starvingVillager = {Starving Villager}
name_CORE_peasant = {Peasant}

Recruit pool characters[]


//Pool characters

name_CORE_rec_hm01 = {Robin}
desc_CORE_rec_hm01= {Sometime discretion is the better part of valor! Robin can slide in and out of an encounter like a sharp knife into a Brahmin steak.}

name_CORE_rec_hm05 = {Jax}
desc_CORE_rec_hm05= {Need to take out some dug in enemy snipers? Rush Jax in to flush them out. If he dies in the process well... that's war! He's good with small guns, big guns and energy weapons.}

name_CORE_rec_hm09 = {Stitch}
desc_CORE_rec_hm09= {Your typical battlefield medic. If you step on a mine he'll patch you together again, assuming there's anything left to patch!}

name_CORE_rec_hf03 = {Farsight}
desc_CORE_rec_hf03= {Farsight was trained by her father to shoot from long ranges in adverse conditions. Very steady hands and good eyesight are her strengths.}

name_CORE_rec_hf11 = {Torn}
desc_CORE_rec_hf11= {Surviving a childhood growing up in the wilderness meant that Torn had to develop fast and deadly hand to hand combat skills. She also developed a sharp eye and keen sense of danger.}

name_CORE_rec_hm11 = {Trevor}
desc_CORE_rec_hm11= {In 20th century America, Trevor would have been a Quarterback. If you want something thrown then Trevor is your man! Not very bright but very good at throwing. Did I mention he can throw?}

name_CORE_rec_hm12 = {Kevin}
desc_CORE_rec_hm12= {Kevin likes to get up close and personal with his enemies, and has spent his life so far perfecting his abilities in that area. He's also handy with a spanner, and likes to fiddle with anything that can be pulled apart.}

name_CORE_rec_hm06 = {Brian}
desc_CORE_rec_hm06= {Brian is a grunt. Put a shotgun or a SMG in his hands and point him in the correct direction. He'll fight loyally till the bitter end.}

name_CORE_rec_hm03 = {Rage}
desc_CORE_rec_hm03= {In a decent society, Rage's psychosis would be a problem. But in the Brotherhood it's a BIG advantage! Clever and very motivated with regards to killing, he loves Burst mode on SMGs or both barrels with shotguns. Actually he just loves guns.}

name_CORE_rec_hf15 = {Rebecca}
desc_CORE_rec_hf15= {With a decent rifle Rebecca can immobilise a baby deathclaw at 200 yards. Give her a proper sniper rifle and she'll castrate it, too. She is also good at first aid.}

name_CORE_rec_hf05 = {Ice}
desc_CORE_rec_hf05= {Cool and collected and not easy to piss off. She won't flirt and won't mess around with the boys. Most think she is just stand-offish, but Ice has simply honed her warrior spirit so well that she feels little need to interact with the outside world.}

name_CORE_rec_hf06 = {Jo}
desc_CORE_rec_hf06= {Jo went through Initiate training with Ice, where they became close friends. But the pair have drifted apart ever since the "Rage incident". She is great with small arms, but Jo is never happier than when she is behind the wheel of a tuned-up Hummer, out on the open wastelands.}

name_CORE_rec_hf10 = {Mandy}
desc_CORE_rec_hf10= {A talented field nurse who cares about the people she treats, Mandy is sometimes a bit squeamish about her job. Consequently, while she's better at patching people up than actually performing surgery, she prefers to avoid it altogether and perform scouting runs into enemy territory.}

name_CORE_rec_tr05 = {Fleetfoot}
desc_CORE_rec_tr05= {Ahhh... The wild plains were once home for Fleetfoot, where he would run with the rabid dogs. Fast and quiet, he has since learnt to apply the same skills to battle. Works best on his own.}

name_CORE_rec_tr01 = {Target}
desc_CORE_rec_tr01= {Target (pronounced Tarjay) would have been the winner of the 22nd Appleton "Throw the Spear" contest... except that he was the only contestant to actually kill someone. A judge. Which is why he is now in the Brotherhood.}

name_CORE_rec_tr03 = {Keith}
desc_CORE_rec_tr03= {Keith hates killing, but he also hates living in a mud hut. He joined the Brotherhood, seeing it as an opportunity to use his healing talents on people that really needed them, instead of people that sort of need them but can't pay.}

name_CORE_rec_hm04 = {Stein}
desc_CORE_rec_hm04= {Stein works well at a distance or in support. He couples great long-range skills with heavy weapon skills, making him perfect for breaking enemy bunker positions. Likes to keep at the back of the field, picking off unsuspecting enemies.}

name_CORE_rec_hm14 = {Stumpy}
desc_CORE_rec_hm14= {Small guns, melee attacks and traps. What more could you ask?}

name_CORE_rec_hm08 = {Stoma}
desc_CORE_rec_hm08= {Big and strong and stupid. He loves really BIG guns. Although he can handle a pistol or SMG, Stoma doesn't feel complete without a rocket launcher or flamer in his beefy grip. A little on the slow side, but no one's willing to tell him.}

