Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sir, yes sir. I'm Initiate Tiduk, sir. I have known of you since Brahmin Woods. That's where I came from, sir. It is an honour to meet you. I ... I am the sole survivor of my squad. We were returning from a successful mission when we were ambushed by the robots. My sister, Initiate Shauri, ordered a few of us to retreat. I managed to get away, but the rest of the squad was wiped out. Oh sister! I'm so sorry! I was jealous of you and now you're gone! *sob* How can I face my family?— Tiduk at Bunker Epsilon

Tiduk is a new recruit for the Brotherhood of Steel in the year 2197.


Tiduk came from the village of Brahmin Wood along with his sister, Shauri. He believes his sister should not join the Brotherhood of Steel, and respects the Warrior for freeing his home from Horus' raiders. Later, his sister became a commander of his squad. During their return from a successful mission, they were attacked by the Calculator's robots, and Shauri died. In Bunker Epsilon, Tiduk is seen standing near her grave. He is nineteen years of age. He is dressed in traditional tribal fashion and carries a spear. He has dark hair, tanned skin, and a stern, proud, look on his face.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Sells: vary by location, see inventory
FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.

Bunker Alpha, Bunker Gamma, Bunker Epsilon


Bunker Alpha[]

Apparel Weapon Other items
Tribal outfit Spear x2
Rock x5
Healing powder x2
Ring pull x360

Bunker Gamma[]

Bunker Epsilon[]

Apparel Weapon Other items
Midwestern Brotherhood leather armor MP5 H&K
Spear x2
Rock x5
9mm ball x24

Notable quotes[]


Tiduk appears only in Fallout Tactics

