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Dialogue for characters in Bunker Epsilon.


// Mini-map Information

B05_MiniMap_01 = {
Briefing Room - Speak to the General to receive your mission briefings.

B05_MiniMap_02 = {
Equipment Store - Talk to the Quartermaster to trade for equipment and supplies.

B05_MiniMap_03 = {
Recruits Pool - Speak to the Recruits Master to add or remove members from your squad.

B05_MiniMap_04 = {
Infirmary - You can trade with the Medical Officer for healing items.

B05_MiniMap_05 = {
Vehicle Depot - Visit the depot to access vehicles that you have salvaged from the wastes.

B05_MiniMap_06 = {
Exit - Move your entire squad here to exit the bunker and continue your campaign.

// Speech File for Bunker 05
// Edited by ???
// Version 1.5
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.



Diocletian Folleto[]


// Name: Paladin Folleto
// Role: Quarter-Master of the Brotherhood Elites.
// Background: Folleto is a stern, old man in his early sixties. He has a
// bad temper but follows regulations to the letter. He has a tall, imposing
// figure which he uses to intimidate the younger members of the Brotherhood.
// Folleto wears the robes of the scribes, even though he is considered an
// active paladin.
// Location: Equipment Room
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Folleto will introduce himself when he speaks with the
// player for the first time. Speaking to him will initiate the equipment
// screen for the Quarter-Master.
B05_Folleto_A00_W = {
Stand at attention, warrior.\n\n

My name is Folleto and I'm the Quartermaster for this bunker. It seems your name appears on my list, so you'll be dealing with me from now on.\n\n

Let me make one thing clear: Your heroics, your exploits - they mean absolutely nothing if you don't follow proper procedure. You will sign for your equipment. You will make a strong effort to return borrowed equipment in pristine condition. If your equipment is damaged, you fill out the appropriate paperwork.\n\n

I run a tight shop here. Don't flip my switch, understand?\n\n


// Situation A01: If the player has already met Diocletian, he will use a
// very short line to initiate the Quarter-Master equipment selection screen.
B05_Folleto_A01 = { Right! You know the drill. }

// Situation B: Folleto has some random lines of his own.
B05_Folleto_B00 = { Paladin Perez has much to answer for. }
B05_Folleto_B01 = { Vodhanel, you just made my shit list.}
B05_Folleto_B02 = { Good. It's right here. }
B05_Folleto_B03 = { Missing three bullets. }
B05_Folleto_B04 = { I thought I ordered more of those...}
B05_Folleto_B05 = { God, my back is killing me. }




// Name: Allen.
// Role: Mechanic.
// Background: Allen is one of the five mechanics working in the bunkers.
// Allen is a pleasant, rather delicate looking chap with nice manners. He
// seems rather bland compared to the earlier four mechanics.
// Location: Vehicle Depot
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Allen has his initial greeting. After this, he will
// switch to one of the random lines in Situation B.
B05_Allen_A00 = { Hello, I'm Allen. Can I help you? }

// Situation B: Allen's random greetings after the initial greeting. These
// lines are selected at random everytime the player needs to talk to the
// mechanic.
B05_Allen_B00 = { Yes? Can I help you? }
B05_Allen_B01 = { What do you need? }
B05_Allen_B02 = { Yes? What can I do for you? }
B05_Allen_B03 = { Hello. Are you looking for something? }
B05_Allen_B04 = { So, what do you need? }
B05_Allen_B05 = { Can I help you with something? }

// Situation C: Allen's random lines. He is mostly concerned with his work.
B05_Allen_C00 = { Wrong fit. }
B05_Allen_C01 = { Someone pass me the wrench. }
B05_Allen_C02 = { I need a carburetor here. }
B05_Allen_C03 = { No wonder! There's no oil! }
B05_Allen_C04 = { There! It's almost as good as new. }
B05_Allen_C05 = { I certainly found my calling. }


Nephre Hyland[]