name_CORE_rec_hf02 = {Stevie}
desc_CORE_rec_hf02= {Stevie has the lithe body of a dancer, the reflexes of a cat and the killer instinct of a Deathclaw. She is light and agile, and likes to reflect this in her armaments. Useful for that quick surprise attack.}

name_CORE_rec_hf12 = {Beth}
desc_CORE_rec_hf12= {Beth is a big girl! Not fat just BIG! Although quite agile for someone of her strength, she makes up for it by being a bit thick. Combat for Beth should be kept simple: fists, or a good piece length of pipe will keep her amused for hours.}

name_CORE_rec_tr04 = {Slicer}
desc_CORE_rec_tr04= {Slicer got the highest votes in the 22nd Appleton "Girl most likely to stay a Virgin" contest, primarily because most of the men she has known have met bizarre, disturbing and sometimes inexplicable ends. Scary girl.}

name_CORE_rec_tr02 = {Sharon}
desc_CORE_rec_tr02= {Her mother can trace their bloodline all the way back to Essex England, or so she says. Sharon spends a lot of time working on her hair. Her vanity can be a distraction, but Sharon handles guns well enough to keep her out of trouble.}

name_CORE_rec_go04 = {Frank}
desc_CORE_rec_go04= {Do your squad members suffer from broken bones, missing body parts or ruptured spleens? Do bits keep flaking off, or is there a crippled limb you just can't do without? Then call Doctor Frank! If he can't fix it, then you're probably already dead!}

name_CORE_rec_go01 = {Babs}
desc_CORE_rec_go01= {Babs is exceptionally beautiful, for a ghoul. Very slim, to the point of some body parts being missing altogether. This lends her a certain flexibility, but leaves her physically weak, so to get by she has concentrated on developing her thieving abilities. Don't leave her alone in the equipment store.}

name_CORE_rec_go03 = {Billy Bob}
desc_CORE_rec_go03= {Billy Bob grew up unhappy in a mid-western town, eventually running away from home to join the circus. Unfortunately the circus kicked him out because he was too much of a freak. The shock of the experience left him quite bitter, so he squashed his anger up into a little ball and used it help him focus on his weaponry skills.}

name_CORE_rec_dc01 = {Shaav}
desc_CORE_rec_dc01= {Small, fast and agile, even by death claw standards, Shaav is so stealthy that he sometimes sneaks without even meaning to. The first (and last) thing most enemies know about Shaav is that his breath is terrible.}

name_CORE_rec_dc02 = {Krldraav}
desc_CORE_rec_dc02= {Fast and strong. Krldraav (pronounced krldraav) specialises in disembowelment. It's a living.}

name_CORE_rec_dc03 = {Shriek}
desc_CORE_rec_dc03= {A young death claw with high ideals. Shriek's ideal is to kill as many non-deathclaw beings in as brutal a way as possible. In the normal run of things, Shriek would have ended up at the wrong end of some maligned town's shotguns, but now he is working for the Brotherhood...}

name_CORE_rec_dc04 = {Mother}
desc_CORE_rec_dc04= {Mother is big, hairy and scary! She saw her brood enslaved and almost destroyed by the Beast Lords, so she is wary of most humans, and a little uncomfortable with the alliance she now has with the Brotherhood. Very strong and fast, with deadly hand to hand attacks.}

name_CORE_rec_ra01 = {Creeper}
desc_CORE_rec_ra01= {Creeper hated life in the raider camps. Creeper hates life in the Brotherhood. Creeper just hates his life, and he's happy to share this fact with everyone he meets, especially people who are trying to kill him. At least the Brotherhood provides him with the opportunity to polish his sneaking and combat skills, but one day...}

name_CORE_rec_ra02 = {Pain}
desc_CORE_rec_ra02= {Pain joined the BOS for one reason only - so he could kill things without the threat of a hanging. He's not very good at it yet, liking smaller guns and melee weapons. But he's working on it.}

name_CORE_rec_ra03 = {Hurt}
desc_CORE_rec_ra03= {Hurt used to be a dentist in a raider camp, where she earned her nickname through the agony she inflicted on her unfortunate patients. She has now turned her talents to the broader area of general medicine, where she is expecting to have the opportunity to REALLY inflict some distress upon the injured.}

name_CORE_rec_ra04 = {Malice}
desc_CORE_rec_ra04 = {Malice by name, malicious by nature! He hates everyone including the Brotherhood, but is willing to tolerate a life in the bunkers in exchange for access to some sweet weaponry. Malice works best with an SMG in burst mode, so he can be a liability in a crowd.}

name_CORE_rec_ra05 = {Boomer}
desc_CORE_rec_ra05= {Boomer just loves to play catch with the enemy. She throws them a grenade and then catches the miscellaneous body parts that fly her way! Over her short career she has already generated an impressive collection of other people's bits, which she keeps hidden in her footlocker.}

