Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Gammorin? *pant pant* Gammorin, is that you? I failed you my lord. AARRRGGGHHH! *cough* We all failed you... Whole platoon wiped out by that one monster... They crushed us... those things... they don't feel pain... *cough* ...I used to... think the same thing once. They took my prisoner, General Barnaky... I didn't have time... get any information from him. He's a tough nut to crack all right... *chuckle, cough, sharp inhale* don't like mutants much, either... You should've seen it, Gammorin... It looks like an angry god... breaths fire and death... *cough* ...my death. I'm going to die. I *sputter* don't hurt any more. Why is it so bright? I hope it's not that damn robot again... Master...

Toccamatta was the high inquisitor and Gammorin's right hand in 2197.


Toccamatta was the high inquisitor of Gammorin's Army, as well as Gammorin's second-in-command. He specialized in torture and had a ninety-nine percent success rate at getting prisoners to confess to just about anything.

Toccamatta was the last survivor of a robot ambush. He took General Barnaky prisoner in St. Louis, and was carrying him to Gammorin when they were attacked. He alone knew that the General was taken alive. By the time a Midwestern Brotherhood squad reached Osceolla, he was dying. With his last breath he revealed another piece of information that was crucial to the plot.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.
FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Mutant armor Barnaky's letter


  • The game mixes Toccamatta and Toccomatta up on some occasions, most likely due to a typo by the developers.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Ho ho! This one's a General by his markings! Keep this one alive and bring him to my inner sanctum. I'll wager there's a lot of information in that shriveled, old gray head. Some hot pokers stabbing his manhood will loosen up his tongue I'll wager. It always does."
  • "Gammorin? *pant pant* Gammorin, is that you? I failed you my lord. AARRRGGGHHH! *cough* We all failed you... Whole platoon wiped out by that one monster... They crushed us... those things... they don't feel pain... *cough* ...I used to... think the same thing once. They took my prisoner, General Barnaky... I didn't have time... get any information from him. He's a tough nut to crack all right... *chuckle, cough, sharp inhale* don't like mutants much, either... You should've seen it, Gammorin... It looks like an angry god... breaths fire and death... *cough* ...my death. I'm going to die. I *sputter* don't hurt any more. Why is it so bright? I hope it's not that damn robot again... Master..."


Toccamatta appears only in Fallout Tactics.

Behind the scenes[]

His name is a reference to (Tomas de) Torquemada, the Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition during the last part of the 15th century, who was in a very similar position.