// Name: Scribe Hyland
// Role: Medical Officer in the Brotherhood.
// Background: Hyland is the medic inside the bunker. The player can visit her
// whenever healing is needed. She will be busy tending to the wounds
// of the injured soldiers.
// Location: Infirmary
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Hyland's introduction. Hyland will introduce herself the
// first time the player talks to her. She will explain that they can return
// anytime for healing. After talking, the player has a chance to either
// barter for medicine, or exit the conversation. Either way may allow Hyland
// to heal the player's party completely.
// This is used only if Hyland has not previously spoken to the player.
// Hyland is tired. She has been working long hours to deal with the crisis
// situation with the Reavers.
B05_Hyland_A00_W = {
Greetings, warrior. I am Hyland. I'm part of General Dekker's support team and the medical officer in charge here.\n\n

I was informed that your squad gets top priority. So, let's get your vital readings and see what the problem is.\n\n

// Situation A01: If Hyland has spoken to the player in Bunker 04, she will
// have a different introductory speech from A00. As wil all player initiated
// lines for Hyland, it will result in an option for bartering. Hyland will
// also heal the entire party.
B05_Hyland_A01_W = {
Hello again. It's comforting to see someone who can walk without assistance.
I've been reassigned to this bunker due to the heavy combat in the area.\n\n

The situation here is dire. We've lost many lives to the robot army, and we have many injured. But I was informed that your squad gets top priority.\n\n

So, now, how can I help you?

// Situation A03: On subsequent revisits, Hyland will come straight to the
// point.
B05_Hyland_A03 = { Alright, turn your head and cough twice... }

// Situation B: Hyland's random lines. These assume that she has lots of
// wounded in the infirmary.
// Note: All beds should be utilized with a few patients lying on the floor.
// Could we have pools of blood? There should be quite a few dead patients
// as well.
B05_Hyland_B00 = { Sorry! I know my hands are cold. }
B05_Hyland_B01 = { I need another body bag in here. }
B05_Hyland_B02 = { We're so short of supplies. }
B05_Hyland_B03 = { Hold on! Damn it! Hold on! }
B05_Hyland_B04 = { I told you to stay still! }
B05_Hyland_B05 = { No, you already had your sponge bath for the week. }





// Name: Tiduk
// Role: Tribal member of the Brotherhood.
// Background: Tiduk is one of the tribals of Brahmin Woods. He is nineteen
// years of age. He has recently joined the Brotherhood and has become an
// Initiate.
// He can be found inside the bunker itself and will disappear after he has
// spoken to the player. He is worried sick because his squad was attacked
// by robots and no one survived except him.
// Location: Main Corridor
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: Special

// Situation A00: Tiduk stands around in anguish. This is what he says if the
// player speaks to him for the first time. That is, they did not meet him in
// Bunker 01.
// Tiduk is very upset. He believes he failed his sister because he could not
// look after her in the battle. He says the same lines as he would have in
// Bunker 03 except he is a lot more distracted.
B05_Tiduk_A00_W = {
Sir, yes sir.\n\n

I'm Initiate Tiduk, sir. I have known of you since Brahmin Woods. That's where I came from, sir. It is an honour to meet you.\n\n

I ... I am the sole survivor of my squad. We were returning from a successful mission when we were ambushed by the robots. My sister, Initiate Shauri, ordered a few of us to retreat. I managed to get away, but the rest of the squad was wiped out.

Oh sister! I'm so sorry! I was jealous of you and now you're gone!


How can I face my family?

// Situation A01: Tiduk stands around in anguish. This is what he says if the
// player speaks to him and they have met earlier in Bunker 01 or Bunker 03.
B05_Tiduk_A01_W = {

I ... I am the sole survivor of my squad. We were returning from a successful mission when the robots ambushed us. My sister, Initiate Shauri, ordered us to retreat while she provided cover. Some managed to get away, but the rest of the squad was wiped out.

Oh sister! I'm so sorry! I was jealous of you and now you're gone!


What ... what will I tell my mother?