name_CORE_rec_go02 = {Dillon}
desc_CORE_rec_go02= {Dillon only has one eye... but it's a good 'un! Put a hunting rifle with a telescopic sight in front of him and his accuracy is unmatched. When he's not shooting the aces out of cards, he likes to tinker with things, usually to their detriment.}

name_CORE_rec_go06 = {Harold}
desc_CORE_rec_go06= {Harold loves explosives, the smell of cordite, and the dull thump of an underground detonation. Grenades or traps, it's all the same to him. He'll plant them, throw them or disarm them. He's earned the nickname of "unbreakable", because despite several serious accidents, and over a hundred years of living, he never seems to die.}

name_CORE_rec_go05 = {Martin}
desc_CORE_rec_go05= {One of Martins ancestors used to run a software company in England, until it sank. Martin himself has inherited his ancestor's uncanny driving abilities, and when out of the car is very good at spotting and disarming traps.}

name_CORE_rec_hm07 = {Max}
desc_CORE_rec_hm07= {Max is a big bad mutha! Strong and stupid but great with big guns. He may take a while to get moving, but he's very difficult to stop once he's up to speed.}

name_CORE_rec_hf07 = {Alice}
desc_CORE_rec_hf07= {Alice is Max's sister. The two of them used to practice BBQing Brahmin with a flame thrower. Eventually they realised it would be easier to kill the Brahmin first. Strong and stupid.}

name_CORE_rec_hm15 = {Ed}
desc_CORE_rec_hm15= {Ed is a genius with machines. Whether it is mechanical or electronic, he can get it work, stop it working or tell you what it does. He can disassemble a gun or pick a lock in record time.}

name_CORE_rec_sm01 = {Chuck}
desc_CORE_rec_sm01= {Chuck is short for Charles but that's not where he got his nickname. Chuck is what most people do when they smell him coming! He's got very little to commend him other than his incredible strength and great heavy weapons skills.}

name_CORE_rec_sm02 = {Pump}
desc_CORE_rec_sm02= {This guy's real name is Julia but his friends call him Pump. In fact, everyone calls him Pump. He doesn't like the name Julia at all, and people who call him by it find out pretty quickly why his nickname is Pump.}

name_CORE_rec_sm03 = {Toni}
desc_CORE_rec_sm03= {Toni is not attractive even by Super Mutant standards. She has a heart of gold, though, and loves her new masters the Brotherhood. Clever by Super Mutant standards (and not too smelly), she has a knack for energy weapons.}

name_CORE_rec_sm04 = {Bob}
desc_CORE_rec_sm04= {Bob has huge hands, the sort of hands that in another age would have been great for fielding in a base ball game or holding a new born baby. In this age he just whacks people with them, repeatedly, until they stop moving.}

name_CORE_rec_sm05 = {Cookie}
desc_CORE_rec_sm05= {Life is simple for Cookie. She can throw things (big heavy things) a long way. She can hit things with other things, quite hard. She's also more agile than most of her mutated friends, and has a highly developed fashion sense.}

name_CORE_rec_hf13 = {Kaisa}
desc_CORE_rec_hf13= {Kaisa is the last in a long line of gorgeous blonde Fins. Her family was famous for their mobile phones and delicious pastries. Kaisa continues this tradition by being an expert with high tech equipment, but her cooking skills are totally unappreciated.}

name_CORE_rec_hf01 = {Fran}
desc_CORE_rec_hf01= {Fran has learnt many things, living in the shadow of her brother, an Elder within the Brotherhood. She has learnt the value of discretion. She has learnt how grace can triumph over brawn. She has learnt that a swift stab in the back with a sharp knife solves most problems.}

name_CORE_rec_hm16 = {Karl}
desc_CORE_rec_hm16= {Well what can we say about Karl? Blew his senior officer's brains out all over the training center with a badly timed grenade. He had to clean the mess up afterwards though. But that's bloody grenadiers for you. No brains between the lot of them, but a lot all over them.}

name_CORE_rec_hm10 = {John}
desc_CORE_rec_hm10= {In an earlier age John would have been a great brain surgeon or a concert pianist. In this age he is a medic in the Brotherhood, and uses his medical skills and agility in the field. Not content to just sew people up, John has also developed his heavy weapons skill to tear them apart.}

name_CORE_rec_hf04 = {Vector}
desc_CORE_rec_hf04= {Vector used to be a stripper, but is now a class act as a sniper. She can lie in a ditch or on a roof for hours without flinching, and then let the bullet fly at the exact right moment.}

name_CORE_rec_rv01 = {Mac}
desc_CORE_rec_rv01= {Mac knows a lot about tech stuff. Lithe and elegant, she would make a good dancer if there was anywhere left to go dancing. Like all Reavers, she wears a lot of leather and plastic. The difference with Mac is that she really _likes_ to wear it.}

