Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Make no mistake, warrior, I will not call you "Friend" nor "Comrade." It is a common enemy that brings us together, nothing more.

Rodger Gaire is the military leader of the Reaver Movement in 2197.


Rodger Gaire was a brash, thick-limbed man in his forties. Deeply honorable, he prefers to face the enemy directly in battle, rather than sit around a web of spies and informants. He is quick to anger, yet quick to forgive. As the Reaver General and Joint Chief of Staff, he is in charge of all of the Movement's military affairs, deciding all major military projects. He is a skilled tactician and cunning strategist.

After he was rescued, the Elders decided it would be best to send him to one of many, Brotherhood internment camps. The Elders determined that was an excellent opportunity to pick his brain for any additional information.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in missions.


FO76 ui exploration team
This character appears in the following locations.




Notable quotes[]


Rodger Gaire appears only in Fallout Tactics.

Behind the scenes[]

Gaire has mismatched statistics in both the release and the patched 1.27 version of the game. Although described as a tactician and strategist, he has only fair charisma and intelligence and is more suited towards brawling, than leadership. Furthermore, despite being level 20, he only has three perks, as opposed to six. In 1.27, one of these is Mutate!, but he does not have a corresponding trait.