// Situation A03: If the player talks to Tiduk the third time, he will use his
// good-bye line.
B05_Tiduk_A03 = { I... I don't deserve to wear the same uniform as my sister. }

// Situation B: As Tidul stands around, he has some random remarks. Shauri has
// replies to all of his random remarks.
B05_Tiduk_B00 = { Oh, Shauri ... }
B05_Tiduk_B01 = { Please forgive me, Shauri. }
B05_Tiduk_B02 = { Why did this happen? }
B05_Tiduk_B03 = { *sob* *sniff* }
B05_Tiduk_B04 = { I will have my vengeance. }
B05_Tiduk_B05 = { The Brahmin God of Irony is to blame! }


Brotherhood guards[]


// Brotherhood Guards:
// There are two of them standing outside the bunker.
// Location: Bunker Entrance
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A: This is what the guards may say if addressed by the player.
B05_Guard01_A00 = { Morale is low here.}
B05_Guard01_A01 = { Any word on Barnaky? }
B05_Guard01_A02 = { Our losses have been terrible. }
B05_Guard01_A03 = { How have you been faring? }
B05_Guard01_A04 = { I don't like this one bit. }
B05_Guard01_A05 = { I will try to believe. }

B05_Guard02_A00 = { Any room on your squad? }
B05_Guard02_A01 = { Quite the track record, Brother. Most impressive. }
B05_Guard02_A02 = { Keep an eye out for those robots. }
B05_Guard02_A03 = { We need a big victory. }
B05_Guard02_A04 = { Don't worry. Just stay focused. }
B05_Guard02_A05 = { It is good to see you're still with us. }

// Situation B: This is what the guards may say on their own if nothing special
// is going on.
B05_Guard01_B00 = { I though war never changes? It certainly changed here. }
B05_Guard01_B01 = { The robots take everything we can throw at them. }
B05_Guard01_B02 = { Maybe we should retreat? }
B05_Guard01_B03 = { We're still losing patrols. }
B05_Guard01_B04 = { My brother... }
B05_Guard01_B05 = { The storm is finally upon us. }

B05_Guard02_B00 = { Be strong, Brother. }
B05_Guard02_B01 = { No one said this would be easy. }
B05_Guard02_B02 = { This will continue 'till a victor is decided. }
B05_Guard02_B03 = { My soul is prepared. }
B05_Guard02_B04 = { The Brotherhood will not bow to the robots. }
B05_Guard02_B05 = { Faith, Brother. Faith. }



Brotherhood soldiers[]


// Brotherhood Soldiers:
// These soldiers are the guys that wander around the base, sleeping and
// eating.
// They are mostly asleep because if they're in base, they're not on duty. We
// have six varieties of warriors, some male, some female. The text is not
// gender specific.
// Location: Barracks and Other
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A: These are the sounds made by the warriors when they are asleep.
// I'm concerned with the sharing of filenames between sick and sleeping
// Brothers. DL
B05_Brother01_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B05_Brother01_A01 = { Zzzt.. *snork* }
B05_Brother01_A02 = { No.. *mumble* }

B05_Brother02_A00 = { *Burp* }
B05_Brother02_A01 = { Zz.. zzz... }
B05_Brother02_A02 = { *mumble* }

B05_Brother03_A00 = { Zzz.. No Mommy, I don't want to wear a dress...ZzzZ }
B05_Brother03_A01 = { *Fart* }
B05_Brother03_A02 = { Zzz.. *sniff* Zzz.. }

B05_Brother04_A00 = { *sniff* }
B05_Brother04_A01 = { Zzzt.. *belch* }
B05_Brother04_A02 = { Zzz..Mechanical monsters ... *mumble* }

B05_Brother05_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B05_Brother05_A01 = { *scratch* }
B05_Brother05_A02 = { Zzz.. zzt.. }

B05_Brother06_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B05_Brother06_A01 = { Who has my PlayGhoul mag? }
B05_Brother06_A02 = { Zz.. zzz... }

// Situation B: These are what the injured warriors will say while they're in
// the infirmary.
B05_Brother01_B00 = { Didn't see it... }
B05_Brother01_B01 = { Ouch. }
B05_Brother01_B02 = { Those damn tin-cans... }