name_CORE_rec_rv02 = {Dos}
desc_CORE_rec_rv02= {Enhanced eye sight and surgical implants in his hands make Dos very good at sniping. He designs his upgrades himself, and is always looking for new ways to tweak his body even further. Unfortunately, he has trouble convincing others of the viability of valve-tube augmentation.}

name_CORE_rec_rv03 = {Hardrive}
desc_CORE_rec_rv03= {Big guy with a strong sense of purpose. Hardrive can use most weapons well but is particularly partial to energy weapons.}

name_CORE_rec_rv04 = {Seedee}
desc_CORE_rec_rv04= {Seedee spent most of her young life wired on tranquillisers, and since she went cold turkey she has lost all sense of fear. Traps don't scare her, and she's always looking for a new risk to take. The rest of the recruits have learnt not to play poker with her though. You just can't tell when she's bluffing.}

name_CORE_rec_hf14 = {Debbie}
desc_CORE_rec_hf14= {Debbie is very talented with her hands. She is a good field medic who can fix most non-critical injuries. Her delicate touch also enables her to detect and remove sophisticated traps.}

name_CORE_rec_hm02 = {Slim}
desc_CORE_rec_hm02= {Slim used to eat nothing but happy pies washed down with Nuka-Cola. Then he got radiation sickness, and now he is slim. But the rad-fever didn't dull his intellect, so he's adept at fiddling with technology and very quiet on his feet and.}

name_CORE_rec_hm13 = {Shaky}
desc_CORE_rec_hm13= {Shaky had a bright career as a trapper until his accident. But since then he has mastered every type of vehicle the Brotherhood owns. Extremely competent behind the wheel and a skilled mechanic. Pity about his nerves though. And the narcolepsy. And the secret addiction.}

name_CORE_rec_hf16 = {Peta}
desc_CORE_rec_hf16= {This girl has studied energy weapons for four years. Lasers, Plasma rifles and EMP weapons hold no surprises for her. When she uses melee weapons, she always tries to pick out something that gets an extra jolt from her friend, electricity.}

name_CORE_rec_hf08 = {Box}
desc_CORE_rec_hf08= {Box is muscular even for a Brotherhood soldier. She's now so buff that she finds it difficult to squeeze into power armour without a serious run-up. Loves big guns like rocket launchers but she is also pretty tasty in a fistfight.}

name_CORE_rec_hf09 = {Clarise}
desc_CORE_rec_hf09= {Clarise is the complete antithesis of her old Initiate buddy, Box. But while she looks frail as a broc-flower, she has a hidden inner-strength. An inner-strength that lets her wield high-end energy weapons, or lob grenades long distances.}

name_CORE_rec_robby = {T-800}
desc_CORE_rec_robby= {Cyborg T-800 was liberated by the Brotherhood from repair station 10.92. It is a standard bipedal perambulating humanoid assault Wardroid, built on designs from the Skynet company for contract 10056-567 American Government. It is an ass-kicking machine, literally.}

name_CORE_rec_pipboy = {Pip}
desc_CORE_rec_pipboy= {Is he a bizarre genetic freak? Is he an animatronic, escaped from some long-destroyed amusement park? Is he an educational aid gone wrong? NO! He's PIPBOY, dammit, and he's here to kick ass and take names!}

name_CORE_rec_riddick = {Riddick}
desc_CORE_rec_riddick= {Riddick is a criminal on the run from all sorts of people and authorities, but exactly who he refuses to mention. While he's happy to fight other humans, he prefers to try out his exceptional night vision on the lethal critters of the wasteland.}

name_CORE_rec_joeGrimm = {Joe}
desc_CORE_rec_joeGrimm= {Joe has a brother Jim. Together they are the brothers Grimm. So called because things can get pretty grim when they are around. Joe likes to bash things and act all masculine. He is the brawn of the outfit.}

name_CORE_rec_jimGrimm = {Jim}
desc_CORE_rec_jimGrimm= {Jim has a brother Joe. Together they are the brothers Grimm. Jim likes to dress in women's clothes, which really pisses his brother off. Jim is the heavy weapons expert and the brains of the outfit.}

Bunker characters[]


name_CORE_bosElder = {Elder}
name_CORE_bosScribe = {Scribe}
name_CORE_genBarnaky = {General Barnaky}
name_CORE_genDekker = {General Dekker}
name_CORE_bosMechanic = {Mechanic}
name_CORE_bosMedical = {Medical Officer}
name_CORE_quarterMaster = {Quarter Master}
name_CORE_recruitsMaster = {Recruits Master}

// BUNKER 01
name_CORE_tribalShauri = {Shauri}
name_CORE_tribalTiduk = {Tiduk}
name_CORE_medCelsius = {Medical Officer}
name_CORE_medTimothy = {Medical Officer}
name_CORE_QMOctavius = {Quarter Master}
name_CORE_mechSmith = {Mechanic}
name_CORE_RMBunker = {Recruits Master}

// BUNKER 02
name_CORE_merchantKerr = {Kerr the Merchant}
name_CORE_ghoulBradley = {Bradley}
name_CORE_ghoulPatches = {Patches}
name_CORE_cypher = {Cypher}
name_CORE_dyson = {Diesoon}
name_CORE_paladinSolo = {Paladin Solo}
//name_CORE_RMBunker02 = {Recruits Master}
name_CORE_QMCaligari = {Quarter Master}
name_CORE_mechPeck = {Mechanic}
name_CORE_medJeffrey = {Medical Officer}

// BUNKER 03
name_CORE_ghoulHazmat = {Hazmat}
name_CORE_mayorEastwood = {Hillary Eastwood}
name_CORE_ghoulElliot = {Elliot Nesting}
name_CORE_mother = {Matriarch}
name_CORE_paladinLancelot = {Paladin Lancelot}
name_CORE_mechMurdock = {Mechanic}
name_CORE_QMArugula = {Quarter Master}
//name_CORE_RMBunker03 = {Recruits Master}

// BUNKER 04
name_CORE_bosScribeBlythe = {Scribe Blythe}
name_CORE_initiatePercy = {Initiate Percy}
name_CORE_andrewSmith = {No-one Smith}
//name_CORE_RMBunker04 = {Recruits Master}
name_CORE_QMHassan = {Quarter Master}
name_CORE_medHyland = {Medical Officer}
name_CORE_medBlythe = {Medical Officer}
name_CORE_mechMidas = {Mechanic}

// BUNKER 05
name_CORE_caldriss = {Auditor General}
name_CORE_mechAllen = {Mechanic}
name_CORE_QMFoletto = {Quarter Master}
//name_CORE_RMBunker05 = {Recruits Master}

Mission characters[]


name_CORE_Mis01_Elder = {Village Elder}
name_CORE_Mis01_Hawkeye = {Shaman}
name_CORE_Mis01_RaiderLeader = {Horus}

name_CORE_Mis02_Elder = {Village Elder}
name_CORE_Mis02_Informant = {Informant}
name_CORE_Mis02_Prisoner = {Ripley the Prisoner}
name_CORE_Mis02_RaiderLeader = {O'Reilly}

name_M02_still = { Alcohol Still }

name_CORE_Mis03_Bo = {Bo the Raider}
name_CORE_Mis03_Daisy = {Daisy the Raider}
name_CORE_Mis03_Dyson = {Scientist}
name_CORE_Mis03_Jesse = {Jesse the Raider}
name_CORE_Mis03_Luke = {Luke the Raider}
name_CORE_Mis03_Nanuk = {Nanuk}

name_CORE_Mis04_Pilot = {Pilot Christian}
name_CORE_Mis04_Librarian = {Librarian}

name_CORE_Mis05_Elder = {Chevron the Elder}
name_CORE_Mis05_Shaman = {Dhal the Shaman}

name_CORE_Mis06_Gorgi = {Gorgi}
name_CORE_Mis06_GhoulLeader = {Elliot}
name_CORE_Mis06_Mayor = {Mayor Eastwood}
name_CORE_Mis06_Secretary = {Arlene}
name_CORE_Mis06_Warden = {Warden Felix}
name_CORE_Mis06_Evita = {Evita}
name_CORE_BeastMaster = {Duff the Beast Master}
name_CORE_Beastlord = {Beastlord}
name_CORE_Mis06_Hostage = {Hostage}
name_CORE_Mis06_Prostitute = {Prostitute}

name_mis06_Siren = {Siren}

name_CORE_Mis07_Dar = {Emperor Daarr}
name_CORE_Mis07_Matriarch = {Matriarch}
name_CORE_m07_Beastlord = {Beastlord}

name_CORE_m08_Carino = {Carino, Town Guard}
name_CORE_m08_Presnell = {Presnell}
name_CORE_m08_Joe = {Joe the Bartender}
name_CORE_m08_Avellone = {Mayor Avellone}
name_CORE_m08_Assassin = {Assassin}
name_CORE_m08_Withers = {Head Assassin}

name_CORE_Mis09_Inquisitor = {Toccamatta}
name_CORE_Mis09_Paladin = {Paladin Solo}
name_CORE_m09_Burke = {Burke}
name_CORE_m09_Talon = {Talon Squad}
name_CORE_Mis09_Lieutenant = {????}
name_CORE_Mis09_General = {General Barnaky}

name_CORE_Mis10_Captain = {Commander}
name_CORE_Mis10_Scientist = {Mutant Scientist}
name_CORE_Mis10_SMFreak = {Mutant Freak}

name_mis10_Embryo01 = {Embryo Tank}
name_mis10_Embryo02 = {Embryo Tank}
name_mis10_Embryo03 = {Embryo Tank}
name_mis10_Embryo04 = {Embryo Tank}