B05_Brother02_B00 = { Ooh. }
B05_Brother02_B01 = { Shot by a walking toaster. }
B05_Brother02_B02 = { It hurts. }

B05_Brother03_B00 = { My whole squad, gone... }
B05_Brother03_B01 = { Aaahh. }
B05_Brother03_B02 = { My head... }

B05_Brother04_B00 = { Get me back to the field! }
B05_Brother04_B01 = { I can still *gasp* fight! }
B05_Brother04_B02 = { Please... }

B05_Brother05_B00 = { Where's my foot...OH MY GOD, NO! }
B05_Brother05_B01 = { (crying) }
B05_Brother05_B02 = { What am I going to do? }

B05_Brother06_B00 = { Uh. }
B05_Brother06_B01 = { We need more rockets. }
B05_Brother06_B02 = { I need to be in the field! }

// Situation C: These are the random lines spoken by the warriors when they
// are awake. If the player tries to talk to them, they'll say the same things.
B05_Brother01_C00 = { Those robots are unstoppable. }
B05_Brother01_C01 = { *sigh* }
B05_Brother01_C02 = { How can we possibly take them out? }

B05_Brother02_C00 = { We're losing more people every day. }
B05_Brother02_C01 = { They're everywhere. }
B05_Brother02_C02 = { What do the Elders plan to do? }

B05_Brother03_C00 = { They've got armor as thick as your leg. }
B05_Brother03_C01 = { Damn Tickers are indestructible. }
B05_Brother03_C02 = { Our weapons hardly even scratch them. }

B05_Brother04_C00 = { Stiff upper lip, warriors. }
B05_Brother04_C01 = { If they have you scared, then they already won. }
B05_Brother04_C02 = { We can take 'em boys! }

B05_Brother05_C00 = { We can't keep this war up forever. }
B05_Brother05_C01 = { We need more decisive victories! }
B05_Brother05_C02 = { We're stretched too thin. }

B05_Brother06_C00 = { They're damn-near unstoppable. }
B05_Brother06_C01 = { *mumble* }
B05_Brother06_C02 = { They can see us in the dark! }

// From Mission 17, for Stage 05

Caldriss Hemlock[]


// Name: Caldriss "Deadeyes" Hemlock.
// Role: Auditor General of the Brotherhood of Steel.
// Background: Caldriss is a thin, sinewy man in his fifties. He has graying
// hair, and is mostly bald. His eyes are dead-looking, hence the nickname.
// Caldriss was one of the Brotherhood's deadliest assassins before his
// retirement from active duty. A calculating man with an eye for details, he
// has since found a use for his attention to details by working as an auditor
// and collector of dues for the Brotherhood.
// Location: Equipment Room
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: End 22

// Situation A00:
M17_Caldriss_A00 = { Not now, son. I have work to do.}

// Name: General Dekker.
// Role: General of the Brotherhood, replacement Commander to the player.
// Background: General Dekker is brought in as a replacement Commander when
// General Barnaky is forced to engage in combat directly with the enemy.
// Location: Briefing Room
// Appears: 09
// Removed: N/A

name_CORE_Dekker = { General Dekker }

// Situation A00: Floating text
B05_Dekker_A00 = { The Calculator cannot be allowed to win. }
B05_Dekker_A01 = { This is the greatest threat we have ever faced. }
B05_Dekker_A02 = { The Brotherhood WILL prevail! }
B05_Dekker_A03 = { We must be victorious. }
B05_Dekker_A04 = { Our losses are so great ... }
B05_Dekker_A05 = { We are this land's only hope.}




// Name: Recruits Master
// Role: Recruits Master of the Initiates.

// Situation A00: Recruits Master will speak, then open the Recruits window.
B05_Recruits_A00_W = {
Welcome, warrior. I am the Personnel Yeoman for the Brotherhood. If you want to put together a squad, you talk to me. So, what can I do for you?

// Situation B00: Recruits Master will speak, then open the Recruits window.
B05_Recruits_B00 = {
Sure. Take whomever you need.