name_CORE_m11_Acolyte = {Acoloyte}
name_CORE_Mis11_Defcon = {Bishop Defcon}
name_CORE_m11_Commander = {Juggo}
name_CORE_Mis11_Sidekick = {Sidekick}

name_mis12Briefcase = {Briefcase}
name_mis12Gastank = {Gas Tank}
name_CORE_Mis12_Gammorin = {Gammorin}
name_CORE_Mis12_Inquisitor = {Toccomatta}
name_CORE_Mis12_Roshambo = {Roshambo}

name_CORE_Casey = {Casey Barrett}
name_CORE_Mis15_jakk0 = {Jakk0}
name_CORE_Mis15_john = {Mayor Levis}
name_CORE_Mis15_anna = {Mayoral Assistant}
name_CORE_Mis15_juan = {Juan}
name_CORE_Mis15_AngryRick = {Angry Rick}
name_CORE_Mis15_p4at = {P4at}
name_CORE_Mis15_snipez = {Snipez}
name_CORE_Mis15_Martha = {Martha Dilbert}
name_CORE_Mis15_stephen = {Stephen Barrett}
name_CORE_Mis15_tate = {Tiny Tate}
name_CORE_Mis15_chuck = {Chuck}
name_CORE_m15_Enforcer = {Enforcer}

name_mis15_RobotActuator = {Robot Actuator}
name_mis15_RobotArm = {Robot Arm}
name_mis15_RobotHead = {Robot Head}
name_mis15_RobotTorso = {Robot Torso}

name_CORE_Mis16_Jake = {Jake}
name_CORE_Mis16_Mike = {Mike}
name_CORE_Mis16_Noelene = {Noelene}
name_CORE_Mis16_Gloria = {Gloria}
name_CORE_Mis16_Ripley = {Ripley's body}

name_mis16Hydrogen = {Hydrogen Tanks}

name_CORE_Mis17_Adele = {Adele Dudley}
name_CORE_Mis17_AuditorGeneral = {Auditor General}
name_CORE_Mis17_Brad = {Brad}
name_CORE_Mis17_Jacob = {Jacob}
name_CORE_Mis17_Father = {Father Donald}
name_CORE_Mis17_Guldo = {Guldo Sciavo}
name_CORE_Mis17_Louie = {Don Vinchenzo}
name_CORE_Mis17_MaBaker = {Ma Baker}
name_CORE_Mis17_Simon = {Simon Dudley}
name_CORE_Mis17_Jeff = {Jeff}
name_CORE_Mis17_Rainman = {Rainman}
name_CORE_Mis17_Gambler = {Gambler}
name_CORE_Mis17_Ganger = {Ganger}

name_CORE_Mis19_Ambassador = {Albert Lamore}
desc_CORE_Mis19_Ambassador = {Albert Lamore, 1st Ambassador to the Reaver Movement .\n\n
An honest religious zealot who cares for his people and his religion.

name_CORE_Mis19_Warrior = {Rodger Gaire}
desc_CORE_Mis19_Warrior = {Rodge Gaire, General and Joint Chief of Staff.\n\n
This large, burly man is the leader of the Reaver Army. He gives the orders
for all major military projects. He is a skilled tactician and cunning

name_CORE_Mis19_Healer = {Glenda Close}
desc_CORE_Mis19_Healer = {Glenda Close, Chief of Medical Division.\n\n
She is a raven-haired woman with a keen eyes. She is the person in
charge of medical research as well as practical applications of medicine in
the field. A deeply religious person, Glenda holds the beliefs of her people
firmly in her heart Unfortunately, Glenda is rebounding from a failed relationship.\n\n

name_CORE_Mis19_Scientist = {Tobias Peste}
desc_CORE_Mis19_Scientist = {Tobias Peste, Chief of Science, Military Projects Division.\n\n
This loud-spoken man is an acclaimed scientific genius in the area of
high energy physics. Tobias is a man who truly worships science. Most of his inventions are inspired by holy visions that take shape in Reaver workshops.

name_mis21_powernode = {Power Node}
name_mis21_powernodeswitch = {Power Switch}
name_mis21_terminal = {Terminal}

name_CORE_Mis22_Lancelot = {Paladin Lancelot}
name_CORE_Mis22_Percy = {Initiate Percy}

name_mis22_console = {Console}
name_mis22_terminal = {Terminal}
name_mis22_powernode = {Power Node}
name_mis22_powerplant = {Power Plant}
name_mis22_turbine = {Turbine}

name_CORE_Mis23_Elaine = {Elaine}
name_CORE_Mis23_Grink = {Sebastian}
name_CORE_Mis23_Jerry = {Derry}
name_CORE_Mis23_Merchant = {Kerr the Merchant}
name_CORE_Mis23_merchantKerr = {Kerr the Merchant}
name_CORE_Mis23_General = {General Barnaky's Body}

name_mis23_Switch = {Switching Console}
name_mis23_jammingtower = {Jamming Tower}
name_mis23_alarm = {Alarm Console}

name_CORE_Mis24_Reeves = {Paladin Reeves}

name_CORE_mis25_Bos01 = {Paladin Maximus}
name_CORE_mis25_Bos02 = {Phoenix}
name_CORE_mis25_Bos03 = {Khronis}
name_CORE_mis25_Bos04 = {Tais}
name_CORE_mis25_Bos05 = {Maelyra}

name_mis25_ArcPole = {Arc Pole}
name_mis25brain = {Cybernetic Brain}
name_mis25_DentalSensor = {Dental Scanner}

name_mis25_terminal = {Terminal}

name_CORE_mis26_General = {General Barnaky}
name_CORE_mis26_Calc = {The Calculator}

name_CORE_mis26_Brain = {Cybernetic Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain01 = {Lawyer Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain02 = {Doctor Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain03 = {Artist Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain04 = {Game Designer Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain05 = {Scientist Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain06 = {Porn Star Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain07 = {Evangelist Brain}
name_CORE_mis26_Brain08 = {Politician Brain}

//end 2/6/2001

// added 22/02/00

name_CORE_mis05_uberRoach = {Roachor}
name_CORE_MZ09_L33tleboy = {L33tleboy}
name_CORE_MZ09_Phatman = {Ph4tman}

Multiplayer characters[]


//Multi-player character descriptions

name_mp_br01 = {Betsy}
desc_mp_br01= {Betsy is a Brahmin. She has two heads and udders. This makes her very popular at parties. She can do a lot of damage in HtH (hoof to hoof) but is not much cop with energy weapons. }

name_mp_dg01 = {Lucky}
desc_mp_dg01 = {Mans Best Friend! Great for sneak and recon work. His only combat specialty is HtH(Hound to Hound) but he can disarm traps. Really bad doggy breath though.}

name_mp_hf10 = {Mandy}
desc_mp_hf10= {A talented field nurse who cares about the people she treats. Not only is she good at patching holes up in people, she is also good at making them.}

name_mp_dc02 = {Krldraav}
desc_mp_dc02= {Fast and strong. Krldraav (pronounced krldraav) specialises in disembowelment. It's a living.}

name_mp_dc04 = {Mary}
desc_mp_dc04= {Mary is big, hairy and scary! She saw her brood enslaved and almost destroyed by the Beast Lords, so she is wary of most humans, and a little uncomfortable with the alliance she now has with the Brotherhood. Very strong and fast, with deadly hand to hand attacks.}

name_mp_hm07 = {Max}
desc_mp_hm07= {Max is a big bad mutha! Strong as a mutant and great with big guns. He doesn't take long to get moving, and he's very difficult to stop once he's up to speed.}

name_mp_sm02 = {Percy}
desc_mp_sm02= {Great with big guns and melee type weapons. He's also good with the bigger energy weapons.}

name_mp_hm05 = {Jax}
desc_mp_hm05= {While not the luckiest Warrior around, Jax more than makes up for it by being the master of any weapon he can lay his hands on. Unfortunately, his years working as a weapons technician have dulled his ability to withstand pain.}

name_mp_hm14 = {Stumpy}
desc_mp_hm14= {The Brotherhood training for a trapper is very harsh. Most don't live, and those that do tend to end up short of a few limbs. Stumpy only lost a few fingers, but it meant that he has had to neglect his training in small arms. But he is still bloody good at spotting traps, and can beat someone's head in with relative ease.}

name_mp_tr02 = {Shaz}
desc_mp_tr02= {Shaz can sneak, use small guns and is skilled in unarmed combat. She's also got very fast reflexes.}

name_mp_ra05 = {Rusty }
desc_mp_ra05= {Great at throwing and she knows a bit about traps. Like most BOS soldiers Rust also has a basic knowledge of small arms. She's called Rusty because of her flaming red hair. She's got very big hands, for a woman, though.}

name_mp_sm05 = {Cookie}
desc_mp_sm05= {She is good with Big guns, unarmed combat and at throwing. Agile for a mutant and extremely strong. She's very stupid and can't cook to save her life. }

name_mp_hf11 = {Noelene}
desc_mp_hf11= {Great Unarmed skills and melee weapon skills. She is also OK with traps. }

name_mp_hm12 = {Kevin}
desc_mp_hm12= {Kevin likes to get up close and personal with his enemies, and has spent his life so far perfecting his abilities in that area. He's also good with a spanner for repairing machines or smashing skulls.}

name_mp_hm08 = {Stoma}
desc_mp_hm08= {Big and strong and stupid. He loves really BIG guns. Although he can handle a pistol or SMG, Stoma doesn't feel complete without a happy humming minigun in his beefy grip. He's good in melee too. Works best when he's with his mates.}

name_mp_ra03 = {Kate}
desc_mp_ra03= {Kate is an excellent nurse. She also completed her first year in BOS medical school to train as a doctor. She's OK with a gun as well.}

name_mp_hf13 = {Kaisa}
desc_mp_hf13= {Kaisa always liked campfires. And flaming torches. And burning buildings. And smoldering people. As a compulsive pyromaniac she wouldn't have lasted long in the wastelands alone before someone took her down, but as a "Heavy Pyrotechnic Expert" in the BOS she has found her calling. }

name_mp_robby2 = {HR 2999}
desc_mp_robby2= {Robot 2999 is the machine equivalent of a grunt. It's good with all types of ranged weapons and is extremely well made. }

name_mp_hf03 = {Farsight}
desc_mp_hf03= {Farsight was trained by her father to shoot from long ranges in adverse conditions. Very steady hands and good eyesight are her strengths. She's also good at sneaking and is a pretty good driver.}

name_mp_hf15 = {Rebecca}
desc_mp_hf15= {With a decent rifle Rebecca can immobilise a baby deathclaw at 200 yards. Give her a proper sniper rifle and she'll castrate it too.}

name_mp_hf12 = {Beth}
desc_mp_hf12= {Beth is small and agile, but for someone of her size she has quite a mean streak. Combat for Beth should be kept simple: small guns, melee weapons and throwing.}

name_mp_go01 = {Sam}
desc_mp_go01= {Fleet of foot and agile. Sam's best strategy is to creep up silently on the enemy and unload both barrels of a shot gun in their face. She's also good at spotting traps.}

name_mp_go02 = {Dillon}
desc_mp_go02= {Dillon only has one eye... but it's a good 'un! Put a hunting rifle with a telescopic sight in front of him and his accuracy is unmatched. When he's not shooting the aces out of cards, he likes to blow things up! And watching things burn.}

name_mp_hm16 = {Karl}
desc_mp_hm16= {He's good behind the wheel of a vehicle and under the hood. But his main forte is throwing. Not too shabby with a shotgun either.}

name_mp_robby1 = {HR 1200}
desc_mp_robby1= {An enhanced heavy weapon tactical support robot. Specialises in big guns, energy weapons, repair and unarmed combat (if you count those scary slashing blades built into his elbows as unarmed). HR1200 has beta software installed.}

name_mp_hm09 = {Stitch}
desc_mp_hm09= {Your typical battlefield medic. Will put you back together without delay, or too much pain!}

name_mp_hf02 = {Stevie}
desc_mp_hf02= {Stevie, quick and lethal. Good with hands. Great with legs. }

name_mp_go03 = {Billy Bob}
desc_mp_go03= {Good with Melee Weapons and good at First Aid. His greatest strength is small guns.}

name_mp_ra04 = {Malice}
desc_mp_ra04 = {Malice is only ever happy when he has a heavy weapon in his hands. He's also good at throwing and using small guns.}

name_mp_hf08 = {Box}
desc_mp_hf08= {Box is strong and tough. She loves to hunt and kill but in a nice way.}

name_mp_sm03 = {Burt}
desc_mp_sm03= {Burt is good with big guns and he's reasonably talented in unarmed combat. He is also a fully trained field nurse. Although getting close enough to the patients to treat them can be a problem.}

name_mp_go04 = {Frank}
desc_mp_go04= {Do your squad members suffer from broken bones, missing body parts or ruptured spleens? Do bits keep flaking off, or is there a crippled limb you just can't do without? Then call Doctor Frank! If he can't fix it, then you're probably already dead! He's also good with small guns}

//others as per original file descs.

name_mp_hf06 = {Jo}
desc_mp_hf06= {Great with small guns and reasonably good unarmed. She is fast both on foot and in a vehicle.}

name_mp_hm11 = {Trevor}
desc_mp_hm11= {In 20th century America, Trevor would have been a Quarterback. If you want something thrown then Trevor is your man! Not very bright but very good at throwing. Did I mention he can throw?}

name_mp_hm04 = {Stein}
desc_mp_hm04= {Stein works well at a distance or in support. He couples great long-range skills with heavy weapon skills, making him perfect for breaking enemy bunker positions. Likes to keep at the back of the field, picking off unsuspecting enemies.}

name_mp_tr01 = {Swift}
desc_mp_tr01= {Swift is extremely agile. He's good with small guns and he can throw accurately. He's also excellent at spotting and disarming traps.}

name_mp_hf14 = {Debbie}
desc_mp_hf14= {Debbie is very talented with her hands. She is a good field medic who can fix most non-critical injuries. Her delicate touch also enables her to detect and remove sophisticated traps. She is also great with energy weapons.}

name_mp_hf09 = {Clarise}
desc_mp_hf09= {She is strong and agile and that lets her wield high-end energy weapons and take part in unarmed combat. She is also quite a good sneak, although the power armour is a bit of a handicap.}

name_mp_hm13 = {Jason}
desc_mp_hm13= {Extremely good with energy weapons Jason is also a bit tasty in a fist fight. He's a good wheel man too.}

// added by ed 2/3/2001
name_CORE_dummy = {Dummy}

sentinel = {!}
